Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 231: Twisted love

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Lana Tier Chardonnay Lair Van Seuff.

To describe her existence in one word, it is "gold". This vocabulary comes from her dazzling beauty. However, few people know that she possesses a talent sufficient to overshadow her beauty.

Her talent lies in thinking, insight, observation, imagination, understanding, etc. All the thinking-related abilities are extremely developed-in one word, it is "genius".

This talent can only be said to be a gift from heaven. Her thinking seemed to be established by a flash of aura, but in fact it was investigated from the countless bits and pieces of information with extraordinary insight.

I am afraid that looking at the entire continent, there is no one who can compete with her.

If she insists on mentioning her existence, she can only find it from outside the human race. However, even the existence of human species beyond, few people can compare with her.

In Nasariq, Yabeid, the guardian in charge of all floors of servants, and those with devil wisdom, military, internal affairs, and diplomacy-Dimituogos who has the ultimate talent in all aspects of state operations , It is comparable to her.

Humans think about things from their own perspective. In this sense, the tag of strange people or strange people may be the correct evaluation that mortals can make.

However, she has a disadvantage. She didn't understand what she could understand, why other people couldn't understand it. If there is a person with a level comparable to her, you should be able to detect her talents. As a result, the results should be different.

However, there is no such person.

As a result, the reaction she received was that the speech of the young girl was incomprehensible and terrifying. Since Lana was very cute when she was a child, she was not disgusted and gained a certain degree of affection. However, no one can understand what he said, which has a very significant impact on the mental development of the little girl. The mentality of the little girl will be distorted little by little with the passage of time.

Loneliness called genius may be easier to understand.

In a lack of similar environment, the little girl is under increasing pressure, can not swallow for a few days, spit and eat.

People who watched the princess gradually lose weight at that time thought that she was coming soon.

If it were not for the puppy, this prediction might have come true. Even if it can survive, I am afraid that a devil has been born. A demon who can only judge things by numbers, forcing a few abused for the majority.

That time was really just a whim. On a rainy day with guards to change mood, the little girl picked up a dying puppy.

The puppy she picked up looked at her owner with a look.

So heavy eyes. She thought so.

An innocent expression of respect.

She was already accustomed to seeing her as a freak. I also used to see her cute eyes. But she couldn't understand the eyes. For her, the pair of eyes full of sincerity are disgust, consternation, joy, touching, and - it is human.

Yes, she saw the same human being in her eyes.

The puppy picked up by the little girl became a teenager and then a man.

Whether it was a puppy, a teenager or a man, the pair of eyes always wore her with dazzling and pure eyes.

However, she no longer felt bitter.

Because of this pair of eyes, she was able to talk to other people a little like an ordinary person. In order to get along with the humble creatures.

Now, as long as Clem is present, Lana's world is already complete.

"Clem... This is it. If it can be combined with Clem... Um--and it can also be **** with an iron chain to keep him from going anywhere, Maybe it will be happier."

The air in the room froze. Sennak, who is half-blood with Lana, of course, needless to say, even Lei Wenhou showed a shocked expression.

They thought they could hear some of the most beautiful women in the kingdom, and say some sweet dreams of childishness. No, I thought Lana had already revealed her true face, maybe you can't expect to say something sweet, but I didn't expect it to be so exaggerated.

If she suffers from a bad relationship with an improper household, I don't know how good she should be. Her remarks are really unreasonable.

"Originally, that's what it is. This is your nature. What should I say... When I was a child, I just felt like weirdly buttoning a button, now I can fully understand your anomaly Now."

"Really, brother? I don't think I did anything unusual."

"If you want to raise it, raise it. No one will do what your Highness does... No, it's still a bit difficult. Unless someone wants to help."

"Yeah. If you want to maintain the princess's face, it should be difficult to achieve... and it doesn't make sense to force him to look at me. I hope that he can maintain that look and tie him completely with iron chains. , Feed him like a dog."

Not many people like to hear about other people's sexual habits. Lei Wenhou touched the heart of the woman Lana, wishing to take a few steps back.

"When the dog raises...that is, Your Highness doesn't love him anymore?"

Lana stared at Lei Wenhou with an unbelievable contempt.

"Of course I love myself. I just like his eyes. I also like how he dogs me like a dog."

"I'm so sorry. I don't understand at all. You are not called love, old girl."

"I think the shape of love varies greatly."

"Sorry, this topic is a bit difficult for the minister."

"I have no intention of asking the two to understand. As long as the two know that I like him and love him, that's enough."

too weird.

Although she had long felt that her mind was distorted, she really did not expect it to be distorted like this.

The two looked at each other in front of the princess face whose spiritual structure was different from ordinary people. They are hesitating what to do.

Obviously they heard that the princess fell in love with a soldier. Depending on the situation, she might even shake the country's problems, but they felt that they heard more outrageous problems than this.

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