Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 179: Bad intentions

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It seemed that a question mark appeared on Soriuxiang's head.

"Yes. Besides, three people live in such a large mansion, won't it attract a little doubt?"


This point Soriuxiang also had to agree. Because the mansion is so big and so generous in shots, but there are not half of them at home, it is very strange to think.

"I think there must be at least a few people. Besides, if someone comes as a guest, we can't even serve a dish, isn't it bad?"

"...That is to say, did you use that human as a disguise?"


"But why must we use that human..."

"I am kind to Qi Yalei. I think even if she is suspicious, she will never advertise it. Isn't it?"

Sorellian thought for a moment, then nodded. "indeed."

"That's the case. It's just a disguise job, and there is no need to specifically ask for permission from Lord Anz. Adults will instead scold us for'this little thing thinks for yourself'."

Sebastian calmly explained the Soleus in silence.

"Can you accept this?"

"I understand."

"So, for now it's like this—"

Halfway through, Sebastian stopped. Because there is some sound of two hard objects colliding into the ear.

The voice was very small, and it should not have been noticed if it was not Sebastian.

The irregularly repeated sound could not be wrong, it was definitely someone who made it intentionally.

Sebass opened the door of the room and focused his nerves on the corridor.

He found that Ma Yuan was already standing at the door, and when they saw the two of them coming out, they just made a helpless gesture, pointing their fingers at the door: "Someone is knocking on the door."

Soleus and Sebass were stunned. Since coming to the capital, no one has knocked on the door of this mansion. When they were buying and selling, they all went in person and never asked anyone to come to the mansion. That's because there are only three people living in such a big house.

Today, such a mansion suddenly came to visit. It's enough to imagine that there is trouble coming home.

"Let's go check it out." Ma Yuan coughed. "You can go to the advanced room. After all, I'm human and it's easy to deal with."

Soleus smelled right, so he took Sebass together and entered the room.

Ma Yuan walked towards the door and lifted the lid of the peephole on the door.

Looking out the window, you can see a blessed man and Kingdom soldiers standing on his left and right.

The well-dressed men's clothing is fairly neat, and they are dressed in fine tailored clothes. A heavy badge reflecting the brilliance of copper hung on his chest. The ruddy face is also piled with fat, perhaps eating too well, showing a greasy luster.

And at the end of the group-there is a weird man.

Baili's translucent skin never seemed to have been exposed to the sun. The eyes are sharp, and the thin cheeks look like a raptor-and they are the kind that eats the carrion of the dead. The black coat on his body was loose and loose, and he must have hidden his weapon in it.

Ma Yuan felt uncomfortable because of the **** smell and resentment from the man.

"...Which one is it?"

"I am Inspector Stafan Black Sergeant."

The obese man who stood in front of him reported his name with a sharp squeal.

The Ombudsman is a public officer who defends the security of Wangdu, and can also be said to be the boss of the guardian patrolling the city, with a wide range of powers. So they couldn't think of why the man named Stafan came, and were very confused.

Stafan ignored the reaction of Sebastian and continued:

"I think you should know that there are laws in the kingdom that prohibit the slave trade... This is a law proposed by Princess Lana's pioneers. It was established after review. I was informed that the residents of this mansion violated This law. So check it out clearly."

Finally, Stafan said, "Can you let me in?" and finished the whole paragraph.

Ma Yuan was hesitant. He thought of many excuses for refusal, but if they were driven away, it might cause more trouble.

No one can guarantee that Stafan is really a public official. Public officials in the Kingdom will wear the kind of badge that Stafan wears, but it cannot prove that he is a genuine public official. Maybe—although the punishment is heavy—it may have been forged by him.

So, a little trouble. Ma Yuan sighed, and it is best that their identity is forged, otherwise the magic of eliminating memory is really troublesome to use.

The silence caused by Ma Yuan's thoughts, not knowing what to make Stafan think, he spoke again:

"First of all, please take the liberty, can you let me see the owner of the mansion? Of course, if the owner is not there, there is no way, but we specially investigated and let us go back empty-handed, I am afraid there will be no good results."

Stafan smiled apologetically. There is a threat of abuse of power under the smile.

"Before that, I would like to ask, what is the man behind?"

"Huh? His name is Sandhill. It's the shop representative who reported the incident to us this time."

"My name is Sandhillund. Thank you."

The man's sneer was like a cruel hunter mocking his prey into a trap. Presumably that person had done a good job with all parties before he dared to run around. In this way, Stafan is also likely to be a legitimate public official. And if they refuse, they will be prepared. In this case, you should try to find out what medicine is sold in your opponent's gourd.

"...I see. I'll inform the lady. Please wait a few here."

"Okay, we will wait, we will wait."

"However, please do it as soon as possible. We are not doing nothing idle."

Dune Lonte laughed, and Stafan shrugged.

"Understood. So lost in companionship."

Ma Yuan returned to the room to explain the situation to Sebass. Sebass pondered for a while: "You must hide Qi Yalei first."

"It's no problem, I won't find them in them." Ma Yuan smiled with a smile, "I'm afraid they have no purpose."

The soldiers brought in were waiting outside the door, and the two people who were led into the room-Stafan and Sandhillund, all looked surprised when they saw Su Liuxiang.

That complexion shows that they didn't expect to see such a beauty. Stafan's expression gradually squinted, his eyes wandering back and forth between his face and his chest. He had a sensual desire that seemed almost sensual, and he swallowed several times. On the other hand, Dunhill's expression was just the opposite, gradually tightening up, not slacking off.

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