Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 210: will

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"Unfortunately, I can't let you win."

He looked up desperately, and saw the almost unharmed sand dune standing there.

""False death". This is an illusion that was launched after the injury. It was painful just now. You must have thought that it gave me a fatal blow?"

He moved his fingers and drew a straight line on his chest. Clem should have hit his sword track.

"Whirring whirring......"

Clem repeated his rapid gasps, feeling the blood flowing from his abdomen, soaking the chain shirt and clothes.

--will die.

Clem desperately pulled back the consciousness that was torn apart by the pain.

——As long as you lose consciousness, you will definitely die.

However, even if the consciousness is maintained, death is only a matter of time, and the opponent is likely to give himself a final blow.

I was fighting a man who could compete with a steel-level adventurer. It's already a heroic fight. So far, there is no other way than to give up. The strength gap between the two sides is too obvious, that's what happened.

But-he couldn't give up.

He cannot give up.

Clem gritted his teeth, almost breaking his teeth.

He could not allow himself to die, nor allowed himself to die without Lana's order.

"Goo, ya! ya, ya..."

He groaned like a gritted tooth and a moan, inspiring a soul that was about to lose.

Can't die yet. Can't die.

Clem desperately thinks about Lana. He still wants to return to her today-

"Time is limited. Just use this to send you to the West Heaven. Farewell."

Dune Lundt took the sword towards the groaning teenager.

He was fatally wounded, and death was only a matter of time. But Sandhillund had a hunch that it was best to give him the final blow now.

"Now, do you want to take him back?"

"Mr. Kedol, please forgive me. Can't you have a companion with a ghost behind this door? Besides, even if you take him away, he can't hold us to a safe place. Please give up."

"Then, at least take the head back. People will attach flowers and send it to the cheap girl."

"Good. Only the head is okay... Ah, oh!"

Dune Lund jumped back greatly.

The teenager waved his sword.

For a dying teenager, the sword was sharp and steady.

Shaqironte looked at the desperately resistant prey with a scornful look, and suddenly his eyes widened.

The boy stood up with a sword instead of a cane.


There have been no fewer than a hundred people killed by the sand dunes so far. From his point of view, the previous blow was indeed fatal. He can never stand up.

However, the situation in front of him easily betrayed the knowledge accumulated by Sachuronte from experience.

"Why, why can you stand up?"

Teach people creepy. It's like an undead.

The young man's mouth was drooling, and his dead white face looked like he gave up human nature.

"Also...La... Lord Na...the kindness..."

Hidden in the strange glare, his eyes turned towards himself, causing Sandhill to breathe for a moment. That is a fear. It's a fear of being impossible.

The juvenile took a bribe, and then Chuqironte recovered. It's shameful to have a sudden heart rush.

As one of the six arms, he was afraid of his weak opponent, and this kind of thing taught him how to admit it.

"Half alive! Go to **** early!"

Sandhill Lund took a step towards the other. He was convinced that as long as the weapon was stabbed, the opponent would be dead.

However, he thought too much about his opponent.

It is true that in terms of overall strength, Clem has a clear overwhelming gap with Shachuronte. However, Shaquironte, who is a dual class of Illusionist and Light Warrior, and Clem, who is only a Warrior. Judging from the abilities of the soldiers, there is more than a gap, but it can be said that Clem is relatively strong. It is because of the existence of magic that Clem cannot compare with the sand dunes. In the absence of magical enhancement, Sandhill is the weaker side.

With a hum, the blade was cut from a height and a sharp metallic sound was made.

The reason why he can block the teenager's blow from the upper stage is because the dying teenager has been slow to move.

Cold sweat ran down Sand Dunlong's face.

The other party is on the verge of death. The sand dune distracted by this point widened his dark eyes.

Because Sandhill, as a light warrior, has been doing forging chains to evade enemy attacks countless times, knowing that at this time the boy's blow with his sword was really extraordinary.

-This is not a blow from the dying.

Shaquiron, feeling anxious, flashed this sentence in his head.

No, not only that, the speed of the sword is even faster than when it is intact.

"What the hell! This guy!"

Stand higher in the battle. Although it is not impossible, but Sandhillund never actually saw such a person.

The teenager even gave him a feeling of getting rid of the shackles.

"What happened! Magic props? Martial skills?"

The anxious tone was so tense that he couldn't hear who was the dominant party.

What happened to Clem? It's very simple.

Ma Yuan's exercise for him caused confusion in the brain's function of protecting the body.

Perseverance in survival overlaps with the death witnessed when Ma Yuan was trained, so that the brain is lifted as much as it was at that time, liberating like the brute force of the fire scene.

Although that exercise was just to let Clem see an attack, but without that exercise, he had already died here without help.

Dune Lund, who blocked a strong blow, was hit and flew far behind.

The impact of the hard hit on the floor passed through the back and shocked the abdomen. Although there was a mountain bronze chain armor to absorb the shock, the lungs lost all the air for a moment, making him unable to breathe.

What happened? The shocked sand dunes were completely incomprehensible, but Suo Kedol, who was watching the fire from the other side, saw it clearly.

Dune Lund was kicked off.

After the boy's fencing from the upper section was blocked, he immediately kicked the sand dune.

Despite being unclear about the situation, Sandhillont stood up quickly. For a light warrior with sensitive skills as his greatest asset, lying on the ground is equivalent to death.

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