Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 224: Data clearing conditions

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"In fact, what is worthy of curiosity?" Ma Yuan threw the sword aside. It wanted to continue to stick to his finger, but it was still no match for Ma Yuan's power. "This sword should rely on my blood. Feeding can only make a difference. It's really waste."

"..." The mysterious voice was not sure what he wanted to say, but just listened in silence.

"Actually, can I not only rely on this sword to summon the dragon clan?" Ma Yuan's mouth twitched with a smile that was all in control. "As the only remaining dragon king in the world, all the dragon clan in this world can listen to my orders, right? ."

"...How did you know?" The mysterious voice was a little shocked.

"As for your identity, after a few days of thinking, I can guess a rough idea." Ma Yuan thought, and the system control panel floated in front of him. He scratched behind him and switched to the initial page.

"Although I don’t know what power pulled Nazarek from the game into this different world, I guess there must be a way to go back, including the body I am in, also from the game. Originally I still don’t understand it, but since I got the dragon orb from Anz,

The development line of this world seems to be back on track again. Well, you know what I mean on track. "


"I secretly tried many methods to disturb the world, and without exception, they didn't work. At least not as I did before I took you back, I changed Anz's actions easily, but more because I cooperated. I really don’t like the feeling of their actions."

"...What do you want to say?"

Ma Yuan blinked and did not sell it to him: "Let me boldly guess, you are the game script? This so-called different world is just another big game. You want to hold everything in your hands. , Anz is the protagonist of your choice? Conquer the world is a copy of this game."

The mist in the air thickened, as if to hide its true intentions, still.

After a long time, Ma Yuan didn't see it responding, and stopped staying. He got up and wanted to get out of the space, but heard the mysterious voice appear again.

It said: "You are smart."

"Thank you for the compliment." Ma Yuan didn't blush.

"But one thing is wrong."

"Which point?"

"You are my chosen protagonist, and Nasariq brought it in by accident."

"Huh?" This was beyond Ma Yuan's expectations. He froze for a moment and took his ear. "Am I wrong?"

The voice seemed embarrassed: "You heard it right, Nazarek was indeed an accident, but I don't have enough energy now to expel this accident."

"That's it?" Ma Yuan thoughtfully touched her chin, and asked very sharply, "I think you want to borrow a knife to kill someone, and I'm just a chess piece, satisfying your desire to play games?"

The voice was anxious: "You believe me, that's not what it means. I just want to say that you can play the game well by removing those irrelevant factors, right?"

Ma Yuan wants to tease him: "Why should I play this game? I really like watching Anz play."


The voice said weakly: "Well, I'm begging you, I tell you the truth, because my energy can't support so many of them. If you don't clear them, the world will collapse, and you will all become data in the network. Wandering, are you willing to become like this?"

"Why didn't you just tell the truth?"

"Playing games is the number one priority. I replenish energy through the progress of the game." The voice was straightforward.

Ma Yuan didn't leave anymore. He sat down on the spot and admitted his claim.

"You mean let Anz go back to reality, right, let's say, how to do it?"

"Two conditions, first, he still has the idea of ​​returning to reality. Second, you must complete the instant killing of Anz. But the additional condition of the second condition, before you kill Anz, I need to save enough energy to clear their data."

"Wait, isn't this very contradictory?" Ma Yuan frowned, "You just said that your energy can't support too many people, but you can obviously add energy as the game progresses, how can you say that accumulating energy will Are they cleared?"

"This is because you are the protagonist of my choice, so when you are on the move, I will replenish the energy as quickly as possible. If Anz is on the move, then although I can also replenish energy, But it is very slow to succeed in the later stage. And only if he is cleared from this world, you can go to this process. When my energy is used to clear them, it will fall sharply. At this time, you start the strategy process, Will fill the energy back, so as to avoid the collapse of the game at the end."

Ma Yuan finally understood the process and nodded: "I probably understand what you mean."

So the next task is to continue to accompany Anz to conquer the world until the program has accumulated energy that can clear the data. Then he will kill Anz, and during this period, he must also keep the idea of ​​returning to reality.

Ma Yuan, who came out of the system space, quickly showed off to Andrea, but only saved the game.

And now he finally has the opportunity to complete the first condition.

"Are you willing to go back to reality again?"

When Anz heard this question, he was a little hesitant. He didn't answer it immediately, but asked Ma Yuan: "How about you, do you want to go back to real life?"

Ma Yuan nodded solemnly: "I hope to see my girlfriend every year, I am afraid she is too lonely."

Anz looked at Ma Yuan’s lonely look and was also moved by thoughts: “Although I don’t have any friends or family in reality...but I sometimes miss the buns and soy milk sold downstairs every morning. ...And my neighbors, they are all very good to me..."

Anz said, recalling the days when he used to go to work every day, and was a bit distressed: "Nasarik I am also reluctant to leave, I have regarded them as my family."

"Is that true..." Ma Yuan thought about it, it seems that this matter needs to be considered long.

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