Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 177: Accept

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Sebass began to move forward, and Qi Yalei also walked with him.

Originally speaking in terms of the maid's courtesy, it was not the right thing to walk beside the housekeeper Sebass, who is in the top position. However, Qi Yalei had never received the maid's vocational training. She didn't understand the etiquette, and Sebasi had no intention of educating her maid's behavior.

"What is today's meal?"

"Yes. It's made of Ma Ling... made of... thick soup."

"Well. That's really exciting. Qi Yalei's dishes are delicious."

Sebastian said with a smile, Qi Yalei lowered her head with a blush. She grasped the apron part of the maid costume with two hands in shame.

"You, you... the prize..."

"No, no. I mean it. I don't know much about cooking. You really helped me a lot. So are the ingredients enough? Is there something missing or what I want to buy, although it doesn't matter."

"Yes. I...look you."

Qi Yalei can move normally in the mansion and in front of Sebas, but she still has resistance to the outside world. Since there is no way for her to do the work that needs to go out, so purchasing ingredients and so on are all Sebass is doing.

Qi Yalei's cuisine is not a luxury meal. It's just plain home-cooked food.

Therefore, you don't need to use high-priced ingredients to make these dishes. Sebastian can also gain knowledge of the world's diet by knowing various ingredients in the market.

Sebastian suddenly got a chance.

"...Let's buy it later."

A shocked expression appeared on Qi Yalei's face. Then shook his head timidly. Her face turned pale for a moment, and she began to sweat.

"No, no..."

Sebass thought "sure enough" but did not show it.

Since Qi Yalei started working, she said she would not do anything that requires going out.

Qi Yalei regarded this mansion as an absolute barrier to protect herself, thereby suppressing her inner fear. In other words, she drew a line and told herself that the world and the outside world-the world that hurt her-are two different worlds before she can act normally.

However, this way Qi Yalei can never leave the house. And Sebas could not keep her for life.

It took only a few days for her to walk into the crowd. Considering Qi Yalei's mental state, Sebasi knew that it was cruel. She should spend more time slowly getting her used to safety. But it takes time to do that.

Sebass does not intend to live here, nor does he intend to spend a lifetime here. He was just a foreigner, and he would sneak into the city in order to gather intelligence. As long as the master gives an order to retreat--

In order to prepare for the arrival of that moment, he must train Qi Yalei as much as possible to give her more possibilities.

Sebastian no longer walked forward, staring at Qi Yalei from the front. Qi Yalei seemed ashamed, lowering her head with a blushing face, but Sebass held her cheek with both hands and lifted her face up.

"Qiyalei. I can understand your fears. But rest assured. I will protect you from Sebastian. No matter what kind of dangers approach you, I will break them one by one to protect you from harm. "


"Qiyalei, please take a step. If you are afraid, you can close your eyes."


Qi Yalei was still hesitating, and Sebass took her hand. Then he said something mean.

"Will you believe me, Qi Yalei?"

Silence enveloped the corridor, and time passed slowly. Finally, Qi Yalei moistened her eyes slightly, and gently lifted her lips that turned red. Bai Ruozhu's front teeth came out.

"...Adult Sebastian is too raped... You... said, how can I say no...?"

"Please don't worry. Don't look at me like this, I'm very strong... let's say that. There are only forty-one people stronger than me... there are a few."

"This... is it too much...?"

At this number, Qi Yalei thought Sebastian was joking to comfort herself and smiled slightly. Seeing her smile, Sebastian only smiled but did not answer.

Sebass took another step. He knew that Qi Yalei frequently peeked at his profile, but he didn't say it.

Sebastian knew that Qi Yalei had subtle feelings for herself that would not be called a touch of love. It is just that Sebass thinks that her feelings are a thank you for saving herself from hell, and she is more inclined to a brainwashing, which is also similar to relying on a reliable character.

Besides, Sebastian is an old man, Qi Yalei may also confuse family-like affection with love between men and women.

Even if Qi Yalei really loves Sebastian, he doesn't think he can respond to her love. There are so many things to hide from her, and the positions are quite different.

"Then I will talk to the lady about a few things and pick you up."


Qi Yalei's expression became a little gloomy. Sebastian knew the reason, but said nothing.

Soliuxiang hadn't met Qi Yalei, even if she met her, she glanced at her, and walked away without saying anything. Anyone who feels so disregarded will feel uneasy. From Qi Yalei's standpoint, I must be very scared.

"It's okay. The lady has always been like that to anyone. It's not just for you... secretly telling you that the lady's personality is a bit awkward..."

With a smile on his face, Sebass finished with a half-joking tone, and the uneasiness that appeared on Qi Yalei's face eased a little.

"She will get angry when she sees cute girls."

" could it be. I'm better than...Miss..."

Qi Yalei anxiously waved her denial.

Qi Yalei is indeed pretty, but still can not compare with Soulei. However, the judgment of beauty and ugliness will vary from individual to individual.

"In terms of external appearance, I prefer Qi Yalei to the young lady."

"Why! How..."

Qi Yalei lowered her head flushed, and Sebasi looked at her kindly, but she frowned as she saw the expression on her face change.


Seeing Qi Yalei's expression suddenly became gloomy, Sebastian sighed in his heart. Then he looked at her and said to her: "The gem is right. The scarless one is more valuable and considered to be more pure." Hearing this, Qi Yalei's expression dimmed.

"But-humans are not gems."

Qi Yalei suddenly looked up.

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