Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 238: arrangement

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After only explaining this matter, Dimiuguos turned his attention to Ma Yuan: "Master Anz said that this rescue is under my sole responsibility, please don't mind it too much."

Ma Yuan nodded, which was not unexpected to him. Not to mention that he does not understand the people in Nazarek, but this battle is closely related to the plan to bring great benefits to Nazarek. This is also an important action on the progress of conquering the world.

"Can you please move these two steps?" Dimiuguos looked at Andre and Ankar.

Ma Yuan also nodded to the two to indicate that there was no problem before they went out.

"And Sebastian, let me say sorry to you first. The rescue of Qi Yalei and the severe punishment of eight fingers are just the first stage of the plan. But the whole picture of the plan goes without saying, even the action plan after the second stage I can’t tell you. This is because at the end of the first phase of the plan, I’ll have to return you to Nasarik, and you’ll stay out of the situation. To avoid information leaks, the fewer people you know, the better. "

"Understood. Then I will prepare for action."

"Mr. Ma Yuan, I know you can create illusions, and I hope you can use illusions to make illusions according to my instructions, can you?"

"Understood." Ma Yuan nodded.

Listening to the subtle instructions of Dimiuguos, Ma Yuan created a virtual image in the empty space. The appearance of the illusion satisfied Dimiuguos.

"It is forbidden to kill this person. It's okay to get hurt, but in principle it's forbidden, I hope everyone remembers it. Especially Shatia."

"You don't need to be so convoluted to know that."

Xia Tia was slammed repeatedly by him, and his mouth widened.

"Then, that, this thing, uh, don't tell Mr. Sebastian?"

"It doesn't matter. Judging by his character, he won't hurt this person casually... In order to prevent, in case of special circumstances, Soriuxiang, can you help me stop him?"


"After the first phase of the plan is over, it will enter the second phase. I will start to explain about this phase, and here is the focus. I hope everyone will listen carefully-what's wrong?"

The Shadow Demon slowly emerged from the shadow of Dimitugos, and whispered the intelligence he had received to him.

"That's right? Although something happened suddenly, there is no way."

Although this matter is very troublesome for Dimiuguos, it cannot be ignored.

"I got the latest news. The eight-finger stronghold that had to be attacked was increased by one. In this case, can you take Soriuxiang with you?"

"Leave it to the concubine."

"Then the details will be discussed later. While everyone is here, I will start to explain the second phase of the plan-Jihana. This is the most important part of the series of plans in Wangdu. Please listen carefully. ."

In the kingdom, people are used to going to bed at sunset. This is because it costs money to light up. Villages with many poor families often live a regular life of sunrise and sunset.

However, when you come to the metropolitan area, your life is different from that in rural areas. This difference is even more pronounced in the colorful downtown streets and other places. Whenever the lanterns first come on, colorful shops and residents will suddenly become active, like a nocturnal beast.

However, this is not the case for Clem. There is not so much a brightly lit night downtown, but rather a black street closed in the dark.

Clem didn't say a word, didn't take the lights, and walked in the quiet alley. You can still walk in the dark alley without lighting, because the helmet part of the armor has the same effect as the night vision helmet. Although it can only be seen within fifteen meters in front, the sight from the slit is like daylight.

Not only that, the full-body armor made of materials such as Mithril is different from steel armor and does not emit a collision sound. Coupled with the additional magical power of the armor, there is no metallic sound at all. Unless it is a very sensitive person or a good thief, even if standing nearby, I would not hear the sound of Clem walking.

Because of this, he would join the advance reconnaissance force.

Walking through the alley, the destination came into view.

Surrounded by high walls, it forms a space isolated from the surroundings. The atmosphere is reminiscent of a prison or a fortress. I do not know what illegal acts are being carried out internally? He couldn't help producing such a dark imagination. Even the magic lights installed around the door can't erase this impression.

The building learned from prior information should be behind this wall, but it is not visible from here.

"That's the one. You can't be wrong."

Clem lowered his body and whispered, there was no one in the space beside him, and a voice answered him.

"Yeah, team leader. From the place or atmosphere, it seems to be there. Then I'll scout first."

A former mountain bronze adventurer, a man with thieves ability finished, Brian, who was with them, replied: "Be careful. Although you have been invisible, don't forget that there are warriors who can see through."

"Of course. The enemy is eight fingers. I will act cautiously with the idea that they have hired me as a thief or magic chanter. You two will pray for me to succeed."

Having said all this, the sense of presence around me becomes weaker. Although you can’t hear it carefully, if you are the same thieves and others, you may be able to hear the slight footsteps of the house.

Only Clem and Bryan are left.

They left the team members behind because they were not good at covert operations. Something like a whole body trowel is equivalent to telling the other person that he is here with noise. Having said that, when the meeting is about to start, no one is brave enough to dare to take off the trowel and approach the enemy.

So it is these two people.

Of course, both are warriors, and it is impossible to learn to act like a thief. Even so, Clem relied on the magic of the armor on his body, and Brian used martial arts, so the two were able to move in the dark, so they could come together so close to the enemy camp. But then it can only be handed over to experts.

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