Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 214: Lana's scheming

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"Sir Lana, if you need me to guard them, I'm conscious and ready to go."

"Please come back to you at that time. Don't talk about this, I have to tell you something first. Tomorrow, or at the latest, the day after tomorrow, we will launch an attack on the eight-finger facility recorded on the parchment from Raju Ribbon. Because it can Imagine the longer the time after the prostitution attack, the more guarded the other party will be."

"I'm terribly sorry! It's because I'm good at making claims!"

"No, please don't care. You should make up your mind as we take this. And I really appreciate Clem's performance this time. You captured one of the six-armed sand dunes and the head of the slave trade Suo Ke Daor, this result is enough to shake the foundation of the opponent. So I want to hurry up and pursue."

Lana waved her lovely fist with neither speed nor strength.

"Before the opponent has brought the intelligence out of Wangdu, give them another blow!"

"I get it! I will go to rest immediately and recuperate to face tomorrow's actions!"

"Please, you. I think tomorrow will be a turbulent day. Please bear in mind."

Clem walked out of the room. It seems that the **** smell has faded.

"It's really hard for you, Clem. Next..."

After drinking the blackened tea, Lana stood up. She walked to the place where the hand bell was placed. It is a magic prop, as long as it shakes here, the other hand bell next to it will also vibrate. Thinking of the face of the maid standing by in the next room, she sneered and thanked that the woman was on duty today.

"Oh, what expression should I put on?"

Lana stood in front of the mirror with her hands in her face, rubbing up and down. She is just a human being, and even if she does so, she will not deform her face. It's just a behavior similar to self-suggestion.

Let go, Lana smiled.

"Not right. This smile to meet people as a princess..."

Lana sneered again. I tried all kinds of smiles, and in the end came a pure and clean smile.

"This is the best."

Feeling ready, Lana shook the bell. Soon a maid came to knock on the door and walked into the room.

"I want to ask you something, can you help me prepare hot water?"

"Observe, Master Lana."

As soon as the maid bowed, Lana smiled at her.

"What's wrong? You seem to be in a good mood, are there any good things?"

Lana made sure the prey was hooked and smiled more happily.

"I tell you, great! Clem has made a lot of credit!"

Just like the little girl's way of speaking, it is in line with the attitude of a stupid princess who leaks important information.

"That's really congratulations."

The maid who disliked Clem wanted to hide her displeasure, but her tone could not hide her emotions.


-This guy is **** too.

——The people who dare to look down on me at Clem are damn.

Lana pretended not to notice the other party's reaction. Because at the moment Lana is a naive little princess. Will not perceive the maliciousness of others, but also condone the maid's rudeness. It's such a naive and foolish princess.

"That's right! It's really amazing! Clem knocked down a bunch of big bad guys. Then he let go a lot of people caught by the bad guys, where are they now sent a duty station . This will punish the nobles who help the bad guys do evil!"

"That's right? That's really amazing, it's Mr. Clem, Lord Lana. Can you please tell me in detail, what heroic deeds did he do?"

She thought the princess was ignorant and unaware. Lana began to set up a poison meter for this stupid woman.

Everything is in the palm of her hand. In order to get her what she wants.

The third month of the fire month [September] 22:10

There is a weird group that seems to blend into the night.

Each member wears different armaments, without the atmosphere of a soldier. If you want to name a person whose smell is closest to them, you should be an adventurer.

Standing ahead is a man with copper bars and bones. He was followed by a seemingly weak beautiful man and a woman wearing thin silk. Behind is a man in a long robe, someone with a full armor standing at the end of the queue.

The group looked at an open door, and the depth of the door was completely dark, and there was no one breathing. Looking around, it doesn't look like someone.

This situation is quite strange. Indeed, everything in the prostitute has been shipped out and sent to a soldier duty station. But even if nothing is left, there will still be guards. In fact, as long as you look at the intersection of no one, you will find that there is a bright bonfire station, which is responsible for the night guard.

However, there was no half figure at the door because the group exercised power and temporarily opened the guards.

The man standing like a rock in front of him-Qi Luo fiercely glanced at the captured prostitute, and whispered his teeth with hatred:

"This joke is really big. I still have to apologize to Sacco Dore. I have lent him the sand dunes in his six arms, and it was so simple that he was captured. And it was still on the day he was lent him. funny."

There was a chuckle from behind, and Zhiluo turned to stare at the man sharply.

The woman in thin silk was familiar with Zhiluo's temperament and quickly began to say:

"Ah, that... so boss, what should I do now? Would you like to kill the arrested sand dune? If so, if others are on duty, we are all positive breakthroughs, we can't solve it, I have to borrow assassins from other departments... what should I do?"

"It doesn't have to be this great. That guy is also useful. I asked the count to come out and release him immediately... It will cost a lot of money. You list the count's preferences first. List."

"How to solve the problem on the side of Kydall?"

The frivolous beautiful man asked.

"That guy will probably use his network. If he has a request, he will use our network to resolve it as a guilt. What about the customer list? Have you heard that the guards took it away?"

"The information in this area has not yet come in. It should be said that I heard that no detailed information has been obtained."

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