Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 232: Battle Eight Fingers Plan

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"Oh, when are you going to resurrect Andrea's sister?" Ma Yuan mentioned one of the purposes of Anz's trip.

"I'm sorry, I have to wait a few more days. Some things must be dealt with first."

Ma Yuan pondered for a moment: "Is it the evacuation thing?"

"Yes, according to what you said last time, I have entrusted the merchants to collect ore and various wheats. It is time to check the results."

If this is the case, then he can go out now and turn around. Ma Yuan who thought of this said: "Then you don’t mind me accompany Andre and they go to see his sister first, make sure that his sister keeps In case, put the famous pharmacist by the way."

"It doesn't matter, you go, I will arrange staff for the evacuation."

After telling Anz, Ma Yuan left the room and found Andre who killed a carton of wine with Ankar in the cellar. At this time, the wine cellar was filled with a strong taste of wine, and the two of them seemed to be talking about martial arts.

"Do you know where your sister is?" Ma Yuan walked over and patted Andre's shoulder.

Andrey, who heard the word "sister," came to his senses and looked at his eyes brightly: "Of course I remember."

"Then let's go, I'll accompany you to see, Anz is not free these days.

"Yes, go around." Andrei didn't care much about whether Anz was free. Anyway, Ma Yuan had already shown him a showdown, and if he was resurrected, he would be fine.

When he went out, Ma Yuan notified Sebastian and Soleus again, and the three hired a carriage to their destination.

Halfway through, Andrei slapped his head: "Hey, it's broken."

"what happened?"

"Old Mr. Bardley doesn't like people visiting directly, we have to make an appointment with the Adventurer's Guild first..."

"You didn't say it early!"

"Hey, I just forgot about it when I was excited."

The carriage turned in the direction of the Adventurer's Guild.

Clem held a black object in his hand. This trembling thing should have been a round sphere, but because it was extremely soft, it changed its shape as if it were crushed by gravity.

Clem smashed this wonderful ball filled with liquid into his body, the armor.

The sphere spread out with a crackle, creating black spots on Clem's pure white body armor. The one that Clem took just now was a ball with black dye in it. Seeing this scene, everyone would think so. However, it's not just that.

The black dye that stained Clem's armor moved stupidly, flowing on the surface of the armor, as if spreading all over the body. Then within a few seconds, Clem's armor changed from dazzling white to dull and dark, with no corner missing.

The sphere smashed by Clem is a magic prop called a magic dye. I heard that more advanced dyes can resist acids, flames, ice, etc., but the one that Clem uses is only the color change effect.

Needless to say, this is because Clem's pure white body armor is so conspicuous.

La Qiusu called the heads of the various groups, and Clem also came to La Qiusi.

Standing in the center of all the responsible persons is a girl soldier wearing brilliant equipment.

The first is the magic sword that nobody knows and who does not know anyone-the magic sword Zilinilam. This weapon, which is as big as a deformed sword, is contained in the sheath of the sword, so it is impossible to get a glimpse of the blade body reminiscent of the dark night sky, but just looking at the handle part of the sword will know the delicate and exquisite workmanship. Especially the huge sapphire embedded in the crown of the crown, swaying like a flame.

The body armor she wore exudes brilliance that only silver and gold can show, and there are countless unicorns carved everywhere. This is the pure white snow that only virgins can equip and produce mud without staining.

Compared to such a brilliant armament, the cloak jacket that protects the back looks like a squirrel-colored cotton material. This coat is called a rat-speed cloak. It can increase movement speed, agility and dodge ability. It is a powerful magic item that cannot be judged by its appearance.

However, the famous magic prop-floating sword group does not seem to be activated.

Unlike Clem, Rajus was so conspicuously dressed, presumably because she could manage to solve it with her own magic.

Those who gathered around her were all familiar faces.

A member of Cang Qianwei, and Ge Jeff Stroronov.

Standing side by side with the pedestrian made Clem feel almost out of place and embarrassed.

The content of the operation explained by Rajus was to attack and occupy eight facilities owned by Bazhi.

However, because there are only seven groups of personnel, the remaining place will be occupied by the captains of each group and the personal guards of Levenhou-the former adventurers above the Mithril level-after the occupation of other facilities. Continue to occupy the occupied location. Try to deprive enemy members of their fighting power and arrest them. If it is not possible, the killer has no choice but to hurt the killer.

That's the only way.

Then Rajuth warned that the other party is a huge force that dominates the underworld, and may encounter super-powerful people or fall into a trap, so don't be careless.

Clem shivered.

This is not because of fear, but because of the heavy pressure on the responsibilities of this battle.

Compared with the leaders of other groups, Clem's strength is too far away, but was selected as the leader of a group. This is because Clem is stronger than the average soldier, and the person who came to provide assistance recommended him .

And because of this, the only second team of mountain bronze adventurers hired by Lei Wenhou personally was also sent to make up for the deficiency of the Clem team.

Everyone arranged so well, how could he refuse to refuse.

And when Clem realized the reason behind his selection as the team leader, he could no longer give this responsibility to anyone.

Cang Qianwei and his party, Lei Wenhou, Ge Jeff Stroronov, and Prince Sennak who was responsible for extinguishing the fire during the disturbance. None of these people are related to Lana. Because of this, they will let Lana's personal soldier Clem serve as the team leader to show that Lana also has a strong relationship with this battle.

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