Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 201: Break into

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Listening to Brian's words, Sebass and Clem nodded.

"So Ann-Lord Bryan is above me, can you please search the house?"

"That's fine. Then ask Brother Clem to keep the exit over there."

Of course, it is easier to meet enemies in the search room. It is expected that it will be more dangerous, so it is Brian who is better than Clem.

"Then the final confirmation is almost the same?"

They discussed it roughly on the way to the prostitute, but there are some details that must be seen on the scene before they can decide. These details are all here to make a good decision, and no one disputes Ma Yuan’s inquiry.

Ma Yuan took a step forward and approached the seemingly thick metal door. The door that Clem could never open, but it was like tissue paper in front of Ma Yuan.

On the front side, the most heavily guarded place, although only a single person broke into it alone, neither of them worried. Because the offensive figures were allegedly unable to win even the combination of the strongest fighters in the neighboring countries, Gedev Storonov, and Brian Angelus, who can tie him. It is beyond the scope of human beings.

"So let's go. Listen to what they said just now, knocking on the door four times in a row at the entrance and exit there is a code between them. I think the two should not have forgotten, but still remind."

"Thank you."

Clem did not forget, but still thanked Sebastian.

"Also, I will try to catch them as much as possible, but if they are resisted, I will brutally kill the killer. No problem?"

Seeing Sebastian smile softly, Clem and Brian's backs were cold for a while.

His response was very correct and there was nothing wrong. If you encounter the same situation, you will do the same. Both thought so. But even so, there is still a fear of crossing their backs, because Sebastian looks like a double personality.

Gentle gentleman and calm soldier. Tolerance and ruthlessness existed in his heart at the same time, to the point of extremes.

They had a hunch that if they were to send Sebastian in, he would probably kill the people inside.

If it’s Ma Yuan... well, they have to admit that Ma Yuan is as terrible as Sebastian, and unlike him, Ma Yuan will only smile casually while Slaughtered the entire battlefield and felt at ease at all times.

Clem said to Sebastian tremblingly.

"I want to take a few people's lives, it is inevitable, as long as you try to avoid unprofitable killings. After all, we have a small number of people. Only if you meet someone who is suspected of a eight-finger cadre, can you please try to catch him Catch up important people and cross-examine them to reduce future victims."

"I'm not a murderer, not a massacre, please rest assured."

Seeing his gentle smile, Clem felt relieved.

"Master Ma Yuan, then please you too."

Ma Yuan nodded recklessly.

"So, just smash this place in one breath, and get some time first."

As long as this prostitute is smashed, it should be able to temporarily prevent their interference with Sebastian. If it goes smoothly and obtains confidential information or something, they may be busy dealing with this matter, and leave Qi Yalei's affairs completely behind.

Even if the situation is worse, only time can be won, at least there is an opportunity for Qi Yalei to escape. Maybe a better way can be found.

"A businessman in Ye Lantier kindly approached me for a conversation. I wonder if he could be helped?"

Even if Qi Yalei cheers up, she still needs someone you can trust to provide assistance in order to live a happier life.

Sebass faced the heavy iron gate again. He touched the door while remembering the situation in which Qi Yalei was thrown here. The door was made of wood and iron plate, and it was heavy and thick. It can be seen at a glance that it is difficult for humans to destroy this door without relying on tools.

"Brother Clem doesn't know if it matters."

The man named Brian Angelus need not worry. Even if he played against Dune, he should not lose. However, Clem is different. He could never win against Shachuronte.

It was he who offered to break into the prostitutes to provide assistance, which should have been realized, but Sebass was always unwilling to try to help his young and kind life lost in vain.

"I really hope that such a teenager can live longer..."

He shared the common thoughts of the elderly. Of course, Sebastian was created based on the old man's settings, calculated from the time of birth to the present, in fact, he is younger than Clem.

"It's better that only Dunelongte can be defeated by me. This is safer. Just hope they don't touch him."

If the sand dunes are the most powerful of this facility, they are likely to be used against themselves, but if they are serving as a bodyguard for someone, they may **** that person to escape from here.

Sebastian felt a little anxious, held the doorknob, and turned.

He stopped halfway through his hands. Since this is the underground industry, the door is of course locked.

"I'm not good at unlocking..."

Sebastian murmured a little bit of a nerve.

"I'll come." Ma Yuan walked forward naturally, aiming at the door frame and kicking with his legs raised.


Ma Yuan pushed open the door of losing resistance.


As soon as I entered the door, there was a passageway. There was a half-covered door on the opposite side. There was a big man with a beard standing in front.

"The door is rusty, so I applied a little force and the door opened."

Ma Yuan finished this to the man and closed the door. No, more accurately, it is to lean the door panel against the door frame.

When the man was completely stunned, Ma Yuan and Sebass stepped into the house without any care.

"--Hey, what's wrong?"

"What was that voice just now!"

Other men's voices came from behind the men.

However, the men looking at Sebastian and Ma Yuan ignored them, and just spoke to them.

"Uh... Huan, welcome?"

The man, who was completely in chaos, stared at Ma Yuan with astonishment. People who work in such places should have been accustomed to violence. However, the situation that happened in front of him is far beyond his common sense accumulated so far.

Ignoring the companion questioning in the back, the man smiled flatly at Ma Yuan and Sebastian. Because the survival instinct told him to please his opponent is the best choice. No, maybe he just tried to deceive himself to say which guest's housekeeper the other party would respond to.

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