Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 230: Dangerous person

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People thought that Lei Wenhou was a bat swaying back and forth between the two factions. In fact, he was the biggest contributor to private action in order to induce the king-holding faction, prevent the internal disturbance that may cause the kingdom to divide in two, and act in private to preserve the overall situation of the country.

If it weren’t for Lei Wenhou, the kingdom must have fallen apart.

Sennak gasped.

He had long felt that Lana had unimaginable wisdom and was a monster in human skin. Having said that, she has no eyeliners or left and right hands. In a sense, she is imprisoned in the royal city. Under such circumstances, how did she grasp the truth? No one in this kingdom other than Sainak found this answer.

The two thought at the same time that she might be a bluff, but immediately rejected the idea. Lana's attitude is just like taking a matter of course. The two have met many people who hid their swords in their laughs. If Lana's attitude is not enough to deceive the acting of the two, then what is the basis for her to find this answer?

Lana seemed to feel the need for further explanation, completely ignoring Leiwenhou's consternation, and then went on warmly:

"No, maybe I should have asked the other two big nobles who hold the royal faction, but Brumlaxiu secretly communicated with the empire, right? This way..."

"You, what are you saying..."

"Please wait a moment!"

Nak's hoarse whisper was louder in the match, and Lei Wenhou opened his eyes and shouted.

"Brumla Xiuhou..."

"Should you be informed? It is because of this that you have imposed restrictions so that Brumla Xiuhou does not have too much important information?"

The two were speechless and stared at Lana.

They watched the beautiful woman with a calm expression and a soft voice saying "Isn't it?"


Lei Wenhou was so shocked that he forgot to call her Highness.

Lana said everything.

One of the six nobles, the big aristocrat Brumla Xiuhou who betrayed the king, betrayed the kingdom. This fact is only known to Levinhou and Sennak. The default traitor's existence is to maintain a balance between factions.

To this end, Lei Houhou desperately tried to hide the matter from the nobility, and tried every means to prevent important information from spreading to the empire. That's right, he should have handled it well until this moment.

Sennac knew this and it was Levenhou who told him. So how did this bird in the cage discover the truth? Sennak imagined that he felt goose bumps.

"How did you discover..."

"A little bit of what everyone is saying. I sometimes chat with the maids."

How much authenticity can the maid say?

Unbelievable thoughts dominate Lei Wenhou's heart.

However, judging from the memory of the past, he can also understand what Lana said-the speculation derived from the maid's words and other information-is indeed the truth. The woman in front of her was just picking out the beautiful parts from a large amount of rubbish, and made a necklace inlaid with gemstones herself.

and so--


He whispered what was most suitable for the woman Lana.

Lana should have heard it clearly, but she just smiled and did not blame Lei Wenhou for being rude. Lei Wenhou abandoned his thoughts until just now.

This is an object worthy of his frank and relative. And the memories of the past are indeed true.

"--Chen understands. Please open your mind. Prince, don't you object?"

Seeing Sennak nodded, Lei Wenhou sat upright and looked at Lana from the front. The attitude was very similar to Ge Gefu who raised the sword.

"However, before that, Chen wants to talk to His Highness Lana, is it okay?"

"What do you mean?"

Lana seemed incomprehensible and asked innocently.

"The minister had met a girl before. The girl described the invaluable remarks with a high degree of insight that the minister was far behind. However, it took a long time for the minister to understand that. The meaning and value of the words." Lei Wenhou’s monologue sounded quietly in the room, "...the speech is a puzzling girl. When the minister saw her, she felt like she was there for a moment. I saw a dangerous person."

"Dangerous person?"

Lana asked calmly.

"Yes. Because the minister only saw a little bit, so he thought he was more concerned. However, at that time, the minister felt this way: it is a pair of empty eyes who don't care about the world and scorn all those who exist."

The atmosphere in the room was completely different from the one just now, and it became cold. Lei Wenhou shrank his shoulders as if to protect himself.

"It's just that after some time, when the minister saw the girl again, she exuded the atmosphere that the child of that age should have. At that time, the minister thought that she had misunderstood before... My lord, . I want to ask you whether you really hide your nature ingeniously so far."

The eyes of the two are opposite. It's like an insidious struggle between two snakes.

Then suddenly, Lana's pupil lost its luster.

Lei Wenhou seemed to see something missed, and a sneer appeared on his face.

"Ah, I didn't expect that..."

Seeing her sister with a pure smile, it seemed that she had turned into a terrifying monster, causing Senac to sweat. No, in fact, he had already felt the ugly face beneath her beauty. It was just that he had guessed before that Lana might want to control power or destroy the desire to imprison his own kingdom. This seems to be wrong.

This thing is different from itself, it is a heterogeneous existence.

"Sure enough, His Highness Lana. His eyes are exactly the same as what I have seen in the past. Have you been acting since then?"

"No, Lei Wenhou. I'm not acting. I'm satisfied."

"Your Highness refers to your soldier, Clem...?"

"Yes, thanks to my Clem."

"Oh. That young man was enough to change His Royal Highness... He only treated him as a child... what kind of existence did he have to His Highness?"

"Did you say Clem?"

Lana's eyes suddenly became hovering in midair. Because she was thinking about what kind of words to use in order to describe his value.

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