Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 247:

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Clem is staring at his opponent with awakening, and Shachuronte is creating a avatar just like last time. There are several sand dunes that can't see who is the deity. A bitter taste spread in the mouth.

Just as the distance between the two stepped closer, a bag was thrown out of Clem's back.

"This is how thieves fight!"

The bag burst at the sand dune's feet. The powder flew out. Dune Lund thought he was poisoned and smothered his mouth. But this is not the case. That's not poison, but magic props.

"Ghostfire powder!"

The effect was immediate. Among the five sand dunes, only one person's body glowed faintly.

Dune Lund also noticed this, his eyes widened.

Ghostfire powder is a prop used to make invisible opponents or thieves who are good at stealth actions visible. And it has no effect on the existence of no life.

"Multiple afterimages" will reflect the current status of the deity, so even if the dye is discarded, the ghost will change immediately as soon as the deity gets dirty. Unless it is handled quite cleverly, it is still difficult to distinguish the deity. However, when replaced with magic props, the changes made by the deity are not applicable to the phantom.

If it is a high-level illusion, even magic props can be deceived. However, the sand dunes that practice both the illusionist and the light warrior classes cannot use such advanced illusion.

Clem's sword was slashed towards the deity of Sandhill.


Dune Lund jumped to dodge. Although she hid beautifully, it was a pity that she was wearing a maid costume, which was a bit unsightly.

The two sides launched a dozen offensive and defensive actions in this way.

It is Clem that has the upper hand. This is not any attempt by Sandhillont, but simply a gap in combat capabilities.

Humans will not suddenly become stronger in just one day, so the difference in strength between the two sides is no different from last time. However, there are exceptions to everything. Quite simply, Clem became stronger, and Chachuront became weaker.

First of all, Clem was different from that time, wearing armor, shields, swords and other accessories reinforced with magic. His muscle strength has increased and his defense has improved. The most important thing is that he can fight in his own way. Relatively, because of the relationship between humans and prisons, all the magical props that Shaquironte equipped were confiscated, and in order to transform into a phantom, he was wearing a maid costume that was difficult to move.

In terms of equipment, the gap between the two has narrowed; but of course it's not just that.

Shaquironte's tactics were seen through, which is one of the reasons for his weakness. The thieves who supported from behind Clem provided accurate assistance to Clem.

Even if he uses illusions, he will be cracked by the alchemy props or magic props thrown by the thieves. That kind of correspondence is almost like preparing for sand dune. In fact, the thieves did speculate on the ability of the six arms before the information, and prepared countermeasures against everyone. Surprisingly, he even prepared the countermeasures even for the sand dune he was sent to prison, which was really stubborn.

"Son of a bitch!"

Sandhill Lutter made a more anxious, chapped voice than before the battle began.

Sharp eyes are on the thieves. Clem moved his position to block his sight. He cannot be attacked.

The thieves protected by the shield deliberately angered the sand dune.

"Hey. Don't look so fierce. Are you not one of the six arms that can be said to be comparable to the steel adventurers? Let's not do anything about it."

Sandhill's face was greatly distorted by hatred. The wounds under several attacks and defenses shed blood, making the face even more vicious.


Shaqronte cursed, ready to use magic. Clem, who was originally a soldier, should come forward to stop, but he doesn't. Because he repeated more than a dozen joint actions, the two became more and more tacit, so he trusted the thieves.

The bottle thrown by parabola from behind Clem broke at the foot of sand dune. Clem saw the suffocating colored gas drifting away.

"Kaha! Cough! Cough!"

Dunelongte coughed several times uncomfortably.

This is nothing but boring hindrance with props made of alchemy. However, it was quite effective, and Sandhillund interrupted the use of magic.

If you only exercise the ability of the magic chanter, this little action has no effect at all. However, in addition to the magic chanter, he also forged the strength of the warrior at the same time, so a little hindrance interrupted him, and the magic was wasted.

Clem jumped all the way to the distracted sand dune. This is not an offensive offensive and defensive so far, but an advance that will never retreat. Some people may seem reckless to rush to win. However, Clem shouted instinctively as a soldier.

This is the watershed between victory and defeat.

It is true that Clem currently has an advantage over Sandhill, but this favorable situation may not last until a few hours. The props thrown by thieves cannot be endless. Should take advantage of the advantages at one go, chase after victory.

Clem launched the original martial arts mastered yesterday.

This martial art has not yet been named. If you want to take a name temporarily, it might be called "brain liberation". The effect is very simple, it is to liberate the limitations of the brain. In this way, from the physical to the senses, all functions can be promoted to a stage.

This trick will cause physical fatigue or muscle breakage for a long time, so it may become a double-edged sword. However, he had to make such a quick decision, otherwise he would not be able to win the sand dunes.

With the launch of martial arts, Clem felt something in his mind switch.

The violent and violent emotion in my heart came out as a roar.

Dune Lund seemed to think of something, and there was a look of consternation on his face. Perhaps what appeared at the same time as the consternation was fear. This is the emotion that a man who can compete with a steel-level adventurer faces someone who is not as good as himself.

Clem raised his sword to the upper section and chopped it down in one fell swoop-blocked. The ability to use a short sword with no added magic to block the magic long sword must be appreciated. But if you want to say, the light warrior Shaqironte, who can master the dodge, chooses to defend himself, and Clem's blow is also very exciting.

The attack did not end there. Clem immediately kicked his foot.

Do not hesitate to protect the sand dunes of the abdomen-the whole face is seriously distorted.

"Oh oh oh oh!"

His face was pale, his sweat was cold, his waist was backed away, and his feet staggered.

The thief behind Clem twitched.

Sandhill was kicked by his steel shoes. Although it seems to be fitted with a pad, you can feel the soft and twisted touch inside.

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