Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 187: Eight fingers

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Taking the drug trading department as an example, the department manages and operates everything from production to access. Smuggling and other departments cannot provide assistance. Even if various departments do not openly oppose each other, it is commonplace to slap each other in the back.

These actions that are of no benefit to the organization come from the harm originally formed by plural illegal organizations.

The reason why these administrators who have committed evil with each other will participate in the rally of the eight-finger department heads held in Wangdu on a fixed date is because it will bring harm if they do not participate.

In fact, those who do not participate in this meeting will be deemed likely to betray and become the object of cleanup. Therefore, even those who do not come to Wangdu often come to attend the meeting.

Even people who usually hide in a safe place are, in a sense, equivalent to showing their heads in front of everyone. It's justified to let guards follow behind for fear of being assassinated. Limited to the maximum number of people allowed to participate in the meeting, they will bring two elites carefully selected from the TI department.

——However, there is only one exception.

"Since everyone is here, let's start a regular meeting."

In a man's words, the people sat back in their seats, and the chair made a squeak.

The man who spoke up was the host of this meeting and the integrator of the eight fingers. This man in his fifties wears a water sacred mark on his neck and is kind and eye-catching. He doesn't look like a ruthless character in this triad society.

"There are several issues to be discussed, among which the priority must be resolved-Hillmar."

"At this."

It was a fair-skinned woman.

The skin color is pathologically pale, and the clothes on the body are also white.

From the hand holding the smoke pipe emitting bright purple smoke to the shoulder socket, the snake snakes upward. Lipstick of the same color as purple eye shadow. Wrapped in light clothing contains the decadent atmosphere of senior prostitutes.

"Wow..." She yawned pretendingly.

"Can't the meeting time be earlier?"

"...I heard that your drug cultivation facility was attacked by someone sending someone?"

"Yeah, it was attacked, as a village of production facilities. It cost me a lot of money. The drug route may shrink in the future."

"Don't you have any information about the hands behind the scenes?"

"No. Not at all... but because of this, it is not difficult to imagine who did it."

"which color?"

Just asking like this, everyone present will understand.

"I don't know. I just knew that the village was attacked. How can there be so much time to investigate."

"Really. Then everyone, that's what it is. If you have any information, please raise your hand."

no respond. Either you just don’t know, or you just know but don’t want to answer.

"Then next--"


It was a low voice. A male voice with amazing power.

Everyone's eyes were focused there. There was a bald man with a half-face tattooed beast tattoos. However, every part of his body was huge. The muscular physique can be clearly seen through the clothes. The cold eyes are full of warrior blood.

The other department heads are all guarded, and only this man is empty. This is of course. What's the point of bringing a useless group of people.

The man stared at the drug trafficker Hilmar. No, he probably did not glaring at her deliberately, but the thin, thin pupils looked like they were glaring.

The guard behind the woman breathed chaotically for only a moment. That is the reaction to knowing the difference between each other's fighting abilities.

Because this man is a monster at all, it is no problem to kill everyone in this room.

"Do you want to hire us? I am afraid that the recruits you are recruiting cannot protect anything?"

This person's name is Zhiluo. It is the manager of the "security department" that covers everything from protection to noble escort. What made him more famous was the best fighting ability of all the eight-finger members. However, this man's proposal-

"no need."

——But he was rejected.

"No. Besides, I can't let others know where the important strongholds are."

This is the end of the matter. Zhiluo closed his eyes as if he had lost interest. Doing so made him like a rock.

"That's fine, I want to accept this proposal on my behalf."

Opening is a slender man. He looked weak and weak, in contrast to Zhiluo.

"Zuoluo, I want to hire someone from you."

"Why, Sauer Daur. Can you afford it?"

If Hillmar’s drug trade is booming, then this man, the slave trade of Akodol, is getting worse. This is because the golden princess promoted the legalization of the slave trade, making his business secretly private.

"It's no problem, Qiluo. And if you can, people want to hire a six-armed class and want the elite of the elite."

"Oh." Zhiluo seemed to be interested, and opened his eyes again.

It was not just Zhiluo who was surprised. Almost everyone present held a common idea.

The name "Six Arms" is taken from the **** of thieves who has six arms and is the general name of the person with the strongest fighting ability in the security department.

Of course, the leader in the department is Zhiluo, but the strength of the other five people is not compromised. It is said that those who have the ability to cut space and those who can manipulate illusions are part of them. There is even a powerful undead "dead magician" belonging to this department.

If Gejeve Storonov or a steel adventurer are the strongest fighters in the surface world, the six arms are the strongest killers in the underground world. Hiring such a character only represents one meaning.

"Are you in such a big trouble? Okay. Just put one hundred or twenty hearts in mind. My strongest men will protect your property."

"It's really embarrassing. There was something wrong with the woman who was going to deal with it. I think it's a little overkill to start a teacher like this, but if the store is smashed, people will be very nerve-wracking. By the way, the contract money or something I'll talk about it later."


"Is it possible to send someone immediately after the meeting? In fact, someone has a job and wants to ask him to do it immediately."

"Got it. I brought someone, so I lent you that guy."

"So let's move on to the next topic. Does anyone know about Ma Yuan, a recently born steel-level adventurer, or send him an invitation?"

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