Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 185: Black dragon

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Clem could no longer pretend to be expressionless and frowned.

As it sounds now, Rajus is likely to be gradually dominated by evil props. When I think of where I have just been, I feel more anxious.

"Master Lana is in danger?"

Clem was about to rush out and was stopped by Evel.

"Don't panic. I don't think the situation will suddenly deteriorate. Even if it is about to be controlled by the dark forces, the guy can't be controlled without knowing it. Since she didn't tell us anything, it should show that she has confidence and control. Hold on. I believe that guy’s mental power. But... I didn’t expect that sword to have that kind of power... I haven’t even heard of it."

"For safety reasons, do you want to tell Azs?"

"It's a little unwilling to ask for help from a rival,'s a niece after all, it's better to speak."

"Well, then, should I act now? I have to investigate where the people are now."

"Well. It should be well prepared to support Rajus at any time."

"After all, the only thing that can stop steel is steel."

"--Huh? Ah! Speaking of which, I think of it, Gagelan. I heard that the third stainless steel adventurer squad is already in Yeah: Lantier was born."

"What? Really? I heard this for the first time... Did you hear it when you went to the Adventurer's Union early in the morning?"

"No... Ah, that's right. I'm sorry, I completely forgot to speak. The team seems to be black."

"Black? Lao Tzu thought that red and blue would be brown and green."

"Because black is the color that the six gods believe in. It's no surprise. Maybe it will be white next time."

"Lao Tzu doesn't like Slien to save the country. In fact, we have also fought against a group of guys like secret forces in that matter."

Clem felt as if he had heard quite a dangerous topic, but the two ignored him and went on.

"Does Geglan hate them? Although I was also chased by them, I can understand the policy of that country. Or the mission that those people have taught themselves is to vow to be the defender of all mankind. From a racial point of view, is it justified?"

"Holy? Are you saying that for this purpose, it doesn't matter if you kill innocent subhumans or forest elves?"

There was a clear sense of disgust on Gerglan's face, and fierce anger was burning in his eyes. However, Iver, who suffered her anger, just shrugged her shoulder straps.

"There are several countries with humans around here, like kingdoms, holy kingdoms, empire, etc. So, Geglan, did you know? The farther away from this area, the fewer human-dominated countries. Sub-humans and other races that are better than humans have established countries. In some places, there are even countries that use humans as slave classes? One of the biggest reasons why there is no such country in the vicinity is that the Slyan State has been waiting for opportunities for a long time. The sub-human forces that looked up are eliminated one by one."

Hearing Evel's grief, Gegran's anger was extinguished, and his face was stinking and whispered: "Who is the subhuman being better than humans? If they can't get together, they have developed a culture. , Humans are often unable to deal with it."

"As long as human beings, people in the Christian Church should be highly regarded. They do have the disadvantage of being cold, and even so, no one can make more contributions to humanity...though wait until It’s a different matter if we are counted among the disadvantaged groups that have been abandoned and we can say the same thing. It’s likely that those who pioneered the adventurer’s union are the same.”

"real or fake?"

"Who knows. The authenticity is unknown, but the probability is high. Because the adventurer’s union was founded after the war with the devil, when the human power was weakened a lot. I think it may be a gentle force for them, in order to Provide assistance without friction, and establish such an institution."

When the topic was interrupted, the unique silence shrouded the table. Clem, unable to bear this silence, said:

"I'm sorry to interrupt you, Lord Iver. You just said that adventurers with steel grades were born, what is their name?"

"Huh? Yes, I mentioned it just now. I remember it should be called-Ma Yuan. It seems that he has already joined the team. If it is correct, it is called [Black Dragon]."

"Oh. What about the other members?"

"The other people are not people from the kingdom. They are said to be adventurers from the empire. One of them has reached the steel level one day, but he has been hiding his identity for what purpose. There are two other people, the level is Mountain Copper."

"Are there people from the What are they doing?"

Clem also listened carefully. It was a team of adventurers who reached the level of steel. It must have been a brave adventure that ordinary people can't believe. I haven't heard the shocking adventure Tan, my chest is already expecting fever.

"It is said that these seem to have been completed in about two months... The first is to solve the incident of thousands of undeads in Ye Lantil. The second is to annihilate the Goblin Tribe Alliance and the capital in the north. The Wuda Forest collects extremely rare herbs, fights against giant monsters, and destroys the undead divisions from the Kaz Plain."

"Giant Basilisk..."

Clem said breathlessly.

It is a giant monster that is like a lizard and a snake, with a total length of nearly ten meters. Its sight has a petrified effect. The body fluid is immediately lethal and highly poisonous. Its hard and thick skin can match the Mithril, which is extremely scary. The presence. Since it can defeat monsters that are enough to destroy the town, it is reasonable to be sealed as a steel grade.

There is only one problem. That is--

"Is there really no problem for them to stay in the kingdom like this, but we are preparing to fight the empire."

"They are actually not well-known in the empire, probably because they are not willing to make friends with other steel-level teams, and since their establishment, they have been adventurously traveling in various countries. There has been no fixed, such teams should not participate in Go to war in the country."

"Is this the case..."

"Then, how much authenticity are these stories? It's probably more cheering?"

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