Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 171: Uneven road

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What fell in his ears was a faint breath. No, it seems that the sound made by the collapsed balloon when the last point of air is released can really be regarded as breathing.

no respond. Sebass shook his head slightly around and asked again.

"Do you want me to save you?"

Saving the woman is completely different from helping the old lady. Sebass wants to help others within his ability, but saving this woman may cause great trouble.

Still no response.

The man smiled indecently.

This man knows what kind of human **** the woman was in the past, of course he would be so ridiculed. Otherwise, why would she throw her outside, ready to be abandoned.

Real luck does not happen continuously. Because of the frequent occurrence, it is impossible to be called lucky.

That's right, she just reached out and grabbed Sebastian's trousers. If that was called lucky, there wouldn't be a second time.

——For her, fortunately, Sebass stepped into this alley and ended there. Everything after that was due to her active behavior in pursuit of survival.

Those actions-by no means lucky.


That's right. The woman's lips moved only weakly. That is not a natural action of breathing. It is a behavior that makes people feel the will clearly.


Hearing this, Sebass nodded only once.

"I don't want to help people who only pray who will save themselves, like the trees and trees that have fallen into the sky. But... if you are struggling to survive..." Sebastian's hand Move slowly, covering the woman's eyes. "Forget fear, rest. You are under my refuge."

As if snuggling up with a kind and warm touch, the woman closed her cloudy eyes.

It's a man who can't believe it. So he almost blurted out a word he took for granted.

"you're lying--"

I didn't hear anything at all. The man was about to protest, but it froze in place.

"You said... Am I lying?"

I don't know when Sebass has stood up and shot through the man sharply.

Those are evil eyes.

Like the physical pressure of squeezing the heart, the dangerous vision stopped the man's breathing.

"You said I would lie for people like you?"

"Ah, no, ah..."

The man's throat fluctuated sharply, making a grunt and swallowing the drool that had accumulated in his mouth. His eyes moved, probably remembering the horror he had just forgotten.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, people we took away." Ma Yuan kicked the man aside like a rag.

"Wait, wait! No, please wait!"

The man shouted, and Sebasa glanced at him.

"Is there anything else? Do you want to buy time?"

"No, it's not. It's like this. If you take her away, things will get terrible. The same is true for you. It will cause trouble to your upper body! You should have heard eight fingers?"

Ma Yuan froze for a moment, remembering it, his eight fingers seemed to be a criminal organization that secretly controlled the kingdom. Sebastian also remembered the name he had heard while gathering intelligence.

"So what?" Ma Yuan raised her eyebrows.

"So, okay? Please treat me as if you haven't seen anything. If you take her away, I will be deemed to have failed and will be punished."

Seeing the man realizing that he could not win by brute force, Ma Yuan looked at him coldly, and said coldly and disdainfully, "Does your punishment have anything to do with us?"

"Please help me, I will be dead!"

Just kill him here, Sebass thought. When he calculated the pros and cons of killing the man in his mind, the man was still crying.

Sebass originally thought that men might be buying time to wait for helpers, but judging from his attitude, it should not be. But he couldn't think of a reason.

"Why didn't you call for help?"

The man was so surprised that his eyes widened into two points, and he answered him quickly.

In short, if a woman ran away when she called for help, she was telling her companion that she had made an irreparable mistake. Even if he calls his companions, he doesn't think he can beat Sebastian and Ma Yuan. So he tried his best to persuade them, hoping he would change his mind.

That sad and foolproof attitude made Sebaston unable to lift up and lost his intention to kill. But having said that, he did not intend to hand over the woman to the man. In this case--

"...So you can run away?"

"Don't be bothered by the strongman. How can I run away with money."

"I don't think money will be more expensive than life, but... let me pay it."

Sebastian's words brightened the man's face.

Ma Yuan was dumbfounded next to him: "Hey, isn't it, why do you still give him money?"

Sebass is also very helpless, maybe it is safer to kill the man, but if he can escape desperately, he should be able to buy some time. You only need to heal her at this time and take her to a safe place.

Besides, if he was killed here, other people might start searching for her missing.

And I don't know how she fell into this situation, it is difficult to guarantee that her acquaintances will not be troubled.

Thinking of this, Sebass began to wonder why he would walk such a dangerous bridge.

Because he really couldn't understand where the ripples that came from his heart that wanted to save this woman came from. If there are other Nasarik existences, they will probably turn a blind eye to avoid trouble. They should close their hands and leave here directly.

——The road is uneven, so of course we need to draw a knife to help.

"Okay, I understand." Ma Yuan acted as a helpless stall.

"Use this to hire adventurers or whatever, run away desperately."

Sebass took out his leather bag. Suspicious in the man's eyes. Probably think that the money in a small leather bag makes people feel relieved.

In the next moment, the man's eyes were fixed on the coins scattered on the floor of the alley. Seeing that glorious silver. That is trading general platinum coins. Coins with ten times the value of gold coins rolled down the road, a total of ten.

"Run away with all your strength, do you understand? Also, I have a few questions for you. Do you have time to answer?"

"Ah, no problem. I have said to go out in order to deal with... ah, no, that, in order to take her to the temple. It shouldn't matter how much time it takes."

"I see. Then let's go."

Sebastian finished speaking briefly, and as soon as his chin was lifted to signal the man to follow, he picked up the woman and stepped out.

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