Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 184: Horrible guess

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It is a matter of course that this story is not popular, but whether it is really a fairy tale, opinions vary. Clem himself thinks this is an exaggerated story. However, there are also a few people in the adventurers who think that the Eight Desire Kings actually exist-the power is also stronger than any modern existence.

They are based on a city rumored to be located in a desert in the far south. It is said that it was the capital established by King Bayu when he ruled the mainland.

When Clem was immersed in his thoughts, Evelé continued to say:

"It is said that the Eight Desire Kings have countless powerful props, and the strongest among them is the "Inscription Mantra"... People call this magic book this way. This is the answer to everything."

"Ah? That means all the high-level magic is recorded in that book?"

"Yes. In the legendary magic prop books left over from the legendary Eight Desire King, it is said to record all the magic in the world. And I heard that I don’t know what kind of magical effect, even the newly invented magic. Will be automatically recorded."

Clem knew the myth of the Eight Desires, but had never heard of such books. He vaguely noticed how strange this kind of Tao is, so he didn't intervene, but just listened.

"It is only because of this prop that we know that the tenth order magic exists. Of course, not many people know what I said just now-"Uninscribed Mantra Documents."

Clem grunted in his throat.

"You, don't you want to seek the "Inscription Mantra"?"

Clem asked them if they saw them as extreme adventurers.

Evel sneered sneerly, as if to say "Don't talk nonsense".

"Huh. Those who have heard said that the book has strong magical protection. Except for the orthodox holders, the idlers can't even touch it. I heard that the value of the thing is enough to match a world. It seems It is equally dangerous. I understand my own weight, so that I will not be greeted by the stupid death like the Eight Desires because of the kind of props I want."

"Does even the character who is known to possess the weapons of thirteen heroes serve as the team leader?

"That level is too different. But I heard it from someone I've seen, and the details are not clear. The topic seems to be far removed. It's always the case, Geglan. Do you understand?"

Then Evelet rarely showed some confused behavior before speaking:

"Clem. Don't just give up your humanity because you want strength."

"Abandon human nature... Are you talking about the devil like in the story?"

"That's one of them, and it's becoming an undead or a magical creature."

"The average person cannot do that kind of thing."

"That's right... after becoming an undead, the mind often also twists. It was originally just a means to realize the passionate ideal... The physical changes sometimes affect the mind and turn a person into a scary monster."

The voice under the mask could not even peep a touch of emotion, but at this time it was embellished with obvious compassion. Seeing Evel's grief as if looking at the distance, Gagelan made a pretense and cheerful voice.

"If you wake up in the morning and see Clem become an ogre, the princess should be scared."

Evel should be aware of the good intentions behind Geelang's remarks. The voice changed back to the tone where the emotion could not be read.

"Indeed, this is also a way. As long as you use the magic of the change department, you can temporarily become other races. I made it clear that in terms of improving physical capabilities, this is also a way."

"I'm afraid I am a little thankful."

"In terms of becoming stronger, it is very effective to become other races. Because human beings themselves are not particularly capable. If they have the same talents, the higher the basic physical ability, the better."

Of course. If the technology is the same, the one with higher physical ability is naturally more advantageous.

"Actually, among the thirteen heroes, there are many races other than humans. By the way, it is said that the thirteen heroes are actually more people. The result is that only thirteen people are praised by legend... The battle of demon gods is a battle that crosses ethnic barriers. For people who admire humanity, they may not want to let the hero Tan of other races be too active.

Yver mournfully said to someone. Afterwards she changed her attitude and continued with a nostalgic tone:

"The warrior wielding the whirlwind and axe is the warrior chief of the wind giant, and there are members of the elven royal family with the characteristics of the ancestor elves. As for the original master of the "Magic Sword Zilinilam" held by our team leader- Some black knights are half-breeds between humans and demons."

"Four black swords..."

The black knight, one of the thirteen heroes, is believed to possess four swords, namely the evil sword repair millis, the magic sword qiliniram, the rotten sword Kolockabar, and the dead sword Shifiz. And one of them is La Qius, the leader of Cang Qiang.

"Is the strongest black sword made of infinite darkness, the magic sword Zilinilam... ask a question, I heard that as long as this sword liberates all power, it will emit enough to engulf a country. Is the dark energy, is this true?"

"What are you talking about?"

Evil said sadly.

"When we were alone before the team leader, I heard her muttering. She pressed her right hand and said, "Only a woman like me who serves God can pour everything to suppress the magic."

"I haven't heard of such a thing..." Evel tilted his head in sorrow. "But since the holder said so, maybe it is true."

"So, is the dark-black Rajus born from the dark spirit really unique?"


"No, I later heard her saying something by herself. She didn't seem to notice Laozi, so Laozi overheared what happened to her, and she said that. She said, "As long as you carelessly, I come from The dark existence of the roots of darkness will control your flesh and liberate the power of the magic sword. What sounds bad."

"It cannot be said that there is no such possibility. Some cursed props may indeed dominate the spirit of the master. If Lajus is dominated, things will be serious."

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