Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 208: Illusion

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In fact, Dune Lund's face suddenly became fierce.

In this way, it is necessary for the opponent to decide the victory in a short time. In other words, the battle is likely to become dominated by big moves.

Clem did not dare to relax and kept watching.

"Mr. Kydall. It has become a little difficult to take this guy away. I have to solve him before the reinforcements come."

"Why? You're not one of the six arms. Can't you even stun such a little devil! Isn't it the name of a phantom demon!"

"It would be embarrassing to say this. Well, I will try as much as possible, but please remember that as long as you can escape, is it our victory?"

Clem did not dare to relax and stared at Sandhill, trying to find out why he was called a phantom. If it is a nickname, it will never take a name that is too far away from its own ability. In this case, as long as the reason is found, you can master part of the other party's ability. It's just a pity that he can't see any clues from his opponent's appearance or equipment.

Clem knew that the battle was at his own disadvantage, but he still roared to encourage himself.

"This door is my dead guard. As long as I have a breath, don't you want to escape from here!"

"If you can't do it, you'll know right away. You will know when you are beaten to the ground and ugly."

Sandhill Lunt slowly raised his sword and set up a frame.


Clem doubted his eyes.

The shape of the sword swayed. Not an optical illusion. The anomaly soon disappeared, but Clem made sure that he was not mistaken.

Is it some kind of martial art--

The reason why the opponent is called illusion is presumably here. This means that the opponent has launched a certain force. He didn't care, but he should raise his alert level.

Dune Lund stepped into the attack area and slashed with a sword.

That action really doesn't seem to be able to match the steel-level adventurers. Even worse than Clem. He cooperated with the trajectory of wielding his sword, and raised his sword to resist it-he felt a chill and couldn't help but jumped away quickly.

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain on the side of the torso, and he was almost shot out.

"Uh, woo!"

He just made a clutter of footsteps and stepped back, hitting the wall. There is no time to think about what happened. Sandhill Longt is approaching.

He brandished his sword as before. Clem raised his sword to protect his head, and a somersault flew to the left to escape.

Sudden pain in the right upper arm.

He got up directly after a rapid tumbling, waving his sword behind without looking at it.

The blade only cut into the air.

Knowing that the opponent had no intention of pursuing, he held his right arm and looked back. He saw that Sandhill was running towards the door leading to the stairs while he was paying attention to his actions.

Clem disregarded the sand dunes that tried to open the door and looked at Sukodol. He thinks that since Sandhill was here to protect Sukodol, this action alone is enough to form a containment. He guessed right.

Sandhill Lund stopped opening the door and stood between Clem and Sukodol, with a grunt. Then he looked at the door and Clem first, and then looked at Sukodol, his expression greatly distorted.

"Nice plan! I'm sorry. I have to kill this kid here."

"What are you saying? Keep this kid alive, can you threaten the dead girl?"

"I was deceived by him. It was all because this little devil was standing at the door of the guard... He said that one of the tricks was to guard the door. This little devil... actually manipulated me thinking."

well! be cheated. They knew nothing about the outside world. Then they won't run away.

They had only one escort, and it was foolish to choose to escape while Clem was still alive and able to continue fighting. This is because if there are Clem companions on the stairs upstairs, they may be struck. In the same way, before scoring the victory with Clem, he can't let Sukodol run away alone.

Clem clearly declared that he was going to keep the door, but he quickly left the door, struggling to attack Sukodol, bluffing the sand dunes. Now he should be convinced that he was hiding outside the door, preparing to catch Sukodol in a pinch, this idea would limit his movement.

Sandhill Lund should have judged that if he wanted to escape safely, he had to solve Clem here. Of course, the premise is that he does not know the situation outside. If you knew it, you would have opened the door a long time ago.

Cram, who won the bet, raised his sword for the sudden high killing intent.


Clem endured the pain from the sides of his torso and his right upper arm. Maybe a few bones were broken, but fortunately they can still move. No, if it weren't for the strange desire that Clem had, he might have been hacked to death. Even wearing a chain mail shirt, it is not completely defensive.

But what exactly is that kind of attack? Is it possible to swing the sword once more at super speed? I don't think it seems...

Clem flashed Geoff's face in his head.

The original martial art of "George Storonov" "Six Lights" is said to be able to attack his opponent six times in a row. So will the opponent's tricks be a little worse than his martial arts, like "two light poles"?

However, in this way, Dune Lundt's moves will become the first strike speed, and only the strange martial arts with a fast second strike speed.

It's too uncoordinated. If I could unravel the secret of that trick and still manage to deal with it, I would always defend against it. Take the initiative to attack.

Swallowing a spit, Clem started running. The gaze moved from Dune to Suddal.

Sandhill's look twisted bitterly.

He is in charge of guarding. Even if he is just acting, he doesn't like to see the protected object attacked. Because I am also the same, so I can understand.

He used his own experience on the other side while approaching.

The phantom demon...if possible...maybe this trick is a trap in itself, has the value of confirmation.

He approached the distance and slashed down with a sword. However, as expected, this trick was easily bounced off. He suppressed the impact force, and cut down again. Because the sword was not raised, the strength was not great, but it was enough.

The attack was once again bounced off by the sand dune's sword, and Clem nodded in satisfaction, pulling away.

"Imagination! Not combat skills!"

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