Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 211: Be saved

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"Damn it! This guy doesn't look like a soldier! Even his feet are used! Soldiers should stick to the rules and fight indefinitely!"

Sandhill Lund hurriedly rolled and stood up, screaming out loud.

Unlike the skills trained by soldiers and the like, that rustic fighting style is like dealing with adventurers. So it should not be underestimated.

Anxiety began to develop in Saturnund.

At first he thought the victory came. Such a devil, it is not easy to kill him. But now, he feels that he has gradually lost his calmness.

Dune Lund stood up and saw the teenager he considered dangerous slowly falling softly and taking a breath.

The teenager's face was extremely poor, just like the series of offensive and defensive just burned out the remaining fire of life. No, it is. Just as a candle burst into a large candlelight at the last moment, it was that kind of power he launched.

The young man at this time will be killed with a light touch.

Seeing the appearance of a teenager, Shachuronte felt a little relieved, and then was dominated by confusion and anger.

He was one of the strongest "six arms" with eight fingers, and was forced to such a situation by such a soldier. I was angry that I felt anxious in my heart. Having said that, the victory or defeat was announced. Just kill him and run away.


"--It should be enough."

It seems to be barely catching up.

Clem fell to the floor with a sweat on his face and turned blue to paleness. But he still has a breath. It is just a fatal wound that runs through the abdomen. If it is not treated immediately, it will kill you in a few minutes.

Brian felt that he could not rest assured and stepped into the room.

There are two men in the room. One of them does not seem to have combat capabilities.

"Ignore the suspicious elements, just kill them."

"If you do this, the man will rush to kill me with a knife. That man is not the same as the imp. Just that I have to go all out and concentrate on fighting to win the opponent. As long as I am a little slack or distracted , It's over soon."

In this way, the man who answered was Sandhillund. Brian understood his identity. The appearance and so on are very similar to what I heard. And the man was holding a blood-stained blade and made another avatar. Brian had suspected him, which was more certain.

Without speaking a word, Bryan stepped forward without any worries and drew his knife. Before it was cut, the sand dune had jumped back, and the blade only cut into the air. But Brian did this only to get his opponent away from Clem. He crossed Clem, who had fallen to the ground, and stopped in a position that would protect him.

"Clem, how are you doing? Are there any healing props?"

He was tense and asked quickly. If you don't bring it, you have to find another way to save your life.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Yes... yes... take."

He glanced at it and saw Clem let go of the sword.

"That's it."

Brian put down the big rock in his heart, and after answering, he looked fiercely at Sandhill.

"I will deal with you next. Let me avenge the boy."

"I'm really confident, but it's not surprising. I even carry a knife, a precious and expensive weapon from the south... I haven't heard of you as a person in the kingdom, can you ask your name?"

He did not intend to answer.

Clem is like-minded with him-buddy. The good brother was almost killed, how could he still speak calmly. At this moment, Brian suddenly had doubts.

Am I this kind of person before?

I didn’t just care about swordsmanship before, when did I take care of other things? Brian wondered for a moment, then laughed softly.

Oh, I get it.

The ambition, dream, goal, own life, and attitude towards life were all destroyed by the monster, Shatia Bradfren, and the gap created by it intervened in the Clem character. Facing the fierce and murderous sentiment of Ma Yuan’s mysterious existence, he could only bow down and claim his title; Clem was weaker than himself, but he passed it. When Brian respected him with oil, Clem entered him. Heart. Because he saw the glory of the man he lacked from Clem.

He stood in front of Clem and stared at each other with Sandhill. I don't know if Clem can see the will that Brian saw from his back at the moment.

If you are yourself in the past, you must have laughed. Laughing at yourself becomes cowardly.

In the past he thought that carrying something was a weakness for the soldiers. I thought that only a sharp sword is what a warrior needs.

But-now he understands.

"It turns out there is this kind of outlook on life... it turns out that, Ge Gefu... I think I'm afraid I still can't compare to you until now."

"Did you hear it? Can I ask you again? What's your name?"

"It's really embarrassing. I think it's useless to tell you, but okay... my name is Brian Angelus."

Dune Lundt's eyes widened.

"What! You are the one!"

"No! He is himself? Is he lying?"

"No, I can't be wrong, Mr. Sauer Daur. High-priced weapons can prove the rank of the soldier. Like a soldier like that, a weapon like a knife is indeed worthy of him."

Brian smiled bitterly.

"More than half of the people I met today knew me. If I used to be proud, I feel a little complicated now."

Brian was unclear when he saw Sandhill Lunt's friendly smile. But his question was quickly answered.

"I said, Anglaus! I don't think we should fight anymore? A person as powerful as you is eligible to join us. How about being a part of us? With your skills, you can become a six One of the arms. The strength is to your level, you can see it just by looking at it. You are the same as us and want to gain strength, right? Just know your eyes."

"That's right."

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