Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 237: Pre-rescue plan

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Although Ma Yuan has repeatedly emphasized that there is no need to send someone again, the last person still surprised Sebastians.

"Dimiugos, Shatia...the two of the guardians who ranked first and second actually came..."

Ma Yuan frowned without traces, and went to hide slightly behind Andre.

Andrea was taken aback for a moment and immediately knew the reason. The girl in the loli red dress flicked here while grinning, showing her pointy fangs with a lovely smile.

"Ma Yuan!" She adjusted her tone to appear as gentle as possible, and changed her face instantly when she saw Andrea's movement in front of Ma Yuan. Her fangs showed, "Don't stop me! "

Under the pressure of the powerful vampire, Andre fled faster than the rabbit, revealing Ma Yuan's helpless smile.

"Shatia, long time no see, how are you?"

"Okay, I have already reported to Master Anz and wanted to come over to help you, but Master Anz has always disagreed." Xia Tiya grunted.

If he dares to agree that he will not let him go... Ma Yuan secretly slander.

"How did he send you over this time?" Ma Yuan asked.

"Master Anz said that he protected that human in the name of Anz. Ur Gong. If Ma Yuan said you should not send foreign aid, Lord Anz even wanted to form a guardian army to save people."

"..." Why does it sound so childish?

Sebastian and Dimitugos are handing over the task there.

"I hope you don’t get me wrong. Lord Anz did say that he wants to rescue humanity, but it’s a lofty purpose to put together such a member, that is to kill the spitting members of the supreme supreme face, those stupid eight-finger members, Understand?"'

"I understand. The secondary purpose is to rescue Qi Yalei, right."

"Exactly. But I don't think that Qi Yalei can withstand the resurrection magic, so I agree with your opinion and hope to rescue her while she is still alive."

Sour speaking style.

"That being said, what to do if she is already dead is indeed a problem. Besides, if I were an enemy, I would throw the head of the hostage to the opponent who stupidly came to die."

"If it was Dimitugos, it should deliberately abuse the hostage in front of the other party, kill the chicken and monkey?"

"I must admit that you are right. Let the people who came to save people can't move, and then let him watch me torture the hostages... It's a really exciting situation."

"Where is the heart moving?"

Sebass hid his irritability under his smile and asked him. Needless to say, Demi Ugoss's vision must have seen Sebastian's smirk, so he was just acting like that.

"All, Sebastian. All."

Dimiuguos smiled, and his crack-like pupils contained a cold and radiant light.

"Of course, if it were me, I would also deliberately let the humans who came to rescue people escape with their captives. Let them rest assured that they were saved, and then make a big comeback. After all, the greater the hope, the greater the despair. "

"That seems interesting too. If you have a chance next time, come and play with this trick."

"Being confident will never let the other party run away, so that you can be so arrogant. It's really worth it.

Obviously, time is limited, but Dimiougos happily talks about the torture of others. Sebastian looked impatient and asked questions to end the topic.

"Dimiuguos, you said you would kill eight fingers. Has the intelligence been available?"

"Well, there is no problem at all, Sebass. The intelligence is now available."

"Oh." He sighed in admiration. On this point, Sebastian also had to be truly surprised.

Dimitugos' stay in the capital should be very short. But he still got the information, and Sebass couldn't imagine what method he used. Considering that Dimitugos acted in accordance with the orders of his master, he must not be talking casually, but there was firm evidence.

"The second time is to go to that location-there are several, to carry out the attack. Of course, try to capture as many people as possible with intelligence at each location, and then let Eight Fingers understand the stupid behavior they committed -"

"So first, Sebastian. Can you tell me where the other party told you to go? Let's confirm if there is that location in the information I have collected."

Sebastian smiled when he said the place painted on the parchment left in the house.

"It should be said that I'm so lucky, or should I be sad that there is one less place to attack. The address you said seems to be exactly the same as the one I investigated. If you dare to help the humans that made the face of Lord Anz, this time I Really will kill you."

"Don't worry, Dimiuguos. I will kill them all."

"The concubine has been watching just now... can't you be more polite when you talk?"

Sebastian's eyes caught Demi Ugos' expression inexplicable. At the same time, he thought, he might have the same expression.

However, why do you hate Dimiuguos? It's incredible to think about it. Shatia, who was also interested in abuse, was not disgusted, but she was always mad when she talked to Dimitugos.

Ma Yuan finally dragged Xia Tiya together to deal with it. God knows how sticky this loli is.


Dimitugos's suddenly hardened tone shocked Shatia.

"What's the matter, Dimiuguos."

"You are a mobile man and you are idle for the time being. If you spill too much blood on your body, you will lose your mind. If you get out of control against most of the chateaus, it will be troublesome."

"Ah... can't you act with Ma Yuan? As long as you use a dropper lance to completely dry it, the possibility of launching will be much reduced."

"Even this is not enough. This operation must be very careful. Try to avoid any risks."

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