Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 176: Ma Yuan's help

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What does the word punishment imply?

Hearing Soruxiang's cold words, Sebass thought: Sure enough. This is the service of Nasariq-forty-one supreme people, and the most correct thoughts about the existence that does not belong to Nasariq. Sebastian's attitude towards Qi Yalei is unusual.

"You are right. If it will interfere with the orders given to us by Lord Anz, we must try to deal with them as soon as possible."

There are some incredible expressions on Soulixiang's face. Meaning: Since you know, why do you want to do this?

"Maybe she will be used for something. Since it was picked up, it is a pity to throw it away in vain. You must find a way to use it effectively."

"...Master Sebastian. I don't know where you are, for what reason I picked it up, but she was injured like that, it means there is such an environment. And do it to her If someone with that kind of thing knows that the human being is still alive, I am afraid he will not be happy?"

"There should be no problem in this regard."

"...Are you saying that you have already dealt with those people?"

"Soriuxiang, you don't have to worry so much." A loose and calm voice sounded from behind. The two were surprised. Ma Yuan didn't know how long it was standing behind them, they didn't even find out, if it wasn't for Ma Yuan's voice...

Soryuxiang suppressed his thoughts. This person was regarded as a friend by the Supreme Sovereign, and naturally he was superior in strength and could not be tolerated by others.

"We did not dispose of those people. If there is a problem, I promise, there will be no trace of it." Ma Yuan stood with his arms on his side and his expression was cold and cold, "You just take this person as my responsibility Okay, it’s nothing to do with Nazarek."

Why doesn't it matter! Soryuxiang put her words in her throat, and what Ma Yuan said was really difficult for her to refute. The scroll used for treatment was given by Ma Yuan, and it was not counted as the use of Nazarek’s property.

But since Ma Yuan joined Nasariq, shouldn't the Supreme Order be the first criterion.

There was some irritability in her heart.

Sebastian also comforted her a few words after seeing this, and then said: "If there will be problems, I will take some measures. So before that, I hope you can watch the changes. Understand, Sorell?"

"......I understand."

Seeing the back of Sebastian's departure, Su-lu-kang irritated a little irritability.

Said by the immediate supervisor, Sebastian, even if there is extreme dissatisfaction in her heart, she can't turn back. Besides, as long as there are no problems, she can really sit back and watch.

Sebass walked to the door of his room and finally couldn't help but turn around: "Mr. Ma Yuan, is there anything else?"

Ma Yuan looked at him quietly for a few seconds and said: "When you were in Qi Yalei's room, your mental fluctuations were pointing to me, so I should ask you what you want to find me?"

Hearing that the shock in Sebastian’s heart wasn’t a little bit, he just thought about it a little bit, but didn’t expect Ma Yuan to feel that his mental strength was so strong, even if it’s supreme. You may realize what you are thinking.

He looked at Ma Yuan with a slightly inquiring face and pressed down the shock. He tentatively asked, "It's just that I just thought about the issue of psychotherapy and thought of the matter of Shatia. Mr. Ma Yuan need not worry. "

"Oh, this is the case." Ma Yuan nodded and dropped another bomb. "Are you trying to get me to help? It's not impossible."

"I don't want to trouble Mr. Ma Yuan, at least not now."

"Oh, can you tell me what you think, about that woman." Ma Yuan actually knew what Sebastian thought was, he took the initiative to speak but wanted a relationship, if Sebastian did not want him Will not force him.

Sebastian sighed: "To tell you the truth, I don't know what I think, the other people of Nazarek will definitely not do the same behavior as me, after all, I am still ashamed of the Supreme Okay."

"You haven't." Ma Yuan directly pointed out the question, "I said, no one is ashamed of you. I only ask how do you plan for that woman?"

"I... intend to place her properly, at least not to let her suffer the previous pains."

"Okay, I know. If you have any requirements, please come to me at any time." Ma Yuan gave him a deep look and left.

Sebass is still thinking hard, but these are not important.

Sebass opens the door. Today, he went to the Adventurer’s Union early in the morning as usual. Before the adventurers accepted the commission, he wrote all the commissions posted in the notes.

The information that Sebass obtained in the king capital, even if it was nothing but street language, he would copy it all on paper and send it to Nazarek. Analyzing intelligence is a very difficult project, which is left to the wise men who stay in Nazarek.

Go through the gate and into the mansion. A few days ago, Soriuxiang came out to greet him. but--

"You... come back...Sebbas...people."

Now this job is handed over to a woman who wears a long skirt maid costume covering her feet and speaks in a whisper.

The day after she picked up Qi Yalei, after discussion, she decided to let her work in this mansion.

She could have been treated as a guest of the mansion, but Qi Yalei refused.

She said that she was rescued by Sebastian and treated as a guest, which is really embarrassing. Although this is not enough to repay gratitude, at least I hope to do something for the mansion.

Sebastian saw the uneasiness in her heart.

In other words, because she understood her unsteady position—a source of trouble for this mansion, she wanted to contribute as much as possible to avoid being abandoned.

Of course, Sebastian told Qi Yalei that she would not abandon her. If he can easily abandon a helpless person, the fight will not save her from the beginning. But he did not have enough persuasion to cure Qi Yalei's heartache.

"I'm back, Qi Yalei. Is everything going smoothly?"

Qi Yalei nodded.

Unlike when she first saw her, her hair was cut neatly and she wore a small white hair accessory on her head.

"no problem."

"That's it. That's good."

Although the atmosphere she exuded was still somber and her expression rarely changed, living a human life seemed to ease the fear of tormenting her body and mind slightly, and her speech became much clearer.

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