Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 217: Save or not save

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"So come to the truth, Sebastian. When I sent you to the capital, I had ordered you to do things of no size, and they must be recorded in great detail and sent to Nazarek. Because it is difficult for a person to judge what information is valuable. , What information is rubbish. In fact, the documents you sent did not miss the wind in the city, am I right?"

"Yes. As you said."

"Then, Demi Ugos. In order to make a confirmation, I will ask you too. Because of the document submitted by Sebastian, I also let you read it. Did the document mention cute pets?"

"No, Lord Anz. I've seen several deliveries over and over again, and I haven't found any relevant records."

"Very good. Let me ask you again based on this, Sebastian. Why didn't you submit the relevant report? ... What I want to ask is why you ignored my order. Isn’t what I’m Urs Gong said enough to bind your actions?”

This sentence greatly shocked the indoor atmosphere.

Sebass quickly replied desperately: "There is no such thing. I think it is a small matter of that level, there is no need to report to Master Anz."

Silence enveloped the room.

The four killings seemed to pierce Sebastian all over. The source of the incident was Cosettes, Dimitugos, the angel that made Dimitugos in his arms, and Sorule. As long as the master gave an order, the four of them would immediately start fighting against Sebastian.

Death itself is nothing to fear. It is a joy to be able to die for Nasari. However, if treated as a traitor, even Sebastian with iron heart and bravery could not help but be afraid.

Because the existence created by the forty-one supreme supremes was actually punished as a traitor, there is no greater shame than this.

After a while, a lot of sweat came out of Sebastian's forehead, Andz said:

"That is to say, it's your foolish judgment... is that correct?"

"Yes. As you said, Master Anz. Please forgive me for being stupid!"

"...Well. It turned out...I got it."

Anz didn't bring any emotional voice to Sebass, who bowed his head to blame. Since the owner did not decide to deal directly, the indoor atmosphere was restored to its original state.

However, Sebastian cannot rest assured. This was because he was too late to be at ease, and Anz said something that made Sebastian's heart miss a beat.

"Soliuxiang. Go and bring Sebastian's pet."


Soliuxiang obeyed her orders and closed the door quietly.

On the side, Andrei quietly opened the magical communication between them. Before they arrived, they also listened to Kosister and others privately discussed Sebastian matters, so they also knew what was happening to Qi Yalei. From the angle of view, Sebass rescued her, and they still liked him very much. At this time, Anz commanded without emotion, and Ankar began to worry first.

"Ma Yuan, is this okay, Anz wouldn't want to kill her?"

Ma Yuan didn't answer directly, and asked, "If that's the case, what can you do?"

"This..." The elves are peace-loving races, and they are close to humans. Ankar's kindness will not let him sit and watch innocent human women killed. The problem is that they are in a state of being under the fence. There was no right to speak at all. He looked at Ma Yuandao hesitantly. "If that's the case...I know it might not be so can ask Anz to let her go. ....."

Ma Yuan's expression remained the same: "But I have no reason to save her, and you also know that I am ready to stab Anz in the back."

Wen Yan even Andre looked at him in surprise: "...Isn't you?" Steel adventurers are mostly cold-blooded, but Ma Yuan is not a person who can say such things.

The next second, Ma Yuan laughed: "Just kidding you, if she is really in danger, how can I not die, rest assured, no problem, I will not retreat when it is time to shoot."

Andre is worried about Ma Yuan's safety issues at this moment: "Tell you, don't try hard, I can't plug in the strength of Ankar and I to help you."

Ma Yuan glanced at him with a smile: "Who said I'm going to be tough?"

Then he remembered another thing: "How is Lilith?"

"Yo." Andrea yin and yang blamed, "Do you still remember our family Lilith? I thought you didn't remember her when you were outside."

"How can I." Ma Yuan said with a smile, "Isn't this busy recently, I'm just a little worried that there is nothing between her and Shatia?"

"Shatia seems to have gone out to do the task. Now Lilith is helping to cook in the kitchen. Fortunately, no one bullied her, otherwise I will not finish with you."

"That's fine." Ma Yuan thought that it would be better to find a time to bring Lily out, after he could control Anz.

They were talking, and Soulixiang came in with Qi Yalei.

Ankar later realized that there were three people, including Anz, Cosettes, and Demi Ugos, and a strange angel in this room. There were four aliens. No one wants to avoid it, because it doesn't matter if it is seen?

He could hear Qi Yalei taking a sigh of relief at the door. Was it shocked to see Demi Ugos, the demon formed? Was it trembling to see the huge blue insect Cosettes? Frightened by the horrible fetal angel? Feeling afraid of seeing Anz, a symbol of death? Or is it all?

The unhappiness of the guardians is more enhanced when facing Qi Yalei. Because in a sense, Qi Yalei is the manifestation of Sebastian's sin. The hostility against him seemed to make Qi Yalei tremble.

In this world, the hostility of the guardians who belong to the absolute strong can make all fragile existence have root fear. Qi Yalei was surprised not to be crying.

Sebass didn't look back, but he could feel Qi Yalei's eyes on his back. The source of her courage came from Sebastian who was here.

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