Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 175: comfort

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She tore her hair violently, and her hair was cracked. Numerous gold filaments are wrapped around the fingers. The bowl used to hold the porridge rolls under the bed with the spoon.

Sebastian watched her madly silently.

Her complaints all scolded the wrong people, and she was just looking for the ballast. Some people may feel unpleasant when they hear her complaints. However, Sebastian's expression was not angry, and there was a kind of compassion on his wrinkled face.

Sebass leaned out and hugged her.

That kind of holding is like a father embracing his child, there is no trace of evil thoughts, only infinite tenderness.

Although her body became stiff for an instant, the kind of hugs completely different from the men who have arbitrarily violated her body so far made her frozen body relax a little.

"It's alright."

Sebastian repeated this sentence like a mantra, patting her back gently. It's like calming a crying child.

The woman swallowed a little-then she gradually realized what Sebastian said, and buried her face in Sebastian's chest, crying even more miserably. It's just that kind of crying, which is a little different from the previous one.

After a while, when Sebastian's chest was wet with her tears, she finally stopped crying. She slowly left Sebastian's arms and bowed her head to hide her blushing face.

"Ah... right... starting."

"Please don't worry about it. Lending the chest to women is an honor for men."

Sebastian took out his handkerchief from his arms and handed it to her.

"Please use it."

"But... borrow...this...clean..."

The woman asked timidly, Sebasi reached up and raised her chin, causing her to raise her head. She didn't know what had happened, and when she was afraid to move, the handkerchief gently wiped her eyes—and the remaining tears.

Under what circumstances will the owner wipe away tears for Shatia? He couldn't imagine how Shatia was crying. Although he was suspicious in his heart, he was not idle, and wiped away the tears for the woman completely.


"Come, please use." Sebass put some wet handkerchief into her hand. "No one uses the handkerchief, what a pity. Especially a handkerchief that can't even wipe tears."

Sebastian smiled at her, and then left her.

"Okay, please take a rest. When you get up, let's talk about the future."

Magic is omnipotent. Under the magical treatment of Soriuxiang, her body has been restored and her mental fatigue is completely eliminated. Therefore, it is also necessary to start normal actions immediately. However, she was still in **** just a few hours ago. Mental wounds are likely to open again due to long conversations.

In fact, her spirit is still unstable, so she just cried like that. Magic can temporarily heal mental pain, but the symptoms cannot be cured. The spirit is not like a body, and the invisible wound that is split is incurable.

As far as Sebastian knows, the only person who can fully treat mental injury is his master—or, as far as possible, there is also Pasternie S. Wang Ke.

No, wait.

Sebass suddenly remembered something, spiritually... At first, Shatia was mentally controlled. Was Ma Yuan rescued her?

If even the mental control caused by world-class props can be lifted, shouldn't it be a complete cure for mental damage?

Sebass's thoughts changed sharply, but now he doesn't need to plan too much, just wait for a while.

Sebass wanted the woman to rest, but she hurriedly spoke.

"from now on......?"

Sebastian does not know whether he can continue to talk to her. However, since he was interested in talking, he decided to continue talking while paying careful attention to her situation.

"It's not safe to stay in Wangdu anymore. Are there any relatives and friends who can trust?"

The woman lowered her face.


There's none. Of course he didn't say it.

This is a headache. Sebass didn't say it, and figured it in his heart. However, don't rush to act. The man should not be far away immediately, and it will take some time to find Sebastian. Although these are optimistic predictions, he tells himself not to worry, he hopes so. At least she had to wait until she recovered.

"Then so. Can you tell me your name?"

"Ah... I... Qi Yalei..."

"Qiyalei? By the way, I haven't told you my name yet. My name is Sebastian Qiang. Just call me Sebastian. I am the servant of Miss Soulean, the owner of this mansion, There is also a man named Ma Yuan who is the bodyguard of this mansion."

They are so tricky.

Sau Luyin basically wears white dresses instead of maid outfits to avoid a sudden visitor, but in the future she still has to remind her that Qi Yalei must behave like a house owner when she is at home.

"Suo... Xiang... sister..."

"Yes, Miss Soleus Epslong. But I don't think you will have a chance to meet her."


"Because the lady has a bad temper."

Sebastian closed his mouth, as if the book had done so. After a short period of silence, Sebass spoke again:

"Okay, take a good rest today. About your future, let's talk about it tomorrow."


Confirming that Qi Yalei was lying back on the bed, Sebass took the porridge bowl and left the room.

As soon as the door was opened, as expected, Soriuxiang stood outside. Probably to eavesdrop, but Sebass doesn't blame her. Soleus didn't feel that he would be reprimanded by Sebastian. So she only dissipated her breath and stood there without hiding or hiding. If she really wants to hide, she should be able to lurk better with an assassin profession.

"What's wrong?"

"...Master Sebastian. So what are you going to do with her?"

Sebastian consciousness turned to the door behind. Although the door is made thick enough, there is not enough sound insulation to completely block the sound. Speaking here, you should hear a little bit in it.

Sebass walked away from the door, and Soleus followed behind silently.

When he was sure that Qi Yalei would not be heard, he stopped.

"...You mean Qi Yalei. Anyway, I want to wait until tomorrow to decide what to do."

"first name......"

Soleus didn't go on, but she regained her spirit and said again:

"I may have said it over, but I think that thing is very likely to hinder us. It is best to dispose of it early."

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