Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 172: Suo Luxiang's doubts

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The place where they are currently staying is located in a high-end residential area with good security in Wangdu.

Compared with the surrounding houses, this house is relatively small and should be built on the premise that there are almost two families with the servant family. Only Sebastian lived with Soleus and Ma Yuan, which was too big.

There are naturally reasons for renting such a large mansion, because three people disguised as relatives of wealthy merchants in the distant place, it is impossible to live in a Pengmenxihu house. Only because of this, when they rented a house from the construction union, they had no way or credit to pay the rent several times higher than the market price, and they had to pay in advance once, which became a big expense.

When we arrived at the rented house like this, we walked into the house and someone came out immediately to greet us. This man is wearing a white dress and is a combat maid, Seleucion Epstein, who is directly under the jurisdiction of Sebastian. Others include tenants such as Shadow Demon and Demon Carving, but those are used as guards and will not come out to meet them.

"You come back--"

Sorell's words were stuck halfway, and the head that was about to bow also stopped. A colder sight than usual looked at the object Sebas held in his arms.

"...Master Sebastian, what is that?"

When Ma Yuan looked bad, he took over the words directly: "We met on the road, I can't save my compatriots, can you understand me, right?"

Sebastian gave him a surprised look, but knew that it was not a good time to explain.

Soleus said nothing. However, the atmosphere has become dignified.

"...So. What are you going to do with this thing?"

"Well. Can I ask you to heal her first?"

"Heal?..." Soleus looked at the situation of the woman Sebas held, first understood the situation, shook his head, and then stared at Ma Yuan intently. "Willn't you just put her in the temple?"

"That's right. I'm so confused that I didn't even notice..."

Seeing that Ma Yuan was not shaken at all, Soulixiang's eyes looked at him coldly, and their eyes only staggered for a moment. The first to look away is Soriuxiang.

She turned her eyes to Sebastian again: "Adult..." She knew that since Ma Yuan had brought people back, it must have been agreed by Sebastian too.

Sebass hesitated: "Do you want to take it away now?" The woman was the one he had to bring back, and it was not good for Ma Yuan to take it back. He knew in his heart that Ma Yuan didn't want to be too busy.

"No. Bring it all back. We should think of a good way to make good use of it."

"......I understand"

Sorelline was originally a type lacking expression, and now Sorelline's expression is almost like a Noh mask. And the light of emotion hidden in her eyes cannot be seen even by Sebastian. It was just that he knew very well that Soleus did not welcome the current situation at all.

"Can I ask you to check her health first?"

"I see. Then I will immediately..."

"It's too much..."

For Soleus, a woman is just this kind of existence, but it is always not good to check the body at the gate.

"There are still empty rooms in the room. Can you please come to the room and check?"

Soriuxiang bowed his head silently and agreed.

On the way to move the woman from the door to the guest room, there was no dialogue between the two parties. Although Soleusian and Sebastian are not very talkative, there is indeed a stiff atmosphere between them that cannot be explained by this.

Ma Yuan didn't care to follow them, anyway, he didn't pick them up.

Instead of holding the woman's Sebass in both hands, Soleus opens the door of the guest room. At this time, because the thick curtains were pulled up, the room was very dark, but I didn't feel bored at all. Since the door was opened many times, the air was fresh and the room was spotlessly clean.

Stepping into the room illuminated by the thin moonlight that leaked from the gap between the curtains, Sebass carefully placed the woman on the bed with clean sheets.

He had infused Qi into the woman's body for the minimum treatment, but she remained motionless and looked like a dead body.


Standing on the side, Soroe vanilla rips off the cloth that wraps the woman's body, and the limbs with bruises all appear in front of the two. Although that miserable look made him sad, Sorell's expression remained unchanged, and there was a dark light in his eyes that lacked interest.

"...Soliuxiang, I'll trouble you later."

Sebastian just said this and left the room. Soriuxiang, who started palpating for women, didn't look like she wanted to keep.

Coming to the hallway, he muttered to himself at a tiny volume that would not be heard by Soulei in the room:

"What a stupid act."

Talking to himself immediately disappeared in the corridor, and of course no one answered.

Sebastian touched his beard unconsciously. Why did you save that woman? Sebastian couldn't speak for himself. Is this the so-called poor bird in the arms, the hunter does not kill?

There are some exceptions to the members of Nasariq-forty-one supreme supremacy such as the existence of the set, such as maidservant Pestian S. Wang Ke-everyone believes that it is easy to give up and not belong to Anz. The person of Ur Gong is the correct behavior.

For example, he once received a report from Soriuxiang that a young girl in Kahn village has a good relationship with one of the fighting maids (Pleiades Star Cluster), Lupus Regina. However, Sebastian is very clear that if there is any situation, Lupu Si Regina will immediately abandon the girl, without hesitation.

This is not because of her ruthless temperament.

Once the supreme supremes ordered them to self-discipline, they had to die, even if the other party was their own friend, as long as the supreme supreme ordered to kill the person, they had to start immediately. This is true loyalty. Conversely, people who cannot understand this will be sympathized by fellow citizens.

Judging human-boring feelings is wrong in itself.

So how about yourself-is the action you are taking right now?

Ma Yuan didn't know when to come next to him, and said: "There is no need to think so much. Since you are created according to their ideas, then all your ideas should be reasonable afterwards. You think it's okay. No problem, Anz won’t mind."

"Really..." Sebastian smiled at him. "You have a good relationship with Master Anz."

"That's it." Ma Yuan shrugged and didn't deny it.

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