Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 206: Pawn

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In this way, the powder will run into the gap of the hidden door and become easy to identify. However, they had no flour on hand and no time to sprinkle it everywhere. So Clem took out magic props from his belt bag.

This is the little hand bell that Gegrand gave to him. She said, "It’s dangerous to take a risk without a thief companion, but sometimes it is compelling. When this happens, there is a big difference between whether this item is available or not." Clem looked at the side parts of these bells Choose the three bells that you need.

The magic prop he took out was called the hidden door detection bell.

Clem felt Brian watching the bell with interest beside him, and rang the bell. The bell gave a cool tone that only the person holding it could hear.

In response to the ringtone, a corner of the floor glowed pale. The light disappeared, telling him there was a hidden door.

"Oh, convenient props. Unlike the props I hold are all for strengthening my abilities, they can only be used in combat."

"But for the soldiers, isn't that for granted?"


Clem left Brian, who smiled bitterly, remembering the location of the hidden door, and circled the first floor. The magic effect of this prop will last for a while. He must search through all the details in this time. He went around, but there was no other place other than the place where he started to react to magic.

Then just open the hidden door and dive in, but Clem narrowed his eyes and looked at the hidden door. Then he sighed and pulled out three hand bells again.

The handbell selected this time has a different pattern from that of the prince. Then he rattled the bell.

Some similar ringtones, but not exactly the same ringing all around.

Lift the trap bell.

Everything is careful. As a warrior, Clem did not have the ability to find and dismantle traps, and there was no way to deal with them when he was caught. If a companion has a magic chanter or the like, he can heal himself even if he is paralyzed or poisoned, but there are only two warriors here. I heard that some combat skills can make poisons, etc., lose their effect for a period of time, but Clem did not learn, nor did he bring detoxification potions. He must die as a poison.

With this trap, even props that are used a limited number of times a day should be used without hesitation.

A heavy click sounded from the hidden door.

Clem inserted the sword into the gap of the hidden door and pried it open.

The corner of the wooden floor was lifted at once, and turned in the opposite direction. A crossbow is installed inside the hidden door. The part of the square arrow on the crossbow emits a wonderful reflection different from metal under the light.

Clem changed positions and looked at the crossbow.

The tip part is stained with a very sticky liquid substance. 80% is poison.

If you just opened the door just now, the poisoned Fang Arrow must have shot at yourself.

Clem exhaled a little at ease, checking if he could remove the crossbow. It is a pity that it is installed very firmly and cannot be removed without tools.

Clem gave up the idea and looked deep into the hidden door.

There is a straight staircase underneath which extends downward, and the front is invisible due to the angle. The staircase and the surrounding area are stabilized with stones, which are quite strong.

"So, what should I do? Do you want to wait here?"

"I'm a little bit bad at fighting in the house. I hope to find a spacious, easy-to-fight place inside and wait for the enemy to appear."

"Thinking about the one-on-one situation, there is a big chance of standing on the stairs, but if you fight here, when I walk inside, you may not hear the sound of fighting... Besides, there may be reinforcements. It should be right to give up here. So let’s go down together."

"Yes. Excuse me."

"I walked ahead. You pulled me away and followed."

"Understood. Let me just say that the item used to remove the trap just now can only be used three times a day, but it cannot be used continuously. It must take thirty minutes to take effect in the middle. So you cannot rely on the item next."

"Got it. I will try to be as careful as possible along the way. Tell me when I find something."

Brian finished, stepped on the stairs first. Clem followed.

Bryan, who walked ahead, pierced the steps with a knife and proceeded carefully step by step.

After walking up the stairs, the front passage was tightly covered with stone slabs, and the walls were reinforced with stones. A wooden door can be seen a few meters in front, reinforced with iron plates around it.

He did not think that escape routes would set traps that were more dangerous than crossbows, but he often heard that a trap cave could make a heavily armed warrior lose power. Only this trap must be avoided.

Even though there was only a short distance, Brian still spent a lot of time moving forward cautiously and finally came to the door. Clem stood by under the stairs to avoid any accidents.

Brian poked the door with a knife first. After poking a few times, I made up my mind to hold the doorknob-one turn. Then stop.

While Clem was worried about what happened, Brian turned his head and said bitterly:


Of course. I want to know that it will be locked.

"Is there any way? Without me, I broke it directly."

"Ah, yes. Please wait for me."

He took out the last of the three hand bells and shook towards the door.

With the effect of unlocking the bell, a faint sound of door lock opening is heard.

Brian turned the doorknob, opened the door a gap, and peered into the room.

"No one. I will go first."

Following Bryan, Clem also broke into the room.

It is an open hall.

The room leaned against the wall with several cages, wooden boxes, etc. Maybe it's a utility room. But the utility room seems a bit too spacious.

There is an unlocked door opposite. Clem listened with his ears, and he could hear a commotion in the distance, a bit noisy.

Brian turned his head and asked Clem: "How is it here? I think it's spacious enough...but it must deal with several people at the same time."

"If the opponent is not alone, I will open the exit door and fight near the stairs."

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