Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 183: Mantra

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Clem knew this very well.

Clem has no magic talent. No, not just magical talents.

No matter how he practiced his sword, he blew his skin to bleed and bleed, and his hands were hardened by the blisters, and he failed to reach the field he hoped for. For talented people, the low wall that can be easily crossed is a cliff that Clem can't climb.

However, the effort to cross the cliff cannot be abandoned. Because since I have no talents, I can only believe that hard work can bring a little progress.

"You seem unconvinced."

Seeing the feelings under Clem's flat iron mask, Evel then continued:

"Naturally talented people have talents from the beginning... Some people say that talents are the buds before flowering, everyone has... Hum. Let me say that, it is just a wish. Weak people are used to comfort their good listeners. The same is true of the leaders of the past 13 heroes."

The leader of thirteen heroes. Legend has it that he was just a mortal at first. Weak and weaker than anyone, but he continued to wield his sword even though he was injured and bleeding, and eventually became a stronger hero than anyone. A strong man who can grow infinitely.

"That guy is just talented but not blooming. This is different from you. Because you have worked hard, but still only this skill...Yes. Talent is not for everyone, and the difference is not obvious Yes. Some people are, and no people are not. So... I won’t ask you to give up, but you should still know your weight."

Evil's harsh words brought a moment of silence. And it was Ivel who broke the silence.

"Geoff Storonov... that guy is a good example. He is called a talented human being. Clem... between you and that person Is it possible to make up for the gap?"

He was speechless. Today's training just made him realize that he really can't reach that level.

"Okay, maybe it’s not good to take him as an example... But for someone who can compete with his sword skills, I only want to get the thirteen heroes of the past. Like the Gegrain next to him, although he has great skills, but Not as good as Ge Gefu."

"...Don't compare him with Lao Tzu. Uncle Ge Jeff but stepped into the realm of heroes?"

"Huh. You are also a woman who is called a hero in the world...but gender has a question mark."

Yi Weier murmured for a moment, Ge Ge Lan answered with a smile:

"Hello, Evel. Sorry. Doesn't the so-called hero mean beyond the realm of humans-monsters with extraordinary talents?"

"I do not deny."

"So, Lao Tzu is still an individual. It's an ordinary person who can't step into the realm of heroes."

"Even so, you still have talent. Unlike Clem, who has no talent. Clem, what you should do is not just reach out to the stars and chase."

Clem had no talents, he couldn't know better. However, it has always been said that you have no talents, and you have no talents, it really makes him very depressed. Having said that, Clem does not intend to change his current outlook on life.

——I am a princess. For this purpose-

Maybe it feels something like a martyr from Clem. Evel grieved behind the mask.

"I said so much, you still don't want to stop, right."


"It's stupid. It's stupid." She shook her head hard and said she couldn't understand. "Going forward with unrealizable wishes and destroying yourself, you know? I repeat, you have to understand your own weight."

"I know."

"Understand, but don't plan to learn well. It's not stupid enough to describe you as a man. You are the type that will die early... You die, someone will cry for you, won't you?"

"What, Evil mourns. It turns out that you are worried about Clem, so you bullied him."

Hearing Gehran say this, Evel mourned suddenly. Then she turned to Gogeland, stretched out her gloved hands to grab her front, and shouted:

"You muscular woman with no brain, can you say less?"

"But I'm right, right?"

Gagelan asked her to hold her front, and said nonchalantly, Evel grieved for a moment, but she had no words to return. Then she sank into the chair and turned her head to Clem to change the subject.

"Let's learn the knowledge of magic first. With the increase of knowledge, you can understand what the enemies who use magic have to do. In this way, you can act more correctly."

"Will it be too difficult for a strong person to learn thousands of magical knowledge?"

"That's not the case. The magic chanters focus on not using much magic. Just learn from the ones that are commonly used."

If you can’t even do this kind of thing, give up. Evel whispered coldly.

"Besides, as long as you learn the third order at most, I think basically no problem."

"I said, I'll mourn. We all know that the magic is up to the tenth rank, but no one is using that high level of magic. But there is information about this kind of magic. Why is this?"


Evil mourned the way a teacher taught the students and made some moves under his robe. Clem immediately felt that the sound around him seemed to drift away. It's a bit difficult to describe, it should be said that there is a film around the table.

"Don't panic. I just launched a boring prop."

Clem didn't know the act of launching props, indicating how much he was wary of the surrounding ears. He only knows that Evel is planning to answer Gehran's question with a serious attitude, and to the point where he must be so alert, he has also sat upright.

"One of the myths of the past, which is considered to be just a story, mentions the existence of the King of Eight Desires. They are also known as the people who have won the Divine Power, and it is said that they have dominated the world with absolute power. ."

Clem also heard the story of the Eight Desire Kings. Although it is not popular as a fairy tale, anyone with a little knowledge knows this story.

In short, the content of the story is that five hundred years ago, the existence of the King of Eight Desire appeared. Some people say that their height is up to Jiuxiao, and some people say that they look like dragons. These eight desire kings destroy the nations in an instant, relying on the power of mountains and seas to dominate the world. However, they have a deep desire to fight for what they have, and they all die together.

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