Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 182: Talent and effort

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Clem walked on Wangdu Avenue. Clem, who is not so striking in appearance, is fully integrated into the crowd.

Of course, the most prominent white body armor was not worn. Although the color of the armor can be changed by using special alchemy props, he didn't want to wear that kind of thing. Besides, just walking on the street, there is no need to wear a full body armor to arm yourself.

Therefore, he wore light clothing, hiding the chain shirt under his clothes. At most, only the long sword hung on the waist emphasized the difference from the ordinary citizens.

This level of equipment is almost the same as the people you can see on the road, such as touring soldiers-guards-or mercenaries. It will only be somewhat avoided, and it has not been heavily equipped to allow the crowd to automatically open the way.

If there are people wearing heavy equipment, it should be an adventurer. They are not so much out of necessity, but rather they are worn for attention.

For adventurers, it’s not strange to be eye-catching. Because it can bring them a propaganda effect. Some of them even wore special styles that made others impressed, and made a name for themselves. In other words, peculiar dressing is like a registered trademark of an adventurer.

However, the rank is so high that a group like Crimson who is going to meet with Clem now has no such need at all. Because in their realm, just walking on the road will cause a topic.

Soon, I saw a hotel with adventurers on the side of the avenue. There are accommodation facilities and stables, and a wide courtyard enough for sword practice. The beautiful appearance is not difficult to imagine that the interior decoration must be equally gorgeous, and the windows of the rooms are inlaid with clear and transparent glass.

The most high-end hotel in this capital is a gathering place for adventurers who are confident in their skills and can afford high accommodation costs.

Ignoring the guards standing around, Clem opened the door of the hotel.

The spacious hotel and restaurant that used the entire first floor space, the number of adventurers is very small in terms of its spaciousness. This shows how rare high-end adventurers exist.

The clamor in the shop only subsided for a moment, and curious eyes swarmed. Clem didn't mind, looking around the store.

The store is full of tough and strong adventurers. Everyone here can easily knock down Clem. Every time he visits this kind of place, he always feels his insignificance.

Clemtron resisted wanting to fall into a depression, and his eyes stayed at a point in the store.

In front of Clem's line of sight-the innermost position in the store. There was a round table, and he stared at the two people sitting at the table.

One of them was short and covered his whole body with a black robe dripping.

Face is invisible. Not because of lack of light, but a weird mask with scarlet rubbing on his forehead, completely covering the face. Only a thin slit in the part of the eye, even the color of the pupil under the slit cannot be recognized.

There is one more person.

The character was a small man just now, but this one is an unmatched big man, and the word "boulder" appears in his mind. The whole body is strong in a certain sense. This does not mean that the man was covered with fat.

The thick arms are reminiscent of logs. The neck used to support the head is about the diameter of a woman's thighs. The head on this neck is square. The lower jaw, which was clenched for perfusion, developed laterally, and the pupils peeping into the surroundings looked like fleshy beasts. The blonde hair is short shaved, and it only focuses on practicality.

The chest covered by the clothes swelled forward deliberately. Immediately you can imagine the chest muscles that have been thoroughly forged. To put it plainly, it is no longer the **** of women.

A steel squad of adventurers composed of only women-Cang Qianwei.

They are two of them. The magic system is the magic chanter-Eveliar, and the warrior-Gagelan.

Clem walked towards them. The person he was looking for nodded and opened his magnetic voice:

"Well, virgin!"

The slowly turning eyes focused on Clem again, but no one teased. Instead, it seemed to immediately lose interest and turned away with a little sympathy.

All other adventurers around will have such a flat reaction, because they know that as long as they dare to have a little disrespect for the guests of Gegland, even the mountain bronze or Mithril-level adventurers are not called brave, but self-control. .

Even though Clem was humiliated, he continued to walk lightly.

Regardless of how many deliveries he said, Geelang refused to change his name for Clem. In this case, the most effective way is to give up and pretend not to care.

"After a long absence, Master Gehran-Madam. And Lord Eveluere."

He came to them and bowed.

