Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 203: Stafan's sin

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The technique of kicking with a gyroscopic kick only to fly the head requires incredible speed and strength, but the most terrifying thing is that the shoes that Sebass wears on his feet are not stained.

He let the leather shoes snap, walked to the other man who rolled his eyes, and kicked his leg down. Along with the sound of the dead tree breaking, the man's body spasmed. After a few spasms, the man's body moved.

"As long as you look back at what you have done so far, isn't it a self-evident reason? But rest assured. I will let you do a little compensation with your body."

Sebas began to recover the body.

He wanted to destroy the corpse so terribly that he placed it on the stairs, so that those who wanted to escape from it would be frightened and bound. Unable to destroy the entrance, Sebass thought of using this method to trap them.

Ma Yuan stood there with no intention to do anything. He saw that Sebass wanted to avenge Qi Yalei with his own hands, so he didn't participate except for the one who had just killed him.

After arranging the corpses at random, Sebass lifted his foot to the hidden door on the floor.

First, the sound of the destruction of metal parts. Then a big hole was made in the floor. The damaged door panel made an unexpectedly loud Kuang Kuang sound, sliding down the solid stairs.

"It turns out that... as long as this staircase is shouldn't escape from here."

There is a small room.

There is only one wardrobe in the empty room. There is also a bed.

The bed is not simply a bed sheet on straw, but a mattress made of cotton. The quality is very good, like the kind used by nobles. However, this mattress seems to attach importance to functionality, simple appearance, and no decoration.

A naked man sat on the mattress.

Age has passed middle age. The effects of overeating make the body relax and obese.

The facial features originally barely reached the average, but because of the addition of bulky fat, points were greatly deducted for the appearance. No matter who came to see, this man would feel like a pig. Pigs were originally cute animals that were smart and clean. But the pig mentioned here refers to dull, inferior characters and dirty curse words.

His name is Staffan Black Commissioner.

He raised his fist down-hitting the mattress.

The sound of beating flesh sounded.

Stafan's loose face showed joy. The touch of flattened flesh spread to his hands, and at the same time gave him a thrill of furry. His body shook.


The slowly raised fist was covered with slimy red blood plasma.

Stafan overwhelmed a naked girl.

The woman's blue nose is swollen and her face is covered with blood spots. The nose was distorted, and the bleeding from the nose dried up and stuck to the skin. Lips and eyelids were also swollen into large packages, and the original facial features were completely deformed. Although there were signs of blood stasis on his body, he was not as serious as his face. The surrounding sheets were stained with blood stains.

Until just now, he tried to raise his hands to protect his face, but now he was paralyzed on the bed weakly, and his hair was scattered on the sheets, as if he were rippling in the water.

"Hey, what's wrong. Is it weak? Ah?"

Women don't seem to be conscious.

Stafan raised his fist and struck down.

With a bang, the fist hit the cheek meat and the bones underneath, making Stafan's hand hurt.

Stafan's expression twisted.

"Huh. It hurts!"

He gave the woman another punch with anger.

With a bang, the bed squeaked. The woman's skin swollen like a ball cracked and her fist was stained with blood. The slimy blood spattered on the sheets, staining deep red stains.


Women are no longer struggling even if they are beaten, and the flesh barely responds.

It would be fatal to be beaten like this. However, the woman still has a breath, not because of the mercy of Staffan. The reason why women can continue to breathe is because the mattress disperses the impact. If she was lying on the hard bed and beaten, I'm afraid she would have died.

Stafan shot so hard, not because he knew the mattress had this effect, but because the woman didn't care if he died. Just pay some money to deal with it.

In fact, Stafan has already killed several women alive in this store.

However, it was not possible because he had to pay for the death each time he was killed. He hurt his wallet a little and made him go unconsciously.

Looking at the woman's unmoving face, Stafan stretched out his tongue and licked his lips.

This prostitute is suitable for satisfying special sexual habits. In general, prostitutes can never let guests do this kind of thing. No, maybe, but Stafan doesn’t know that much.

How good when there are slaves.

Slaves belong to a kind of property, and those who use them rudely are vulnerable to contempt. It's the same reason that profligate people will squint.

However, for a person with special characteristics such as Stafan, slaves are the only means to satisfy his desires easily. Without this means, Stafan could only come to such a place to vent. If he hadn't learned that there was this store, he wouldn't know what would happen.

I will be able to bear it and commit crimes, and be arrested.

He is really grateful for the noble master who introduced himself to this store—relatively, he must secretly exercise power for their convenience.

"Thank you-my master."

Peaceful emotions appeared in the eyes of Stafan. It's hard to imagine Stafan's sexual addictions and personality, but he only holds deep gratitude to his master.


Flames rising from the depth of the abdomen-anger.

This was the emotion that engulfed the woman who caused him to lose his slave.

"--That lady!"

His face was flushed with rage and his eyes were bloodshot.

The woman who overwhelmed herself in the bed overlapped with the face of the princess who thought he should serve the royal family. Stafan concentrated his irritability in his fist, and gave the old woman a fist.

With a bang, the fresh blood scattered again.

"If I could beat that face with blood and blood, I don't know how cool it is!"

He beat the woman's face again and again.

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