Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 218: Tentative

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"Dimiugos, Cosettes, stop. Learn from Wick Tim."

Anz's quiet voice sounded, and the indoor atmosphere changed. No, it should be said that the hostility towards Qi Yalei disappeared. Anz, who blamed the two guardians, slowly extended his left hand to Qi Yalei. Then he turned his palm towards the ceiling and slowly waved.

"Come in, the pet human that Sebasi picked up-Qi Yalei."

As if dominated by this sentence, Qi Yalei went into the room with shaking feet step by step.

"You didn't choose to run away, you really have the guts. Or did Soliuxiang tell you? Say Sebastian's fate is in your hands?"

The trembling Qi Yalei did not answer any of these words. Sebasi felt his sight on his back became stronger. That sight fully explained Qi Yalei's intentions, which was worth a thousand words.

Qi Yalei walked into the room and stood next to Sebass without hesitation. Corsetus moved slowly and stood behind Qi Yalei to stand by.

Qi Yalei grabbed Sebastian's clothes. Inadvertently, Sebass remembered the scene when she was caught by her clothes in the alley. At the same time he also regrets that if he can act smarter, things will not be so.

Anz leaned into the back of the chair, and the chair squeezed: "Let me sign up first. My name is Anz Ur Gong. It is the ruler of Sebastian standing there."

"Ah... I, I am..."

"It's okay, Qi Yalei. I know a few things about you. I'm not interested in knowing more. You just have to shut up and stand there. You will know why I want you to come."

"Ah... yes."

"So..." The red light floating in the empty eye socket of Anz moved, "Sebbas. I want to ask you. I should have told you that every move is not noticeable?"


"I told you, but you got into trouble for a boring woman-did I say it wrong?"


Hearing the word "boring" stunned Qi Yalei's body, but Sebastian only answered, not responding.

"At that time... didn't you think it ignored my order?"

"Yes. My carelessness aroused the unhappiness of Lord Anz. I will reflect on it carefully. In the future everything will be cautious, and I will never make the same mistake again-"

Anz changed his posture and the chair squeezed again. He didn't speak, but looked coldly at Sebasi below. The air was filled with strong coercion. The pressed Sebastian could hardly lift his head. He looked subconsciously towards Ma Yuan.

Anz naturally noticed Sebastian gaze, he chuckled and shouted: "Ma Yuan?"

"Well." Ma Yuan recovered from their chat with Andre and came over and stood beside Anz.

"What do you think about this matter?"

As Anz's voice fell, the entire room's eyes were focused on him, and Chiale and Sebastian's eyes were the most uneasy and anxious.

Ma Yuan gave the answer without thinking about it: "People are not sages, what can be done. But if you make a mistake, you must make up-kill it."

The temperature of the air dropped to the freezing point in an instant, and Sebasi looked at Ma Yuan inconceivably, as if he couldn't understand why he said that. Was all the words he said were false?

Even Ankar and Andre couldn't hide their surprised eyes, but they believed in Ma Yuan more than Sebastian. Since he said that, there must be his reason.

"......what did you say......"

"Well... I mean to get rid of the cause of the mistake and cancel the mistake. Ignore the cause of the mistake. What do you mean by example? You are the manager of Nazarek, are you? People who should stand above the servants. If you don’t do it..."

Anz tilted his head and said, "Just do what Ma Yuan said."

Sebastian exhaled. Then he took another breath.

Sebastian breathed smoothly as usual even in the face of a strong enemy, but now it is as disordered as a small animal that encounters a predator.

"Sebbas. Are you the one who obeyed the supreme me-the commands of our forty-one people? Or the one who respects his own will?"


"--You don't need to answer. Show me the result."

Sebass closed his eyes and opened.

The confusion is only for a moment. No, it should be said that he was lost for a long time. He hesitated enough time for Cosettes, Dimitugos, or Suluxiang to show hostility to the supreme loyal people.

After spending such a long time, Sebass finally reached a conclusion.

Sebass is the housekeeper of Nazarek.

Other than that-nothing.

It was his stupid hesitation that led to such consequences. If you ask the owner for permission earlier, it will not lead to such a fate.

It's all caused by myself.

In the eyes of Sebastian, there is a hard luster, which lights up the brilliance of steel. Then he turned to Qi Yalei.

Qi Yalei grabbed his finger and let go. The finger only swayed in the air, hesitated for a moment, and then sagged weakly.

Qi Yalei looked at Sebastian's face, should understand Sebastian's choice.

She smiled and closed her eyes.

The expression was neither despair nor fear. She accepted what was going to happen next, and admitted her own destiny. It's the kind of martyr's look.

Sebastian's movements have not wavered. Sebastian's heart has sunk into the abyss. There was a servant who was as loyal to Nazarek as steel. In this case, he has no reason not to obey the absolute command given by the master.

Sebastian's fist was clenched tightly, with instant kill speed as the only compassion, and flew towards Qi Yalei's head.


——A hard object blocked his fist.


Sebastian's fist shot to break Qi Yalei's head was blocked.

Ma Yuan smiled and stood behind Qi Yalei, extending his arm to block his fist.

Sebastian was surprised and speechless: "Mr. Ma Yuan, what are you doing?"

Ma Yuan did not answer him, but turned back and made a gesture to Anz: "How is it?"

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