"Oh, I haven't seen you for a long time. Why, are you here to get Lao Tzu?"

Gagelan asked him to sit down with his chin, but a beastly beast smiled on the square face and asked Clem, who shook his head expressionlessly.

It was a way to say hello to Geelan every time he came to this set. However, she was not kidding. If Clem dared to jokingly say "yes", Gehran would have taken him to the single room on the second floor immediately. With her unmatched strength, Clem had no room for resistance.

It's such a No. 1 character who claimed to be a big-mouthed claiming that he loves to eat virgins.

Faced with this attitude, Ge Weier only faced the front, his face was still. The eyes under the mask may be directed at Clem, but he is not sure.

"No, it's not. It was Lord Einjo who called me."

"Huh? Did the leader call you?"

"Yes. I sent a message. "It may be urgent. The details will come back." However, the adults hope that the two will be ready to fight at any time."

"Received. Oh, just for this little thing, it's really hard for you."

A rough smile appeared on Gagelan's face, and Clem remembered to tell her something.

"Today, I was fortunate to have Master Storonov guide me to practice the sword. At the time, you taught me a blow—a blow launched from the upper section, which won Master Storonov's approval."

That blow was taught by Gagelan in the backyard of the hotel. Ge Ge Leng smiled like he was praised.

"Oh, you said that trick! Hum, it's quite a set. But ah..."

"Yes, I will not be satisfied with this. I will continue to forge the chain and strive for excellence."

"It's time to continue to forge the chain. But you should almost imagine the situation when this trick was cracked and practice a move that can be issued one after another."

Should it be a coincidence, or is this common sense for first-class fighters? Gegran's suggestion was very similar to what Gedev said. Clem was surprised by the coincidence of the two speeches, and Geelang seemed to have misunderstood his reaction. "Of course, the trick I taught you must be cut, it must be used as a one-hit kill, otherwise it will be meaningless. Alright," she said with a smile.

"Actually, you should choose the moves that suit each scene from the ever-changing sword skills. But, you can't do this." Gegran's words meant that Clem had no talent. . "So you have to develop an attack pattern of at least three consecutive hits. These three combos must allow the opponent to stop even if they block it."

Clem nodded.

"While fighting monsters, sometimes you will encounter several monsters with deformed arms, it won't work. But it should be useful when dealing with humans. Although the attack mode is such a thing, once the opponent remembers it, it is finished, but for the first time. The person is quite effective. You have to develop a move that can continue to attack without giving the opponent room to breathe, you know?"

"I know."

Clem focused on his head.

This morning, he only scored in Ge Gefu's arms that time. The others were immediately seen through and blindly hit back.

So, did you lose confidence? no.

Do you feel hopeless like this? no.

exactly the opposite.

His feelings are completely opposite.

A common man can approach the kingdom that way-no, it is the strongest warrior in the neighboring countries. Clem knew that he didn't show his true ability. However, for Clem, who walked the dark road and saw no light at all, it has become a great encouragement.

As if telling yourself: your efforts are not completely in vain.

Thinking of this, I can fully comprehend what Granger wanted to say.

He is not confident that he can develop a beautiful continuous attack, but he still has the will to challenge, and there is a fierce will in his heart. I must get stronger power, but fortunately, the next time I play against the Warrior Chief, I can let him show more real skills.

"By the way, have you ever asked Evel for something, right? Remember it seems to be a spiritual practice?"


Clem glanced at Evel slightly. At that time she just laughed from under the mask, and the matter fell through. If you mention the same thing without change, you will only get the same result.



There was a voice that was not clear.

Aside from wearing a mask, the voice was still incredible. The mask she was wearing was not so thick, and she should be able to distinguish a certain level of sound quality. However, the nature of age and feelings cannot be heard from Evel's voice. At best it can only barely be judged as a woman. It looks as if it is old, and it seems young. It sounds like a flat voice without emotion.

It should be because the mask worn by Evel is a magic prop. But why did she hide her voice so much?

"You have no talents. Work in other directions."

As if there was nothing else to say otherwise, there was no room for people to talk back.

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