Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 213: Back to the castle

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Cram's situation is very urgent now. They don't care about the bodies on the ground for a while. Cline set up Clem and went out with Ma Yuan.

Sebass was not surprised when he saw Clem's injury. He simply put his hand on his abdomen. And just for a moment. The hand touched and left. However, the effect is very significant. Even if Clem drank the potion, his face was still green, and he immediately returned to a healthy state.

"My injuries are all healed... are you a priest?"

"No, I did not exercise the power of God, but injected the power of Qi into your body for treatment."

"A monk? No wonder."

Brian called out, and then he understood why he was not equipped with armor or weapons. Sebass smiled to affirm.

"So what do the two plan to do next?"

"Well. First of all, I want to rush to the duty station to explain what is happening here, and borrow some soldiers to come. Before I come back, I hope the two of you can maintain the situation here. It may just be that Bazhi will send reinforcements."

"Now that I have helped, let me help."

"I'm fine. But can you please stop telling us about it? We are here to do business in this country. To be honest, I don't want to continue to intervene in the dark side of foreign countries."

"I can do it. If asked, Trouble says that my guarantor is Storonov."

"I get it. I will do what the two said. So sorry, take the time of the two."

The third month of the fire [September] 19:05

When the night began to rule the capital, Clem finally returned to the castle.

Although the injury was completely cured, he was exhausted. It was not just fighting, it took a lot of time to coordinate various things afterwards. As a result, things could be resolved smoothly, probably not because Clem had a Lana backing, but because the guards were afraid of eight fingers and did not dare to deal actively. The biggest issue is the issue of responsibility.

The person in charge may be stared at by eight fingers, killing chickens and monkeys-this is by no means a worry, it is very likely to happen. Therefore, Clem wrote down the simple things and asked the soldiers to send them to Lana. After obtaining permission, he signed the names of himself and the owner Lana as the person in charge.

Of course there will be disadvantages in doing so, but there are at least two benefits.

One of course is that Lana’s reputation can be improved.

She accused the organization of the Smuggle Kingdom, and was also a group of criminals who dealt with such dirty behaviors as slave slaves. Not only that, but also her servant soldiers who took the lead in fighting against criminal organizations, this achievement will definitely improve their stay in the palace. Evaluation of Lana who does not leave home.

The second is the way to protect Sebas and the woman who was abused in the prostitute who he took care of.

Becoming a person in charge can protect them who do not want to be noticeable, and also make them less likely to be the number one target for eight fingers.

I didn't help when I was tackling the tough thing, this little thing should always be done...

As for Brian, he said that he would convey Ge Gefu himself, so that Clem did not have to worry about it.

Clem thought of these things inadvertently, knocking on Lana's door.

Originally Lana told him to enter the room without knocking, but after all, it was not early, and it was always not polite to break into the room brazenly. Since he once encountered Lana in thin silk, he must knock on the door when visiting the room at night.

This master also agreed.

Clem sniffed himself before he heard the answer.

He wiped his body, but because his nose was used to it, he was not sure if the **** smell had disappeared. This looks really should not step into the princess's boudoir. But he must urgently report what happened today to Lana.

The most important thing is the person locked in that shop. At present, they are sent to the duty station for protection, but they must be sent to a safe place within a few days. Moreover, some of them were injured, and they had to send people who could use magicians and other healing magic to help.

Lord Lana, who is kind-hearted, will definitely lend a helping hand to the people who are trapped in the water.

Clem felt heavy in thought of having to trouble his master so much. He couldn't help but expect how good it would be if he had more power. Obviously, he can serve a great master and live such a life, all thanks to her, but he can't help more.

strange? There seems to be no answer...shouldn't it?

He didn't hear the answer for permission to enter the room.

No one stood guard and watched the night, and Lana should not have slept at this time. Or did she fall asleep accidentally without notifying the guards on duty?

Clem knocked on the door again.

This time he heard a small voice in the room allowing him to enter the room. Clem felt relieved and went into the room. He has already decided what to do with the first thing.

"Sorry I'm late."

He suddenly bowed his head and apologized.

"You worry me so much!"

There was obvious anger in Lana's tone. This is really amazing. Clem's owner rarely angered, and even though she was insulted, she never showed anger in front of Clem. Because of this, he also realized that Lana was really worried about herself.

He pressed the warm drops of water from the corners of his eyes and apologized again with his head down.

"I'm really worried about you! I wondered if it would be better to start with eight fingers, what did you do to Clem, I just... So, what happened? I have received a simple Report, but could you please tell me in detail?"

Clem was supposed to stand and speak, and Lana asked him to sit in the old seat.

Clem took a seat and placed a teacup in front of him, and Lana poured black tea for him with a thermos, and he burst into steam.

He thanked him and took a sip of black tea at a moderate temperature.

Clem told Lana the whole story. Because some people need to rely on Lana's help.

"So how do you feel about seeing those people?"

Listening to the whole story, Lana's initial question puzzled Clem. But since the master asked, he must answer.

"I think they are pitiful. If I have more power, I can save those people from suffering."

"Well... Clem thinks they are pitiful, right?"


"Well. Clem is really gentle."

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