Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 236: Kidnapping

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After Ma Yuan and Andre left, the busy day of Sebastian and Soleus also began.

They can also leave without saying goodbye, but it is too wasteful to give up the merchant identity created so far, so they decided to act in a play and pretend to return to the empire.

He took Soliuxiang, who met him only once when he first came, and reported back to his country to the businessmen and trade unions who had contacts.

Of course, it is impossible to end with just a few words, and you have to talk a little bit at home. This is an indispensable effort to improve interpersonal relationships. What's more, in fact, no man would be reluctant to talk to a beauty such as Sau Liuxiang, so it takes more time.

As a result, every time I visited a place, I had to wait for thirty minutes. When they finished reporting to everyone, it was very late.

"Although it took a lot of time, the temporary warehouse and the handling of the wheat were all completed. Then it's okay, you can go back to Nazarek."

Sorellian's tone of speech is rare with joy. Sebastian saw that this was because he was able to return to the underground tomb of Nasarik, and also completed the instructions given by the owner, which satisfied her. Since collecting intelligence in Wangdu is basically Sebastian's job, she probably has no chance to realize the sense of accomplishment of serving her master and receiving results.

This time the return is in the name, it is her turn to play the role of the master Sau Liuxiang, this is her job. It must have given her great satisfaction. Look at her almost humming.

In fact, thanks to her good mood to talk to the merchants, the negotiations are at peace with all parties. For example, the rent of a warehouse, even after deducting the reason for buying a large amount of wheat, can be regarded as a special discount.

To look good is to be popular.

Sebass thought from the bottom of his heart, parked the carriage in the courtyard of the mansion, and led Soleil to the gate.

Sebass pulled out the key in front of the door and inserted it into the keyhole.

Then he turned the key as usual, but he didn't hear the click and the feeling of unlocking.

Sebass frowned suspiciously and looked at Su Liuxiang.

-Is the door open?

With a push, the door opened slightly.

Only Qi Yalei was left in the mansion. She couldn't walk outside alone.

"There are a few new scratches in the keyhole. It was probably pryed away by someone--"

Before Soleus finished, Sebass pushed open the door. He didn't even consider the possibility of a trap. Even if there is a trap, just crush it with one foot.

The mansion, which has completed the withdrawal work, holds an empty sense of indifference. He stepped into the house with his full detection ability, searching for the breath of the creature-the trace of Qi Yalei.

However, he could not feel the human breath at all.

"Qiyalei! Qiyalei, are you there!"

He called out loudly, looking around the house.

Sebass found every corner, but did not find her. Not only did she not find her, she didn't even find any clues. It just seemed to vanish out of thin air.

No, someone must have invaded. No **** smell, so it should just be kidnapped. In this case, the kidnapper's request is...

Sebass clenched his fists.

Sure enough, Qi Yalei should not be left to say goodbye, he was annoyed by his failure.

He didn't worry about leaving Qi Yalei alone in the mansion. Since he had conflicts with illegal organizations, he felt that danger would come to him sooner or later.

Even so, he kept Qi Yalei alone in the house because her trauma had not been cured, and she was still afraid of the outside world, and she would also be afraid of others. The reason why she didn't panic when meeting with their master is probably because their appearance is far from human. At that time, Qi Yalei's reaction was not a person whose heart was hurt, but a reaction of "ordinary people who saw monsters".

Even if she was left in the carriage, it might cause some trouble. Such concerns made Sebastian decide to leave her in the mansion.

And he thought that since he had smashed the whole prostitute, the other party would need time to reorganize or plan an attack.

Now it can only be said that his ideas are too naive.

When Sebass walked quickly through the hallway, a voice stopped him. It came from the reception room.

"Master Sebastian, here."

"Sorius, is she there?"

How could it be there. Sebastian has also seen the reception room just now. But he still held a little hope.

Entering the room, I saw that Soruixiang was standing in the middle of the room, holding a piece of parchment in his hand.

"What seems to be written on the paper—"

"give me."

Not waiting for Soleus to answer, Sebass took the parchment from her as if it was snatched. Then he activated the magic prop, read the text on the paper, and smashed it angrily.

"She was kidnapped. So, I am going to save her."

Sorioxiang's answer was very calm, without emotion.

"Subordinates also believe that this should be done."

This is not what pixels Luxiang would say, which made Sebastian's eyes wide.

"However, Lord Anz's order is for us to retreat back to the Nazarek underground grave. Should we give priority to this order?"

"If you want to go back, you have to take Qi Yalei back."

"Master Sebas... my subordinates think that if you make a good statement this time, it will cause great danger. First, where are you going to save people?"

"The time and place are very kindly specified on the paper. The other party seems to be the person in charge of the management organization of the prostitute I smashed."

The door sounded opened, and the two looked out at the same time. It was Ma Yuan who returned.

"What's wrong?" Ma Yuan was a little strange to see the two looking at them solemnly.

Sebass gave him the crumpled parchment with magic spells and handed it to him. After Ma Yuan took it and glanced at it, he frowned.

"Do you want to fight back before dying? You should make a report with Anz first, he will agree to us to save people, so that he no longer needs to send foreign aid, a few of us are enough."

This is not a matter of not paying attention to this matter. From the perspective of Sebastian and Soleus, it seems to be considered for Nasarik.

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