Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 226: Explore

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Once again, that frightening death battle--

However, the beastly violent smile immediately disappeared. The rest is the smile of the kingdom warrior.

Bryan cited the vampire's appearance, and Ge Gefu replied "never heard of it" and looked up and took a sip of wine. Brian also used wine to lip lip and talked about the battle at that time-no, it was a unilateral ravages.

However, he never mentioned the fact that he was employed by the mercenary regiment. Although he thought that Ge Gefu might say that everyone has his own life, but in the face of this stiff man, he really did not want to mention what he used to do in pursuit of swordsmanship, and what activities he has done in his life.

Ge Jeff silently listened to him telling the whole story, with no doubt in his eyes.

"Do you want to believe what I said?"

"After all, the world is huge. It’s not strange to have such monsters. Throughout history, there have been demon gods or dragon kings in the world. However, such a powerful monster... I’m afraid I won’t win. ."

"Yeah. I don't know how much strength you have right now, so I can't talk nonsense, but I can still assert that you can't beat that guy. The world of monsters is a field that is impossible for us to step on. The two of us went together, it was just to delay the fighting time from one second to two seconds."

"You should comfort me and say no. That's right." Ge Jeff complained jokingly, but Brian told him seriously:

"Ge Gefu. You must defend the royal family as the warrior of the kingdom. Even if you see the guy, don't step forward to challenge. Because your life can't be wasted."

"Thank you for your advice. However, if the monster named Shati wants to fight against the king, even if I have to give up this life, I will have to fight for time."

How could it be possible to win time. Unless the monster wants to play, Ge Gefu has nothing to do.

Even so, Brian began to feel that if it was Gu Gefu, it would be impossible. Even if you can only get a little time.

"It's Shatia. Shatia Bradfren."

After he detailed the features such as appearance again, Ge Gefu focused on his head.

"Okay, I know. But when I wake up, for safety's sake, I hope you can tell me again. I will also gather information everywhere."

"However to collect intelligence, I think there is no way to take that guy."

"If a storm is coming, should we think about countermeasures? We can't just ignore it. Besides, as long as we can draw on the wisdom of all parties, we may be able to find a good solution."

"It would be so good..."

"Although the relationship is not familiar, I know a steel-level adventurer. If it is him, he should be able to come up with some good ideas...So Brian, what are your plans for the future?"

This question made Brian frown. What should I do in the future?

Unconsciously, his gaze moved to the love knife leaning against the small table.

This is nostalgia.

After all, it is just nostalgia. No matter how hard I try in the future, I'm afraid I can't win that monster. The dream of becoming the strongest swordsman has been shattered. This life has been determined in vain.

In the future, he must be down to earth and live well.

It's just a child's dream...

"What should I do...Is it better to farm?"

He was originally from the countryside. Although the memory about farming has worn out a lot, it remains in my mind. Other than that, he only knew how to wield a sword. Speak well, it can be said that he has lived a very dedicated life.

" not bad, Would you like to work with me for the country?"

Brian felt the proposal was not bad. Although he can't win the monster called Shatia, in the human category, Brian believes that he has some skill. just--

"I don't think I'm very social, and I don't like bowing to others."

"I don't bow down so often."

"Ah, sorry. I'm not satire you. It's just that I have this impression of court service...I think Ge Gefu's proposal is not bad. Fight for others... .. That's right! Hey, Geoff, I saw a boy named Clem."

"Clem? Is it a hoarse boy?"

Seeing Bryan nod, Ge Jeff oh.

"Where did you meet Clem? I thought he was the princess's bodyguard and should not have had a chance to leave the princess..."

"I saw him practicing on the street."

"I'm still practicing on the street...because that guy lacks talent. I don't think he can become stronger than he is now. Then he can only forge the chain body and strengthen his ability. He is in Do you do this kind of training? If not, I’d better give him some guidance."

"Well--he really...does not have the skill of swordsmanship. But, in a way, that teenager is better than me."

Ge Jiefu showed a "don't joke" expression.

It is true that Brian and Clem are so far apart that their talents cannot be compared. However, Brian knew that this gap had no meaning in front of the real powerhouse, so he thought it was only fifty steps and a hundred steps.

Compared to this small gap, Clem stood up to face the murderousness of the strong man of Sebass, and that kind of powerful soul was truly worthy of appreciation.

I was frustrated and chose to run away. But if it is Clem, as long as the person who must protect is standing behind, he will not run away, but choose to fight. If it’s such a man... At least it’s possible to cut off the monster’s nails.

Brian didn't say anything about Ge Jeff's puzzled expression. Instead, he talked about what happened today, which was the attack on the prostitutes operated by Bazhi.

"That's it. You're with Clem... so it turns out."

"If it would cause trouble to the upper body, it doesn't matter if you abandon me. Think about it calmly. If the guy who walks in and out of a person's house like yours, if he sings against the triad, should it cause you a lot of trouble?"

"No, there is no such problem at all. I'm welcome to be too late... Those **** are the pests that pollute the kingdom. If I can, I'm just hoping to take the lead in their base camp."

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