Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 180: Cross the sky

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It is self-evident which one is the object of vigilance. Sebass invites the two to sit down on the sofa opposite Sorule.

Sorell, who has been sitting for a long time, has signed up for each other with the seated Stafan and Sandhill.

"So, what's the matter?"

Regarding Soriuxiang's question, Stafan coughed up pretendingly and said:

"A store informed us that someone had taken away their employees. It was also heard that the person paid a large sum of money to another employee at that time. Our country's laws prohibit the sale of slaves... . This sounds like it violates this regulation?"

Compared with Stafan's gradual excitement, his tone became harder and harder.

"is it?"

This tone made the two almost turn their eyes away. The two men were clearly threatening her, but she didn't expect her to show such an attitude.

"I'll hand over all the troubles to Sebastian. Sebastian, I'll leave it to you later."

"This, is this okay? If you don't do it properly, you might become a criminal."

"Oh, it's terrible. Then Sebastian, wait for me to become a criminal, and let me know."

"Then I wish you all the best." Soulixiang showed a smile and stood up. No one can stop her from leaving the room. The power of the beauty's smile is confirmed at this instant.

Before the door closed with a snap, the soldiers outside seemed to be taken aback by the beauty of Sorule, and a shocked cry came.

"--Then I will replace the young lady, and listen to what the two say."

Sebastian smiled and sat down in front of the two. Seeing his smile, Stafan seemed to flinch a little. But Sandhill Lund spoke for him, helping him hold the scene.

"Alright. Then tell Mr. Sebastian. As the Lord Blackguard said at the gate, we... the staff in the store disappeared. We pressed a man and he turned out to be I said I collected the money and handed over the people. Did I find that this is not the slave trade prohibited by the laws of the kingdom? I don’t want to believe that the employees in my store would do this kind of thing, but because of frustration, I can only report the case. Now."

"It's not wrong at all. The dirty criminal behavior of slave trading is absolutely not allowed!" The table was slapped hard. "Because of this, the younger brother of Sandhill Lund would rather let his store bear the notoriety and report it, which is really a model for the public!"

For Stafan who was flying, Shaqironte bowed his head to express his gratitude.

"Thank you for your praise, Master Black Member."

What is this farce? Sebass thought so and thought at the same time. The two in front of them are definitely a gang. Since they do not need to doubt so, they must have prepared everything before they dare to go straight to Huanglong. In this way, their defeat is beyond doubt. However, what can be done to minimize the damage?

"I think the man who claimed to have received money may have made a false testimony. Where is the man now?"

"He was arrested on suspicion of slave trade and entered the detention facility. And we asked him, the result of a detailed investigation was -"

"I'm afraid it's you who knows who bought our employees, Mr. Sebass."

The man was arrested, probably speaking out in full. When questioned, they may be forced to give testimony in their favor.

Sebass was hesitant to pretend to be stupid, lie, or justifiably refute.

What if she is not in the mansion? Say she's dead?

He thought of countless words, but he was unlikely to be confused, and the other party would not easily stop. Compared to this, you should first ask what you must know.

"But how did the two find me? What is the evidence?"

Sebass does not understand this. He did not leave anything that could show his name or identity, and he should be unable to find any evidence. But the two found here, how did they find out? He was very careful when he went out, and he was careful not to be followed. I don't think anyone in this city can follow him without being noticed.

"It's a scroll."

A flash of light passed through Sebass's mind.

——Scrolls purchased at the Wizards’ Union.

The scroll is indeed exquisite in workmanship, not a normal scroll. Anyone who recognizes such a scroll should be able to tell that his scroll was bought at the Wizards’ Union. After that, as long as you diligently ask questions everywhere, you should be able to find some clues. Especially when the housekeeper dressed up holding the scroll, it was naturally quite conspicuous.

However, this does not prove that Qi Yalei is here. He can also insist that someone just happens to look like himself.

However, if they say they want to search for a mansion, it will be troublesome. Yes, they will find that such a large mansion, including Qi Yalei, actually only has four people.

This part can only be frank.

Just when Sebass decided to listen to the fate of the truth, Ma Yuanyuan inserted into the spotlessly, and did not put those two people in the eye.

"Since you are so sure that we took your employees away, you can find her."

"Oh? Your Excellency means agreeing to our search of the mansion?"

"Agree, but what if you don't find someone?"

"This..." The two looked at each other, and they were both quite certain that the woman was definitely here, so they provoked a treacherous smile, "Then apologize to you for paying courtesy."

Sebass was shocked, even if Qi Yalei was not exposed, other problems would be discovered. Ma Yuan quietly made a lip to him, meaning to believe him.

Sebass settled down and agreed to Ma Yuan's plan on behalf of Sorell.

Staffan walked into every room with a big swing, even the bottom of the bed of Soliuxiang's bedroom, but only people with clear eyes could see that his attention was more focused on the personal belongings of Soliuxiang, I don't know what is emerging in my heart What a dirty scene.

The two of them turned around each room very carefully, and their expressions were a bit wrong. They vigorously asked and asked, "Your Excellency, don't mind that we are here to send someone to guard." The woman must have just gone out, as long as they were Stay here, you can wait.

"Sorry, please go out if you can't find it." Ma Yuan made a gesture of invitation. His expression was like Mu Chunfeng, but the look in the eyes of the two people meant-if you don't go out, the end will be very serious.

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