Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 225: Back to the palace

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Fire month [September] 3rd 18:27

It was late in the evening when Brian, who had returned from the guard called by Clem, set foot on his way home and returned to Geoff's mansion. As soon as I got relief from the battle, I realized that my stomach was sore with hunger.

If Storonov was waiting for me hungry, it would be really sad.

He pushed open the door of the mansion. Brian's unkind attitude seemed to regard this place as his own, but needless to say, Ge Gefu allowed him to do so.

When I entered Zhai Shao and walked to Ge Jiefu to borrow his room, I probably heard the sound. There was a footstep approaching Bryan.

He guessed that the person was Ge Gefu, and when the master of the footsteps stepped down the stairs, he proved that he was right.

"It's really late to come back, Angelus. Where are you?"

There was no tone of condemnation in Gu Gefu's inquiry. When Brian felt that the question was a little difficult to answer, and thought about it, he instead gave Brian a bright light of interest.

"If it's convenient, how about talking while eating?"

This proposal is in line with Brian's intentions.

Brian smiled at him on the belly.

"This proposal is really great. Where shall we eat?"

Ge Gefu first showed a little surprised expression, then said "here", and took him to the dining room.

"Are you going to ask the servant to make the meal? Or do you want to cook for Storonov?"

After hearing this casual question, Ge Jeff smiled bitterly.

"No, I won't cook at all."

After he finished speaking, he pressed his mouth into a line, adding:

"However, my servant may be old, and the seasoning is weak. When doing this heavy labor job, I would like to eat heavy-tasting food...but my servant is not angry at this."

Brian smiled softly and teased and asked, "The strongest warrior of the kingdom, are forced to eat light and healthy food?" Ge Gefu also didn't mind and answered with a straight face: "Yeah. "

"Actually, you can try the vegetarian dishes that my family is proud of, but I went out and bought them."

"Well. Thank you for your kindness."

He said with a grin, Ge Jeff seemed to find it very interesting, and then laughed softly. Then he counterattacked and asked, "Will you cook, Angelus?"

However, this counterattack was empty.

"Although you can't make any good dishes, it's simple enough. After all, when you go to practice martial arts, you will be troubled by not cooking."

"It turns out that." Ge Jeff answered as he walked into the dining room and picked up the basket in the corner.

The basket is about the size of a baby. A tantalizing aroma that irritates the nose and stomach wafts from inside.

The two sat down face to face.

After removing several dishes from the basket and setting them on the table, the two picked up wine glasses filled with wine and touched each other. There is no special toast for anything. The two didn't say anything, slurping red wine.

The fresh and refreshing flavor spreads in the mouth.

After about two sips, Brian put down his glass. He exhaled, whispering with emotion:

"...I haven't had a drink in a long time."

"Me too. It should be said that I haven't been home for dinner for a while."

"It's not easy to be on duty at the palace."

"In the position of long warrior, there are quite a few things to do."

"Is royal security also your job?"

"Yeah. Most of the time this is my main job."

After listening to Ge Jeff's life for half his life, Brian felt the integrity of Ge Jeff's man. In fact, what happens occasionally from time to time, but he just insists on taking the right path.

Those nobles must hate the death of civilians.

Brian seems to be right, Gu Gefu rarely talked about nobles. Obviously occupying the lofty position of the kingdom's warrior, the content of the topic is almost all about being a soldier, or about the royal family he serves. There is no mention of a luxurious world like a ball.

In the neighboring empire, this atmosphere has gradually disappeared. However, in the kingdom, between the nobility and the civilians, there is still a high thick wall.

Suddenly, Brian felt ridiculous.

In the past, he practiced swords in order to defeat Ge Jeff, and he thought to himself that he would kill you next time next time. But now the two have become friends and toasted together.

Perhaps this idea of ​​his own was conveyed to the other party, and Ge Gefu also smiled.

The two toasted and touched each other at the same time. It may have been a three-pointer, and it was a bit harder. The wine in the glass spilled out and wet the table.

"Hey, don't sprinkle on the dishes."

"It sprinkled and turned into a wine taste, is it delicious?"

"I have a dull tongue, so it doesn't matter... wouldn't it be Angrous, would you be like me?"

"Brian. Just call me Brian."

"Really. Then you call me Ge Gefu."

"Got it, Geoff."

The two looked at each other again and laughed. The wine glasses bumped into each other and made a sound of "keng".

Ge Gefu's topics are all-encompassing, and when talking about the world that Brian did not know, and he was chatting, Ge Gefu asked him in a casual tone:

"That said, Brian. How can a man like you become like that?"

Gu Gefu's tone of inquiry seemed to be cautious, or seemed afraid of touching someone's wound. The peeping look is not to see through the authenticity, but to worry about stabbing Brian's heart.

"Well, thank you."

Brian's unprovoked thanks made Ge Jeff stunned. His expression was really funny, which made Brian's cheek lines relax. Then he sat upright and said, "I met a monster."

"Monster? Do you mean monster?"

"I think it should be a vampire... the name is Shatia Bradfren. It popped away with just a little finger. I created it... to knock you down. Moves."

Brian noticed that Geoff's pupils were slightly enlarged.

"That's it."

Just saying this, Ge Gefu grinned and showed a rough smile. Brian knew exactly what emotion was included in the smile.

The heart of a warrior eager to defeat powerful enemies.

That was the emotion Brian once cherished for Ge Jeff. Gu Gefu should also desire to fight Brian.

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