Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 239: Chance encounter

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The two risked being so close to the enemy camp, in case the thieves sneaked in and failed, and when the enemy strengthened their defenses, it was necessary to judge whether to attack or escape. So as long as they monitor here, they have fully completed their duties.

Even so, as time passes, the waiting party inevitably imagines the bad because they have not entered together, and their uneasy mood keeps expanding.

"It won't matter."

He couldn't help blurting out, and Brian replied calmly:

"I don't know, but... I can only choose to trust it. Trust the ability of Qianshan Bronze Adventurer."

"That's right. After all, it's a senior adventurer."

After waiting like this for a long time, Brian's hand stretched out towards the waist. When Clem reached out and touched the sword in response, there was a panicked man's voice around him.

"Wait! Wait! It's me. I'm back."

It was the voice of the thief who went to scout.

"Ah, sure enough. Because I didn't do anything so close, I was thinking... Are you testing whether I can really see through the martial arts?"

"Yeah, sorry. You're right. I'm sorry, I actually wanted to try how famous the famous Brian Angelus is."

"Don't care. If I and you stand upside down, I'll do the same thing if I don't do it. Don't talk about it first, can you tell us the intelligence obtained by sneaking in?"

The air beside Clem moved, and it felt like someone was sitting down. Looking at the side, there are obviously no half people, but there is an incredible feeling, as if there is someone there.

"-- First of all, I think there should be something for training. The entire courtyard behind the wall looks like a training center. I have only roughly looked inside the building, and there seem to be several compartment-like ones. Individual rooms. I think the facilities of the Eight Fingers Security Department can't be wrong. There is a place with high security and a little inaccessible. Then there is a very bad situation, team leader."

The tone of the man changed. It is full of extreme urgency.

"There are two major pieces of intelligence obtained from the infiltration. One is that there is a cell inside the building, where women are imprisoned. The other is that the appearance of several people matches the six arms."

Regardless of women, the six arms may be inside, which was long anticipated. What's the problem? Clem's question was immediately explained by Brian's question.

"How many people? It doesn't sound like a person."

"Five people. Considering that the illusion has been arrested, all the people are here."

In other words, this place is a difficult issue that can't be attacked. In other words, they won the signing. but--

"That's really...although it's terrible, but it's also very lucky. Because all the people gathered here, it means that other places can easily be captured."

This is a great luck in misfortune.

"So, what do you do?"

"What else can I do. It's impossible to capture this place. Retreat."

"Is that alright, Brother Clem?"

"Although it is not good, there is no way. The Six Arms will gather here to indicate that it is a permanent facility or something they value. It is very bad to retreat without confirming this. But I think we should not do it. Operation that cannot be done in combat."

"It's true..."

"So, do you want me to hack into the situation again, so what documents do you want to go back with?"

"No, it's too dangerous, just forget it. Since the other party didn't find us, I think it would be wise to retreat immediately. How?"

"Right, I agree. So what do we do next? Go to other locations?"

"I think this is the most effective. Could you please report it to the people in the back? We are here on standby to confirm if anyone is out to chase you."

"I don't think it will, it will not be too careful. Then please."

The invisible thieves had not yet lifted, and they deliberately gave Clem a light foot sound that they could also hear, and retreated to the place where the group members who were staying behind were waiting.

"There seems to be no movement, Brother Clem."

"Yeah. Then we also retreat and go to other places with them."

"Alright-um. Brother Clem, look at that."

Looking in the direction of his fingers, a character I saw yesterday was walking towards the building they monitored.

"Is that Lord Sebastian? Why is he here?"

"It's not accidental to think about it, but... what happened? Is it possible to be with them?"

"I can conclude absolutely not. Lord Brian actually thinks so?"

"Hey, it's really impossible. Unless it's a super performer, but the adult should not be that kind of person."

"In short, let's speak out first -"

As the words fell, Sebass's eyes turned and he stared straight at the two. Clem they pulled away a distance in order to monitor the building and hid in the dark. Logically speaking, it should not be easy to find. Although he might just look at it by accident, Clem dared to conclude that this was not the case.

Sebass came over in a jog.

That speed is really abnormal. It's almost like making an instant movement every time you blink, and speeding up the distance. It just ran normally, but the speed was so unusual that the brain refused to recognize it.

Then he jumped into the alley. More accurately described, perhaps it should be said that they jumped over the two people at the entrance of the alley.

"What a coincidence, I can meet two of you here. Is there anything?"

"Uh, no, we also want to ask this question... We were attacking the building owned by Bazhi, so we lurked here."

"Just the two of you?"

"No, there are a few people behind."

"It turns out that." Sebass whispered, and Clem asked him:

"How did Lord Sebastian come here? Do you have something to go to that building?"

"Yes. This is the case. The woman I rescued mentioned to you yesterday was kidnapped. The other party called me over, so I came."

"Is that true! The companion who entered the reconnaissance just now did say that there is a woman in it."

"Where is that companion now?"

"Oh. I think he will be back soon... ah, just right."

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