Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 202: Press

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The bearded man twitched his cheek and desperately put a smile on his face, which was not very good-looking.

Sebastian smiled. The smile was kind and soft. However, the feelings hidden in the eyes are not so good. It is closer to the treacherous brilliance of sharp swords and deceptive hearts.

"Can you please let me go?"

Boom. No, it should be bang. Disgusting sounds rang all around.

A strong adult male dressed in arms. The weight is less than 85 kg. At this time, he was joking around in the air and flew aside at a speed that could not be recognized by the naked eye. The man's body crashed into the wall next to it, making a loud noise like a water explosion.

As if a giant's fist hit the house, the whole house shook violently.

"Oops. You should kill him in a more inside position, which can be used as a good fence... Well, there are still people in it anyway, so pay attention to it."

They walked past the body and walked inside.

Sebass opened the door wide, walked into the room inside, and looked around the room gracefully. It was more like a walk in an unmanned house than intrusion into an enemy camp.

The horse principle is much rougher. He stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the void, and a white bone sword appeared in his hand. He changed his casual expression, and smiled in front of the inscrutable rush under the light.

There are two men there.

They were dumbfounded, watching the whole blood red flowers blooming on the wall beside Ma Yuan's back.

The room was filled with the smell of cheap alcohol that Nasariq could never see, and instantly mixed with the odors of blood, internal organs and contents to make a nauseating aroma.

Sebass sorted out the information asked to Qi Yalei and the assassin, and tried to think of the structure of this house. Her memory was incomplete and she could not remember any important information, but she told Sebastian that the real store was in the basement. The assassin hasn't been to the store in the basement, so it won't come in handy.

He looked at the floor, but the stairs leading to the ground seemed to be hidden so cleverly that Sebastian could not find it.

If you can’t find it, just ask someone you know.

"Sorry. I want to ask you something..."


He had just spoken to a man, and the man immediately screamed hoarsely. It seems that he has no option to fight in his mind. This reassured Sebastian. When he thought about Qi Yalei's affairs, he wouldn't know the importance, and would send the opponent to the west with a punch.

Since the opponent has no intention to fight, it should be enough to just break his feet.

The trembling man was close to the wall, trying to stay as far away from Sebastian as possible. Sebasi looked at the man's petulance without emotion, only with a smile on the corner of his mouth.


The man was more afraid. The smell of urine spread in the room.

It's too much to scare people. Sebass frowned.

A man rolled his eyes softly and fell to the ground. The extreme tension made him lose consciousness. The other man continued to step back in horror until he hit something hard.

"Hey, don't stain my pants." Ma Yuan frowned, kicked the man away with one foot, and then the sword reached the man's throat, and asked, "I'll ask it again, how can the basement go down?"

"This this......"

Sebastian saw fear in the eyes of men who never dared to betray the organization. Like the assassins, this man seemed afraid of being wiped out by the organization. Sebastian remembered the first man he met. According to his attitude when he took Sebastian money to escape, purging is probably equivalent to "death".

Should I say it or not? While the man was still hesitant, Ma Yuan fell into the sword simply and neatly.

"There are two mouths here. I don't have to ask you?"

Another man burst into cold sweat on his forehead, shaking his back.

"That, that, that! There, there is a hidden door!"

"Is there."

After he said that, a closer look showed that there was indeed a gap in the floor there, separating it from the floor next to it.

"So, thank you. So, you are useless."

Ma Yuan smiled, and the man realized what this sentence meant next, and Tie Qing couldn't help shaking. But he still had some hope, and said: "Please, please. No, don't kill me!"


The answer without hesitation made the room freeze. The man opened his eyes. When humans refuse to accept words they do not want to believe, they will show that expression.

"But, haven't I told you all! Please, I am willing to do anything, forgive me!"

"I never promised to let you go." Ma Yuan looked at him with a surprised expression.

The man turned around and regarded Sebass as a life-saving straw: "This lord, please let me go! I have listened to you!"

"That's right, but..." Sebass sighed and shook his head. "No."

"You... are you kidding me?"

"It's OK to be a joke, but the result is the same?"


Sebastian's eyes narrowed slightly when she remembered how miserable she was when she rescued Qi Yalei.

How dare people who participate in such evil deeds ask God for help, do these people have that right? Besides, for Sebastian, God is the forty-one supreme supreme. Men do it like insulting them.

"This is what you do."

Cut off all hope, cold as steel words, let the man intuitively understand his death.

To flee or to fight? In the face of these two options, the man did not hesitate to choose-escape.

Dare to be hostile to Sebastian and Ma Yuan, the end is self-evident. It is better to choose to escape, there is a trace of possibility of survival. His idea is correct.

Because he extended his life by at least a few seconds, or a few tenths of a second.

The man ran towards the door, and Sebass caught up with him in an instant, his body gently spinning. The wind passed over the man's head, and his body rolled to the ground like a broken line. A ball hit the wall briskly, leaving blood stains rolling off the floor.

After a slow shot, a large amount of blood overflowed from the man's neck, where he lost his head, and overflowed the floor.

It's amazing.

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