Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 216: Torture

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Ma Yuan pushed the door of the reception room very easily. He didn't look back and knew what expression would be on Sebastian's face at this time. It was nothing but heavy worry. He was suspected of betrayal by his master. .

But he didn't worry much, after all, he knew exactly what Anz was doing.

In the same room as usual, there are four aliens waiting for it.

One is a light blue warrior. The man relieved the chilling energy and held the silver war halberd in his hand, maintaining a motionless posture.

One is a demon. Among the ironically distorted looks, I don't know what kind of attempts are hidden.

Then let the devil hold, an angel with wings like dead branches.

Then in the end is-

"I'm so sorry to be here late."

Sebassian used his willpower to restrain his almost trembling voice, and performed a worship-like bow to the only person sitting in the reception room. Sebas, who also serves as the servant chief and housekeeper, who has almost the highest status of Nasarik, will bow his head out of awe and fear, there can be no one else.

One of the most distinguished "Forty-one Supremes".

——Anz Ur Gong.

The ruler of the Nazarek Underground Tomb with the highest level of combat power. In his hand, he held the rod of Anz Ur Kung that exudes black aura.

Ma Yuan nodded to Anz, seeing through the friendly smile hidden under the other party's mask. Anz did not go to Sebastian, but waved behind him.

Two figures came out from behind Anz, one was tall and handsome, and the other had elf-like appearance. This is his former companions Andre and Ankar.

Seeing the two came to themselves with a smile, Ma Yuan also smiled, and also made a grateful gesture to Anz, thanking him for not bringing the Lily ribbon over at this time, God knows that if Lilith came with Shati What will Ya do?

Ma Yuan and Andre took them to the side to find a corner and stood, and did not intend to disturb them. But Ma Yuan didn't plan to go out, just in case Anz really doubted Sebasi he would shoot.

In the empty eye sockets, there was a dim red light. Even if Sebasi kept his head down, he felt that the pair of lights looked at Sebasi from head to toe.

From the shock of the air, he felt Andz waved his hand exaggeratedly in a lazy manner.

"It's okay. Don't care, Sebass. It's me who is not good. I will come over without contact. Don't say this, what do you say when you stand there with your head down? Come into the room."


Sebastian, still with his head down, responded to the heavy voice and picked his head up. Then he took a step slowly-a chill in his back.

This is because, with his keen senses, he perceives the killing intentions and the hostility that are cleverly hidden.

He slowly moved his gaze. The two guardians in front of the line of sight didn't seem to pay special attention to Sebastian. However, that means in the eyes of ordinary people.

Sebastian was fully aware.

The tight air has no sense of friendship, just the opposite. The two guardians are vigilant and cautious, and are by no means a reaction to their own.

Sebastian can understand why the two people are in this attitude. He feels a heavy pressure, and even the intense heartbeat from the body, afraid of being heard by everyone present.

"I think you can just go there."

The clear voice of Dimiuguos stopped Sebastian's footsteps.

This position is a bit far from the owner. Of course, it's not too far to be inconvenient to talk. Considering the size of the room and the situation when you meet your noble person, it is a moderate distance. However, if Anz would have been too far away in the past, he should be brought closer. This time Anz didn't say that, making Sebasi feel the gap above the distance, which made Sebastian breathless.

At the same time, under this distance, it is the most suitable distance for the warrior Kosetus to attack, and it is also one of the reasons for the heavy pressure.

By the way, although Soleus entered the room with Sebastian, he stayed by the door and stood by.

"Then--" Anz didn't know what method was used and snapped his bone fingers. "First ask Sebastian. Need to explain why I am here?"

There is only one reason. This situation has made everything clear.

"...No, it's not necessary."

"Then I want to hear you tell me, Sebastian. I didn't receive your report, but I heard that you seem to have picked up a cute pet recently?"


Sebastian felt like an icicle was stabbed in the back. Then he immediately remembered that he hadn't answered his master's words, and hurriedly replied:


"The answer is a bit slower, Sebastian. I will ask you again. I heard that you seem to have picked up a cute pet and brought it back?"

"Yes! I do have pets!"

"Okay. Then tell me first, why didn't you report it to me?"


Sebastian shook his shoulders slightly and stared at the floor. What should I do to avoid the worst development?

Looking at Sebastian without saying a word, Anz slowly leaned back in his chair. The squeeze of the chair appeared unusually loud in the room.

"What's wrong, Sebastian? You seem to be sweating a lot. Will you borrow a handkerchief?"

Anz took out a pure white handkerchief from somewhere with exaggerated movements. He gripped the handkerchief with his index finger and middle finger, and threw it towards Sebastian. The handkerchief thrown across the table spread out in the air and fell on the floor with a soft flying motion.

"You are allowed to use it."

"Yes! Master Xie!"

Sebass only took a step in the direction of Anz and picked up the handkerchief that fell to the ground. Then Sebastian hesitated.

"...The handkerchief is not stained with your pet's blood. It's just because you're sweating, it's not pretty."

"Yes... I'm ugly in front of an adult, I'm so sorry."

Sebass spread out his handkerchief and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. The handkerchief absorbed an unimaginable amount of sweat, which changed the color.

Ma Yuan looked coldly at the side, and did not mean to help now. In fact, he is not convenient to say anything at all, so that he will only blow Anz's face in front of the guardian.

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