Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 174: woman

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As an assassin, Soliuxiang has trained several thieves. The reason why Soryu incense can use the "Great Healing" scroll that should not have been used is the mystery.

"First, just in case, let her fall asleep, then..."

Soliuxiang used special skills to blend powerful toxins with sleep effect and muscle relaxation toxins, and then bullied the woman's body.

When Sebastian returned after buying good food, it was almost exactly at the same moment that Soleus also walked out of the room. Soriuxiang carried two barrels of steaming barrels with left and right hands, and threw a few hand towels into it.

Both barrels of hot water were black, and the towels were dirty, showing how unhygienic the woman was before.

"It's hard work. There should be no problems with the treatment...all handled."

"Yes. It's all done, there is no problem. It's just that there is no replacement clothes, so I took a piece for her to wear, I wonder if it is appropriate?"

"Of course, that's enough."

"Is this... the effects of sleep toxins should have subsided...if nothing else tells me, I will retreat."

"You have worked hard, Sorell."

Soluoxiang bowed his head and walked past Sebass.

After watching her back, Sebass knocked on the door. Although there was no response, he felt that someone was moving in the room, so he quietly pushed open the door.

There was a young **** the bed who seemed to have just woken up, faint, and sat up in the upper body.

She was just like two people.

The dry, dirty blond hair now radiates beautiful luster. The thin and sunken face has quickly recovered its plumpness in this short time. The chapped lips also turned into healthy pink lips.

In terms of her overall appearance, it is better to describe it as pretty than a beauty.

The age is also subtlely discernible. Probably between fifteen and nineteen, but the hellish years of the world leave a gloomy age over her face.

The clothes Soriuxiang wore were white pajamas. However, the common frills or lace on the cute pajamas are omitted, which is unpretentious.

"I think you should be completely restored. How do you feel?"

no answer. There was no energy to stare at Sebasi's empty eyes. However, Sebasi did not seem to care, and continued to speak. No, actually he didn't expect the other party to answer from the beginning. Because he saw the woman's blank expression, which belonged to the kind of absent-minded, lost soul.

"Is it hungry? I brought the food."

He bought it from the restaurant with bowls.

The porridge in a wooden bowl is cooked in broth with a little color. There is some sesame oil in it to add flavor and give off a scent that makes your index finger move.

In response to the fragrance, the woman's face moved slightly.

"Come, please use."

Seeing that the woman was not completely hiding in her own world, Sebass handed the bowl with the wooden spoon to the woman.

Although the woman didn't move, Sebass did not force her to eat.

If there is a third person here, I am afraid it is already impatient. After a long time, the woman's arm slowly moved. It was a stiff movement afraid of being beaten. Even though the trauma had been completely healed, the pain branded in the memory remained.

She grabbed the wooden spoon, grabbed a spoonful of porridge, and sent it to her mouth to swallow.

Ten times the porridge is very thick. Sebastian asked the store to cut the ingredients into very fine, slow-cooked 14 kinds of ingredients, which can be swallowed without biting.

The throat moved up and down, and the porridge slipped into the stomach.

The woman's eyes moved only slightly. Although it is really only a small movement, it is a change from a delicate doll to a human. Her other hand shivered and moved, taking the bowl from Sebastian.

Sebass held the bowl by hand and put it in a position where she could eat more easily.

The woman poked the wooden spoon into the bowl in her hand and gulped the porridge into her stomach.

If the porridge doesn't just cool down to the right temperature, she must burn her tongue according to her anxious way of eating. Porridge water overflowed from her mouth and stained her pajamas, but she didn't care. It is better to drink than to eat.

The woman ate the porridge at a rate that was completely incomparable with the previous one, and held her empty bowl to exhale.

She became a human again, her eyes closed slowly and heavily.

Full belly, clean and soft clothes, and scrubbing the body brought a synergistic effect, soothed her spirit, and began to be attacked by Sandman.

However, at the moment her eyes narrowed into a line, she suddenly widened her eyes and shrank in fear.

Are you afraid to close your eyes, or are you afraid that your current situation will disappear. Or is there another reason? Sebastian, who was watching, did not know.

Maybe she didn't even know it.

So in order to reassure her, Sebastian gently said to her:

"It must be that your body needs sleep. Don't force yourself, get a good night's sleep. As long as you stay here, you won't encounter any danger. I assure you. When you wake up, you will still be in this bed. of."

The woman's eyes moved for the first time and saw Sebastian from the front.

Blue eyeballs lack luster and have no power. However, that no longer belongs to the dead, but the eyes of living people.

Her mouth opened lightly-closed. Open again—close again. This was repeated a few times. Sebass looked after her tenderly. Don't do any urging. Just staring at her silently.


Finally her lips parted, and some unheard sounds leaked out. Then he said a word quickly.

"Thank you...Thank you..."

Her first sentence was not to confirm her condition, but to thank first. Sebastian grasped a part of her, Sebastian smiled sincerely differently than usual acting.

"Don't care. Since I have saved you, I will keep your life as safe as possible."

The woman's eyes widened slightly. Then his mouth began to shake.

A pair of blue eyes became moist and tears burst out of their eyes. The woman then opened her mouth wide and cried out uncontrollably.

Soon the cry began to be mixed with curses.

She cursed her own destiny, hated the existence of such a destiny, and resented why no one has helped. The cursed spearhead also pointed at Sebastian.

How good it would be if I could help me early. This is the complaint.

Accepting the goodwill of Sebass – being treated humanely makes her endure a part of the collapse so far. No, perhaps it should be said that she retrieved the human heart, and can no longer bear the painful memories so far.

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