Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 207: Distress

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"I know. I'll just search for it and come back soon, don't you die, Clem."

"Trouble you. Master Brian, please be careful."

"The prop just now... is it convenient for me to borrow it?"

"Of course. I'm sorry I'm not worried."

Clem gave Brian three bells together. Bryan put the bells in the small bag on his belt. Then on his face came the sturdy look that the warrior should have, just saying "Then I'm gone", he walked into the unlocked door and went deep into the prostitute.

Clem alone looked around the quiet room.

He first checked around to make sure there was no one behind the wooden box, or whether there was a secret passage. Although it was only a search of the level of a warrior after all, he felt that there should be no hidden door. Then he inspected a large number of wooden boxes.

He hopes to obtain intelligence from other facilities at Bazhi. If you can find smuggled or illegal products, it would be even better. Of course, the general search must be done after occupying this place, but before that, you should try to search within your ability.

The wooden box is big and small, and he goes to the biggest one. In terms of size, the length, width and height are almost two meters each.

He inspected such a large wooden box for traps. Of course, just like before, Clem did not have the ability to explore, so he could only learn thieves badly.

He put his ear on the wooden box and listened to the sound inside.

He didn't think anything would be closed in the wooden box, but after all, it was a place close to the underworld, and he might not find anything. It is also possible to smuggle illegal creatures and the like.

One can imagine that no sound can be heard. Clem then reached out and tried to open the lid.

——Unable to open.

Can't move at all.

He looked for a crowbar or a fire stick, but when he looked around, there seemed to be no such tools in the room.

"no solution anymore."

Then he went to open a wooden box one cubic meter in size.

This is easy to open. Look inside the probe, there are all kinds of clothes in the box. There is everything from a tunic to a Chinese costume that the nobles will wear.

"What are these? Is there something hidden under the clothes... it doesn't seem to be...spare clothes? There are clothes like work clothes, this is a maid outfit? What is it for? "

Clem couldn't figure out what the pile of clothes was for. He took a look, but it was just ordinary clothes. If it is related to crime, it is stolen at most, but it is not enough to be used as clear evidence to destroy this prostitute.

If you don't understand something, just leave it alone. Clem walked to another box of the same size. At this moment, there was a big crack in the room.

This is impossible. He had long looked around the room and was sure no one was there. In an instant, a thought flashed in my head.

Could someone hide the body using "transparency" and hide from the beginning?

Frightened by his own thoughts, Clem hurriedly looked at the source of the sound. It was the big box of two cubic meters that could not be opened just now. One side of the box was close to the wall. At this time, the opposite board had been opened.

The inside of the box was exposed, there was nothing in it, only two men. Deep inside the box was a passage, and a hole should have been opened in the wall. It turned out that the secret passage was connected with the wooden box.

Clem was completely shocked when the men walked out of the box together.

There was cold sweat behind Clem.

The appearance of one of the men is very similar to a character described by Sebastian. The man's name is Sandhill. It is the biggest obstacle in this tough operation and the number one person I want to capture most.

He is a member of the six-armed arm, and is as strong as a steel adventurer. The enemy, who had no chance at Clem, held the sharp blade with one hand and narrowed his eyes and asked:

"Everyone has learned through the "alarm" that someone has invaded, and also walked secretly to avoid hitting them...I think it should be another channel?"

"What's the use of saying this now?"

The man in the back answered sharply.

"Oh? Where did the boy seem to have seen it?"

"In this situation, if you tell me you have slept with that boy, don't blame me for losing temper?"

"Hate, Sandhill. How is it possible. I remembered it, yes, it was the subordinate who I hated the most in the world."

"Oh, that's the princess's subordinates."

Sandhill Lund looked at every corner of Clem from head to toe.

The men in the rear showed a disgusting lust, but Shachuronte's eyes were to see Clem's strength as a warrior, or to judge whether he could swallow his prey like a viper.

The man in the back sticks out his tongue and licks his lips, asking Shaquironte:

"I want to take that kid too, how?"

Clem's spine was hairy for a while, and itchy partly.

This guy is like that!

"Add extra fees."

Ignoring Clem's inner scream, Shachuron turned to Clem. This man's posture has not been flawed, and now Clem feels more like facing an indestructible wall.

Sandhill Lund took a step suddenly.

The oncoming pressure made Clem step back.

Fighting with a huge power gap usually does not take much time. However, Clem had to start this difficult task.

As long as you maintain a defensive posture and concentrate on resisting the attack, you should be able to secure the time for one of the adults to come.

However, one thing must be done before that.

Clem took a deep breath.

"Please come and save me--!"

He shouted in his voice. Almost all the air accumulated in the lungs should be spit out.

Winning in singles is not a victory. Capturing these people and not letting them escape is the victory. Conversely, if you let a strong man like this man, who is likely to have most of the information, escape, it would be a total loss.

That being the case, why would hesitate to ask for help out loud?

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