Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 204: Slap

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In Stafan's mind, the proud face of the hostess of the mansion that he had just visited appeared. The woman's beauty is enough to match the princess of this country, known as the most beautiful woman.

Of course, Stafan is also very clear that he can't just play with such a high-end woman. It can be used to satisfy Stafan's ringworm. Only humans who are thrown into this prostitute and will be discarded after one use.

If it is such a beautiful woman, it should be bought by the powerful aristocracy and sent to her own territory in order not to expose the trading behavior, let her live a forbidden life.

"I really want to beat that kind of woman-kill her alive."

If I can do that, I don’t know how happy and satisfying it is.

Of course, this is a fool's dream.

Stafan looked at the woman he was suppressing.

The woman did not respond at all. With her dying breath, she could no longer respond to this level of pain. The only difference between the woman that Stafan suppresses now and the doll is probably the soft body.

However, Stafan was a little dissatisfied with her lack of resistance.


forgive me.


stop it.

The scream of the woman returned to Stafan's mind.

Should I go to her while she still has the strength?

Most of the women who were transferred to this prostitute had become abnormal, and the mind chose to escape reality. Think of it this way, the woman who served Stafan today is better.

"Is that the same with that woman?"

The starry of Stefan's mind is Qi Yalei. Stafan had no interest in knowing what happened to the male employee of the prostitute who let her go.

I don't know how many men have slept with that thing. Sometimes even things other than women or human beings are treated as gracious guests, and there is no value in favoring her at all.

"Huh, anyway, the woman will be pulled out soon."

He looked back at his memory and remembered her screams. As far as the woman who transferred the prostitute was concerned, she was fairly normal.

With a click, the door opened slowly.


Stafan looked at the door hurriedly, and there appeared to be two people he knew in his sight. Then he immediately remembered the butler and bodyguard who met in the mansion.

Old man-Sebass let leather shoes rattle, and walked into the room casually. Seeing his extremely natural behavior, Stafan couldn't say a word.

The young man was even more polite, and walked over to frown like a chick and lifted him from the woman to the ground.

How could they appear here? Why did they come in this room? Encountering unintelligible events has left my head blank.

"You like to beat people, right?" The young man looked at him tentatively on the floor, and the unwillingness in his tone made him tremble.


The strange atmosphere made Stafan stand up and wanted to get clothes.

However, Ma Yuan moved faster than he did.

There was a "snapping" sound in Stafan's ear. At the same time, Stafan's vision was severely concussive.

After a slow shot, Stafan's right cheek began to get hot, and a burst of hot pain spread.

Beaten-no, this situation should be said to be slapped. Stafan finally understood this.

"Damn, you are so big--"

Stafan's cheek snapped again crisply. Then it never ends.

Left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right--


There was never only Stafan beating people, and no one else beating him. These pains made him tears in the corners of his eyes.

He raised his hands to cover his face and backed away.

The two cheeks hurt like scalds.

"Ha, ha! You are so loud, dare to be so dual!"

My swollen cheeks hurt when I speak.

"Can't it?"

"Is the garbage still collected? Idiot! What kind of person is I!"

"It's just a fool."

He easily approached the retreating Stafan, snap! Give Stafan another slap.

"Roadman! Please roadman!"

Like a child beaten by his parents, Stafan protected his cheeks.

He likes to use violence, but the beating objects are always vulnerable. Even though Ma Yuan's appearance was only a soft and handsome young man, Stafan did not dare to beat him. To make sure that the opponent is absolutely irresistible, he dare to start.

Perhaps aware of Stafan's inner weakness, Ma Yuan lost interest in him and moved his eyes to the woman.

"It's so miserable..."

Sebass has stood beside the woman to check on her injury, and Stafan ran away from him. Ma Yuan raised his eyes and ignored him, not knowing what bad thoughts he had moved.

Stafan was so angry that Qiqiao made smoke.

He wanted to call everyone in the house and give the old man and the boy a lesson. How dare they dare to deal with a big man like him, he will never be light. They must have enough pain and fear.

The master of the housekeeper, the beautiful woman, appeared in his mind.

The master must be responsible for the failure of the slave. He wants to make the master and slave responsible for his pain. Let the old man know who he hit.

Staffan murmured, shaking the beer belly up and down, rushing out of the door.

"Come round! Is there a round!"

He shouted loudly.

As long as there is a call, there should be an employee coming to see.

However, his expectations fell. He understood this as soon as he stepped onto the aisle.

There was no sound in the aisle.

It doesn't seem to be half a person.

Stafan was naked and looked away timidly.

The silence on the aisle-the strange atmosphere scared Stafan.

At first glance, there are several doors on both sides. No one opened the door for granted. The patrons of this store almost all have special sexual habits-and they are dangerous, so soundproofing equipment is perfect.

However, it is impossible to even hear from the employees.

When the man in the shop took Stafan to the room just now, he saw several employees. Each of them is a strong man with a strong physique. The old and young men like Sebastian and Ma Yuan can't compare.

"Why didn't it turn!"

"--Because they either died or collapsed."

The calm voice answered Stafan's yell.

Turning around quickly, Sebasi stood there calmly.

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