Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 186: Strength guess

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It's all like this. When talking to others, it is too exaggerated at once, or the body is torn apart to judge the correct number of corpses. Sometimes, adventurers will exaggerate their propaganda for themselves, and they add fuel to vinegar.

Relatively, Evela raised a finger and shook it left and right.

"About these deeds, it is said that almost everything is true. Especially in the incident of Ye Lantier, the adventurer threw a sword and defeated the undead giant, breaking through the thousands of undead groups. This is from the surviving guards. The eyewitness information of the report should not be exaggerated because everyone’s reports are almost the same. They overthrew the two incident chiefs behind the undead group, and the body has been confirmed. And before that, two bones were knocked down. Dragon."

Geglan was speechless, and Clem asked her:

"Is it even difficult for Ms. Gegel?"

"If thousands of undeads are zombies or skeletons, there is no problem, you can break through. The two bone dragons should also be able to beat down. But the two chiefs who caused such a big event are difficult to say. Without knowing the status of the opponent's ability I’m really not confident.”

"There are unofficial opinions that may be Chiranong."

"It's true and false, Ivel mourns? Ah... if it's their proud pupils, then it's okay. It's hard to try to win them after diving into such a deep danger. Besides, as long as there are There is a mistake, poisoning or paralysis, then you are done. How did those people respond? Do you rely on the potion?"

"Can't tell if they won't."

Evela kept nodding and agreed.

"And the Ma Yuan you mentioned, as far as I know, he had just become an adventurer before, and he could leap into a steel grade in such a short time. Is this strength enough to be valued by the kingdom? "

"The words say that, our team leader also wants to invite him to come to Cang Qiang, but unfortunately we can't find any trace of him."

"What? There are people you can't find?"

"Don't boast about us like this, it's also a steel grade. If he really wants to hide, we have to work hard to find someone. And since he is a [Black Dragon], maybe they have left the kingdom."

"Alas, as long as you are there, in these two incidents, I only need to deal with the bone dragon... No, this is equivalent to relying on the strength of Evelia, if it is composed of two mountain bronze magic chanters The Squad... will definitely not win."

Clem felt incredible.

Is Evel mourning this magic chanter really so powerful? Generally speaking, the adventurer squad should be composed of members of the same level, and they should all take the same adventure together. Will there be such a big difference?

"Nothing like that. I know the strength of Ms. Gogeland. I will never lose to those who appear suddenly."

"Oh, thank you for your high evaluation. Okay, do you want to sleep with Lao Tzu?"

"No, I refuse."

"So you are a virgin. As the saying goes, it is a shame for men not to eat meat. It is no good to be a virgin all the time. What do you plan to do when you want to sleep with a woman you really like? Want to be People say your technology is bad? Do you like to play that kind? Are you abused?"

Geelong did not wait for Clem to reply, and finished speaking in one breath, then sighed pretendingly.

"Okay, Lao Tzu will not force you. Lao Tzu will accompany you at any time, and when you want to find Lao Tzu to accompany you, just say it...but then again, the nickname Mimi is really nasty. I won't lose to you Name?"

Gagelan looked at Clem with a look like a bad boy. Clem guessed what she would say next and took the lead.

"The standard of beauty and ugliness varies from person to person. Besides, no one is more beautiful than Master Lana."

"Ah, yes."

Hearing that tone, she knew she was bored.

"Um. Gossip a little too long. I'm sorry to let you listen to these gossips. We'll follow Lajus' instructions and start preparing."

Geelang stood up with Evel. Clem also got up.

"Sorry, Clem. I really want to mess with you more, but I don't have time to spare."

"No, please don't mind, Ms. Gogeland. And Lord Iver. Thank you for your kind words."

Gagelan stared at Clem intently, making a tired laugh.

"Well, okay. Well, you should go back immediately, our team leader will ask you. Take care of me, virgin... yes, the props need to be equipped. The one on your waist, Isn’t it the usual weapon?"

"Yes. This is a spare."

"Something will happen if you don't do it. Even if you are armored, it's best to bring your sword with you at all times. This is the code for adventurers, especially for warriors. There are also props from Lao Tzu, are they brought in? Body?"

"Are you talking about bells? Here."

Clem patted the belt bag on the belt.

"Yeah, that's good. Remember, we are soldiers and we can only wield weapons. However, sometimes we can't solve the situation with weapons. At this time, we must rely on magic props to assist. You have to get all kinds of Keep the props, do you know? There are at least three bottles of healing potions? I have been helped by this thing."

Clem had three bottles of potion, but this time he only brought two bottles with him. "I see." He answered.

"...I never thought you would take care of people."

"Don't ridicule Laozi, Ivel mourns... sorry to stop you. Laozi just wants to tell you, don't rush to prepare, be careful."

"I understand."

Clem bowed his head deeply to Gagelan.

Fire month [September] 3rd 6:00

Sitting at the round table were nine men and women.

The managers of the eight-fingered departments sat at the same table, but did not look at others. They either looked at the documents in hand or talked to the people who were on standby behind them.

The atmosphere is like a gathering of completely different organizations. Although it wasn't immediately triggered, it was obvious that he was alert to the enemy. However, this is a matter of course for them. Although they are indeed affiliated with the same organization and have a cooperative relationship with each other, in fact, they often infringe on each other's rights and interests, and occasionally produce the so-called cooperative relationship.

Taking the drug trading department as an example, the department manages and operates everything from production to access. Smuggling and other departments cannot provide assistance. Even if various departments do not openly oppose each other, it is commonplace to slap each other in the back.

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