Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 222: Successful negotiation

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"They are an important source of parchment supply, and I don't want to starve them. Let me see this... Sebastian, buy a lot of wheat before retreating and give it to Dimitugos."

"I know. Since it weighs more, I want to temporarily rent a warehouse and store the wheat there. How do I move the wheat from the warehouse to Nazarek?"

"Well... call Xia Tiya and let her use the "portal" to transport the wheat to Nasariq. Afterwards, it will be handed over to Dimitugos, is that all right?"

"Yes. We will move when we reach Nazarek."

"Very good. By the way, Demi Ugoss, your credit is really Nazarek's first, and I am deeply grateful to you."

"Thank you, Master Anz-one hundred of you, I don’t know how much encouragement Dimiumgos!"

"Well, hey, you calm down. So I have something to ask you. Is your work so heavy, will it be very hard? Every time I have something, I will call you back, and you have to operate and feed to stabilize the supply of parchment. Field, we have to prepare for the creation of the devil, and entrust you with so many important matters, I am afraid you will not be able to eat it."

Dimiuguos smiled. Sebastian has never seen his expression, a smile that has no malicious intentions.

"You are so worried for your subordinates, I really appreciate it. However, please rest assured. These tasks are quite meaningful, and currently do not cause any burden to the subordinates. If the subordinates judge it is necessary, they will definitely give you Please ask for support, then please do not bother."

"This way, this way."

Listening to the joyous voice of the owner, Sebastian's brow furrowed as he thought about the facts about the breeding farm in the mouth of Dimiuguos.

Sebastian and Dimitugos also served supreme supremacy in Nasariq, and they knew very well about Dimitugos's temperament. It is impossible for a person like Dimiuguos to simply run a feedlot. Even if the breeding farm raises a monster such as a mixed species of Warcraft-

A bright and intense light flashed through Sebass's head.

Because he guessed what Demi Ugos was feeding.

Can he send Qi Yalei into that place? That's right, Dimitrios will also guarantee Qi Yalei's life safety. But he may not guarantee even her mental state.

Ma Yuan didn't seem to mind that Dimitugos dismissed the topic, and calmly pulled the topic back: "I offered to let Qi Yalei go to Nasalik is good for us."

"How to say?" Anz asked very cooperatively. He knew Ma Yuan's meaning, but there must be a proper reason in front of these guardians before he could agree to Ma Yuan's request.

"First of all, Qi Yalei can cook. The only people who can cook in Nasarik are the head chef and deputy head chef. Please allow me to make Lilith an exception. Taking into account the future needs of Nasarik, steal I thought it would be better to have more people who can cook. And I think it is a great advantage to test the effect of humans working in Nazarek. This shows that even humans can work in Nazarek and should be able to become very good. The previous example is."

"But, Master Anz. Can she make dishes suitable for Nasariq?"

Sebastian glared at Demi Ugos for a moment. For such a Sebastian, Dimiuguos smiled.

The annoying guy-Sebassian crushed the curse in his mouth.

Anz looked at Sebass thoughtfully: "This is also very reasonable. What about your opinion, Sebastian?"

"Qia Lei seems to be a home cooking. If you ask me if it is suitable for Nasari... I think it's a little difficult to answer."

"A home-cooked meal. I don't think you should use meals like steamed potatoes at Nazarek."

"I have to say that Dimitugos's ideas are too sloppy. Because he can make home-cooked meals, he said that as long as he asks the head chef for advice, other dishes can be learned as well. It should not look at the present, but look at the future."

"So I really hope she can go to my ranch to help prepare meals. Making ground meat is not an easy task."


The two were noisy.

"--Are you arguing enough, but now in front of Lord Anz!"

Corsetes poured a bucket of cold water on Sebastian and Dimitrios, who were arguing more and more fiercely.

The two turned to stare at Anz and changed their faces in unison. Although it is impossible to see emotions from the flaming flames in the empty eye sockets, there is no doubt that the sight contains strong power.

The two judged that the master might be reprimanded at any time and acted simultaneously.

"In front of Master Anz, his subordinates are rude!"

"Let adults see such stupid behaviors, I'm extremely sorry!"

The two bowed their heads and thanked them.

However, Anz's reaction made them unable to understand.

"--a ha ha ha!"

There was a sudden laughter in the room. That was a very cheerful and cheerful laugh.

"Okay, I have decided to promise Ma Yuan's request."

Ma Yuan heard the words and thanked Anz slightly. Although Sebass did not understand why Anz's mood suddenly improved, but Ma Yuan's request was accepted, and he was really relieved.

"That being said, I want to see the woman named Qi Yalei. Bring her over."

"Huh? Ah—Yes! The subordinates understand!"

Although Sebasi had doubts about Anz’s wonderful speech, he immediately walked out of the room and brought Qi Yalei back.

"Master Anz, I brought her here."

"Well, bring her--"

Anz leaned out of the chair. Staring at Qi Yalei is quite weird.

"It's nothing like Lilith..."

Others couldn't hear Anz's murmur. The horse beside Anz heard it clearly. His mouth twitched, much like grabbing Anz's bone and telling him loudly-I There is no split between them!

"Welcome to you, Qi Yalei. First of all I have to make it clear. I basically will not warn the second time. Because I want to respect the other party's choice. Even if the result will lead to that person's misfortune. Take this as The premise, I want to ask you. As long as you lie, you don’t need to talk about things. If you don’t give the answer I want, this matter will end here."

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