Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 178: Reason to stay

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"Qiyalei, you seem to want to say that you are dirty, but where should you judge the purity and filth of human beings? There is a clear standard for gemstones. But the purity of human beings-where is its standard? The average value? ? The public opinion? Then the few other opinions are meaningless?" After a pause, Sebass continued: "Like everyone has different views on beautiful things, if human purity is not in Externally, I don’t think we can judge from human experience, but internally. I don’t know all of your past, but after spending a few days with you, I feel your internal, I don’t think you are dirty at all."

Sebastian closed his mouth, and the corridor turned into a world where only footsteps sounded. Among them, Qi Yalei seemed to make up her mind and said:

"...If... say I'm clean... then hug me..."

Before Qi Yalei could finish talking, Sebass had embraced her.

"I think you are beautiful."

Sebastian said softly that tears overflowed silently from Qi Yalei's eyes. Sebassian patted Qi Yalei's back kindly, then slowly let go.

"Qiyalei, I'm sorry. The lady called me over."

"I, I know..."

Leaving Chia Lei saluting lonely with red eyes, Sebasi knocked on the door. Then open the door without waiting for an answer. As he slowly closed the door, Sebass smiled at Chiale who had been peeking at her.

Since this mansion is rented, although there are many rooms, there are few furniture in the room. However, this room is packed with magnificent furniture, even if the guests are invited, they are not afraid of losing face. Just let the people who know the goods look, no piece of furniture is the bones of the years, the whole room is just vain and no content.

"Miss, I am back."

"...Hard work, Sebastian."

The hypocritical owner of the mansion, Souliu, with a boring expression on his face, sat on the couch in the middle of the room. In fact, the expression is just acting. Because of the outsider Qi Yalei in the mansion, she had to wear the foolish mask of Miss Proud.

Soleusine's eyes left Sebastian and moved to the door.

"...She is gone."

"It seems so."

The two observed each other's expressions, and Soriuxiang spoke as usual.

"When will you drive her away?"

Hearing the old sayings that Soleus spoke every time he met, Sebass replied the same.

"Wait time."

If it is usual, the topic ends here. Sau Liuxiang will sigh deliberately, and the topic will stop here. Today, however, Sorelline seems to have no intention of stopping here, and continues to say:

"...Can you please point out clearly, when is the "time" you said? Will it be troublesome to hide that human being? No one can say for sure. This is not a violation of Lord Anz. Will it?"

"No problems have happened yet... I'm afraid of the problems caused by human beings, and I'm nervous, not like the attitude that Lord Anz's servant should have."

Sebastian sighed in silence.

The situation is very bad.

There was no emotion on Souluxiang's face, but Sebastian felt that she had full of grievances against Sebastian. Although this mansion was only a temporary stronghold, Sorellion regarded it as the field office of the Nazarek underground grave. Human beings stayed here without the permission of the owner, which made her very unhappy.

Due to the strong restraint of Sebastian, Soroxiang has not yet harmed Qi Yalei, but in this way, I am afraid that it will not last long.

Time is running out. Sebass strongly felt this. He was entangled in whether to ask Ma Yuan.

"... Lord Sebastian. Once that human endangered the orders given by Lord Anz--"

"--Just dispose of it."

Sebastian refused to let her speak, but said decisively. Soleus closed her mouth, staring at Sebass with invisible eyes, then bowed her head to understand.

"Then I won't say anything more. Lord Sebastian. Please don't forget what you said just now."

"Of course, Sorule."

"....But." The strong emotions implied in Sorell's whisper were enough to stop Sebass. "...However, Lord Sebass. Don't you report the matter of Qi Yalei to Lord Anz?"

Sebastian was silent, and answered after a few seconds: "I think it's okay. I'm embarrassed to take the time of Lord Anz for that kind of insignificant human being."

"............Antema, they should contact you with the "message" magic at a fixed time every day. Wouldn't it be nice to mention it by the way when contacting?......... Are you intentionally hiding?"

"How come, I don't have that kind of idea. I don't have that kind of thing for Master Anz-"

" didn't do it for your own benefit...right?"

There was a tense atmosphere between the two.

Sebastian knew that Soleus wanted to investigate, and felt the danger of his position.

Everyone who exists in Nazarek must dedicate absolute loyalty to "Anz Oul Kung"-the Supreme Supreme of you. It can be asserted that the guardian is the head, and no one thinks otherwise. Even Acreia, the butler assistant who planned to occupy the underground tomb of Nasariq, embraced the forty-one supreme supremes with no hypocrisy of loyalty and awe.

Sebastian is certainly one of them.

But even so, he felt that it was wrong to just die of the poor existence just because he was afraid of danger. But he also understands that most people affiliated with Nasarik will not agree with this idea.

No, he just thought he knew. A few seconds ago, Soriuxiang's attitude clearly told him how naive he was.

Sorell is serious. According to Sebastian's answer, she really intends to face the steward who is the top management of Nasariq's internal management, and is one of the strongest fighting forces in close combat. He never imagined that Sorell would do this to get rid of the problem.

-Sebastian smiled.

Seeing that smile, Souliu's eyes were mixed with surprise.

"Of course. The reason I didn't report to Master Anz was not for the benefit of myself."

"Can you ask for evidence?"

"I really appreciate the woman's cooking skills."

"You said... cooking?"

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