Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 221: Debate on Qi Yalei

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"What's wrong there?" Ankar stretched his neck to look at Sebastian and Chialei. Ma Yuan came over to straighten his head and looked at him with black hair that was cocked a little funny.

"Just discussing how to deal with Qi Yalei's problem, she wants to go to Nasariq with Sebastian."

The two were shocked at the same time.

Andre is a little weird: "Why would you want to go to a place without humans?"

"Ah, this question." Ma Yuan thought for a moment, then retold the meaning of Qi Yalei, "she said that living in humans is too hard, as long as you can be with Sebastian is happy."

Unsurprisingly, Andrea was a goose bump caused by this yearning.

"So how did you plan it in the end?" Ankar asked.

"I promised to help her to ask Anz's meaning, but I don't know if I'm successful. If I can, I can go to Lilith as a companion. I still feel a little worried that she will stay there alone."

Andre snorted: "I still don't care about you when I'm still there."

"Okay, okay." Ma Yuan said with a smile. "Come on, take you to the place where you drink. You drink first. I will deal with Qi Yalei's affairs first. When we come back, we will talk about your sister."

The space is distorted.

When the twisted part returned to its original state, there was a character standing there. Of course, that person is Anz. The rod of Anz Ur Kung that was just in his hand was missing, and Wick Tim was no longer there.

Sebastian, Cosettes, Dimitrios, Sorule. The four people in the room knelt down together and bowed their heads.

"Welcome everyone."

Anz walked behind the table and sat down on the chair.

"Get up."

The four stood together, looking at Andz, who seemed to be in a good mood.

"Let's get to the point. Dimiuguos, this time proves how much you worry. I don't think Sebastian will betray you at all. You are too cautious." Anz said with a smile. In fact, he also understands that most of the judgments he made this time are based on Ma Yuan’s rhetoric. He always has some inexplicable trust in the judgments made by Ma Yuan. Probably this is the instinct to communicate between the strong. .

"I'm terribly sorry. Thank you Lord Anz for accepting my pointless opinion that disagrees with the judgment of the adult.

"It's okay. I sometimes ignore it. I can rest assured as long as I think Dimiuguos will pay more attention to it. Besides, you are worried because I express my opinion. My mind is not narrow enough to accuse you. "

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Anz sensed it, it was Ma Yuan, so he said, "Please come in."

After Ma Yuan came in, he looked around, smiled at you, and walked to Anz. When he passed Sebastian, he clearly felt his breath increase.

"Mayuan, do you have anything?" Anz was curious about the sudden arrival of Mayuan, but he was not unhappy about the sudden interruption. To be honest, he quite likes to talk with his subordinates where there is Mayuan Things seem to be able to calm down like this.

"Well, I want to make a suggestion about Qi Yalei's question."

"Oh? I'm about to say this." Anze's eyes were blazing with red flames. "Can you tell me what you think?"

Ma Yuan went straight in: "I want this person to come down."

As soon as these words came out, everyone at the scene calmed down, as if he didn't understand what Ma Yuan meant.

Anz also frowned non-existently: "You mean... you want her to be yours...maid? Or are you in love?"

Ma Yuan quickly waved his hand: "No, no, you misunderstood. I mean, I want her to live in Nazarek and accompany Lilith."

This kind of request is simply invincible in the ears of the guardian. Isn't Nasarik able to enter by any human?

Anz looked around and took the guardians' reactions into his eyes. Instead of giving an answer directly, he asked them like a question: "What do you think should be done with Qi Yalei?"

The silence lasted for a while.

"If the woman is released, Nasarik's information will be leaked. I think it will change the memory, and then... give her some money and just throw it somewhere." Souleu said.

"Master Anz, I think it's more convenient to kill her directly, and I don't have any worries."

Regarding Demi Ugoss's opinion, Soleus nodded in agreement. Anz looked at the two's reactions and fell into a little contemplation.

Sebastian was anxious.

Once the owner makes a decision, it is not easy to ask him to change. Although Sebass was forgiven by Andz, Dimiuguos, Cosettes, and Soleutian's affection for Sebass must have been reduced a lot. If they express their objections casually, they will definitely cause their unhappiness.

However, he must present an opinion at this time.

Sebass spoke up, intending to speak out against Dimiuguos. However, after all, he had no chance to speak. Because Ma Yuan opened his mouth before him.

"Unhelpful killings will not bring benefits to Nasalik. Killing the weak will also cut off a path of exploitation. Perhaps there will be some use in the future, and this should be considered."

Anz also nodded when he heard the words.

Sebastian swallowed a sigh of relief. The punishment for Qi Yalei has not yet been determined. In this case, there is a possibility.

"Got... so how about letting her work in the feedlot managed by her subordinates?"

"Oh, I remember that you are breeding mixed Warcraft. By the way, don't you consider chopping them up to make food? We have to raise the standard of food in Nazarek."

Demi Ugos's eyes moved away from Anz murmuring "mixed Warcraft platoon... no, it should be a hamburger platoon", and turned to some kind of look into the distance. Then immediately turned back.

"They have poor meat quality, I am afraid they can't reach the level of food. It's a bit to be used in the glorious Nasari......." Dimiuguos smiled and said it was not recommended. "However, the subordinates chopped the dead animals and fed them to other animals. If they were fed directly, they would not eat them, so I would make ground meat."

"Hmm... will they eat the same kind? Animals are animals after all."

"You are absolutely correct."

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