Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 200: Receive information

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Sebass began to question. As an assassin, a man who should have kept his mouth shut, said non-stop. Facing this strange situation, Clem asked Sebastian:

"What did you do to him?"

"This is a special skill called "Puppet Palm"... It seems to be a success, okay."

Clem had never heard of this technique, but it was the intelligence leaked by the man that made him frown.

They are assassins trained by one of the "six arms", the strongest fighter in the eight-finger security department, who seems to be following him in order to kill Sebastian and Ma Yuan. Bryan asked Clem: "I don't know much, but Eight Fingers should be a big criminal syndicate. I remember they also have a way in mercenaries..."

"Yeah. The most terrifying of these is the six arms, referring to the six strongest people who claim to be the most powerful in the organization. I remember hearing that each of them can compete with the steel grade. But which six are they? Personally, I don’t know the inside story of this triad."

The man also said that the sand dune that appeared in Sebastian’s service house was one of the “six arms”, nicknamed “evil demon”, and his plan seemed to be to remove Sebastian so that the beautiful hostess could let them At the mercy.

Hearing this, Clem was hit by a chill. The source of the incident is Ma Yuan.

Ma Yuan stood up slowly, and Brian asked him:

"Then Ma Yuan, what are you going to do next?"

"I have made up my mind. In short, I will go to the location where the problem is caused. And according to this person, the sand dune seems to be there too. The sparks on the body will be wiped off quickly."

Listening to his easy answer, Clem and Brian gasped.

Now that he is going to enter the opponent's base camp, it means that he is confident that he can beat the stainless steel level-that is, the person with the best fighting ability among humans.

However, neither of them was surprised.

In the blink of an eye, three powerful assassins could be defeated, and the famous Master Anglaus paid tribute to him. Where is Lord Ma Yuan sacred? Could it be a retreating steel adventurer?

No, not right.

Ma Yuan...

Clem exclaimed suddenly: "Are you an adventurer Mr. Ma Yuan who was promoted from the bronze medal to the steel grade not long ago?!"

Ma Yuanwen touched his nose and felt that the child's reaction was too slow. He thought that the other party had already recognized it when he reported the name.

Seeing Ma Yuan did not deny, Clem was more excited: "Then Lord Sebastian, must be a retreat steel adventurer?"


After seeing this, Sebass came forward to help Ma Yuan: "I heard that there are other people imprisoned, so it is better to act quickly."

"It makes sense. The assassin's failure to return to the nest will make the other person suspicious. If they move the imprisoned person to another location, they will not be able to save them."

The longer the delay, the more unfavorable to your side, and the opponent is relatively favorable. This is what Sebass is in.

"Then I plan to go right now. I'm sorry, I won't change this determination. Could you please two people to carry this assassin to the duty station?

"Please wait! Master Ma Yuan! If you don't dislike it, can you let me... also provide assistance under it? Of course, below is to say if you want to."

"And me. Guarding the king’s security is my duty as Lord Lana. If the kingdom people are bullied, I will save them with this sword."

"We don't have an opinion, but you know that there is danger." Ma Yuan shrugged, without much dissuasion, and Sebastian on the side also meant the same. In the case of unfamiliar terrain, there are still locals leading the way. More convenient.

"I know."

"Brother Clem... I think Ma Yuan and Master Sebass may also be bothering you? Although, according to Ma Yuan, you are probably almost the same as the next one."

"No, I don't mean that. I'm just worried about you. I hope you know that I can't protect you like I did just now."

"I have realized it."

"The actions to be taken next may not bring honor to you or your master? I think there are other opportunities that are more suitable for you to fight for life, don't you think?"

"If you ignore it because of danger, it will prove that my man has no value in serving his master. Like the adult who saved the people, I also want to do my best to reach out to the people who are in deep water."

As if she reached out to herself at that time--

Perhaps feeling his firm determination, Sebass and Brian looked at each other.

"Are you already conscious?"

When asked by Sebass, Clem nodded.

"I get it. Since that's the case, I don't need to say more. So two people, please help me."

Fire month [September] 3rd 12:07

"The shop is just behind this door. According to the assassin, the building over there also seems to have an entrance."

Sebass stood at the entrance of the prostitute, and Qi Yalei was thrown out of the door, pointing to the buildings next to several houses. While asking the assassin, Brian and Clem were also on the scene, but they had never been to the prostitute, and they had no doubt about Sebastian's explanation.

"This is indeed the case. The entrance also serves as an escape port. The man said that at least two people would stand guard. Since that is the case, maybe we should separate the soldiers. If you want to group in terms of combat power, you should hand it over to Seba. Lord Si and Ma Yuan. I’m attacking with Clem brothers over there, what do you think?"

"I'm not against it, brother Clem?"

"I have no objection. But, Master Anglaus. What should I do after entering the interior? Will the two search together?"

"I hope you can call me Brian instead. I also hope that Sebastian and Ma Yuan can be called this way. So... originally for safety, the two should act together, but there may be assassinations. A secret passage that no one knows. When you invade from the front and attract the attention of the enemy, we have to explore the inside of the building as soon as possible."

"Such a place often has secrets that only the boss knows." Brian seemed to recall something and whispered.

"In that case, we have to search separately after we go in?"

"...Anyway, I risked breaking in. I should try my best to achieve the best result."

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