Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 248: Show up

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The last blow hit the head.

The blood spurted out, and the sand dune made a "boom" sound and fell to the ground.

Clem did not dare to carelessly, alert the surroundings. He paid special attention not to let the enemy go around to the thief behind him. After paying attention for a while, he finally dared to be sure. This should not be a phantom.

Great work. Even with two-on-one, this victory is still very important.

Clem's eyes turned to Brian. He thought he might be able to do some help-but the enthusiasm disappeared immediately.

There are too many levels.

First, the sound is different. Obviously it was the confrontation between the blade and the fist, but the sound of gold and iron symphony sounded all over the place. And there is no pause. The sharp conflict between the blade and the fist made one wonder if the two had gasped time.

Especially attracted his attention is Zhiluo.

Zhiluo's punch can dig the wall. With a smooth movement like digging soft clay, leaving marks on the wall.

"Hello... I heard that first-rate monks' fists can become as hard as iron, but that guy's fists are not only that. Mithril... no, isn't it as hard as mountain bronze?"

The thieves standing beside Clem also witnessed the same scene and muttered helplessly.

One minute offensive and defensive-after a fierce battle if Clem might have lost his life, both sides were unharmed. Zhengluo's face showed frank respect.

"Angraus... quite a bit. You may be the first man to resist my attack for so long."

Similarly, Bryan's face was also respectful.

"You too... in my life, this is the second time I have seen a martial art monk like you.

"Oh?" Zhiluo's face twisted with interest. "There are other monks who have the same strength as me. I heard it for the first time. Tell me the name of the man. Because when you are killed by me, I can't ask."

"That adult should come too..." Clem muttered like this, he was not sure if Ma Yuan would actually come to this place.

"Did you say that old man? Unfortunately, I sent four celebrities to welcome him. Unlike the sand dunes lying there, they are not as good as me, but they have quite a bit. As for the black hair Boy, don't dare to come at all hahahahaha."

"Really? I can imagine the appearance of the adult from the corner over there."

"That's terrible. Since that's the case, I'll show you a little bit of skill."

Hearing this, Clem was dumbfounded. After experiencing such a fierce offensive and defensive force, he still has the power to make him realize how difficult it is for Zhiluo to take it seriously. Brian looked surprised and surprised him.

Didn't both of them have real skills! This is the true highest level of humanity, and can compete with the steel level!

"Just do it. The two guys over there have already done it. I don't have to delay the time anymore. You lose to me here and end everything, Qiluo."

Brian put away his knife and slowly lowered his waist. I also saw this posture yesterday. It was a frame that knocked down the sand dune. Clem hadn't had time to think about whether Chen Luo would also be knocked down by a blow, and Chen Luo had already jumped back. He opened the distance with a light movement that exceeded human limits.

"Edsterlian can expand the sword enchantment. Although your type is different, it is also a sword enchantment. If you step in, you will be cut off with two cuts, right?" Yun Luo should not have seen Brian's original martial arts skills. , But still predict what kind of move this is, as a warrior feels really excellent. "However... I think you should only stand by and wait for the rabbit. You can't use it unless you pose."

Zhiluo made a positive punch. At first glance, this action was meaningless, but the iron fist generated a shock wave, shaking Brian's body.

"As long as I open the distance to attack you, you can win. Or do you have the means to cut the enemy at a distance?"

"No, no."

Brian answered honestly.

"If you want to fight like that, I will also lift this form."

Quietly and calmly—with an expression that can be said to be unsuitable for this man, as full of deep emotion as the lake, asked Brian:

"Brian Angelus. Is this your killer skill?"

"Exactly. My killer only once... was cracked from the front."

"It's not interesting. Has it been cracked once by someone. Then this will be your second time."

Zhiluo slowly pulled his fist behind him, setting the frame.

"I'm going to pierce you from the front. Crush your proud moves and win again. Win Brian Angelus first, and then one day let Geoff Storonov kneel at my feet . In this way, I am the strongest person in the kingdom."

"I am still holding the first step in my ambition to take the air at this stage. Qiluo, you really have nothing to do with eating."

"Only that mouth... No, you played so wonderfully, you can’t say that you only have one mouth. Having said that, I am still above you, you just ask Yin to understand this, although lamenting that you should not follow Uncle Zhiluo got it right. I'm going!"

Qi Luo's upper body was stabbed with tattoos of many beast images, and these tattoos began to glow faintly. As for Brian, he did not move. Although he just waited like a statue, Clem felt that the great power accumulated in his body was eager to try, eager for the moment he hit.

The tyrannical power and the power conflict with each other, and no one can obstruct the space.

Suddenly, a scrupulous voice came in.

"--Everyone is here."

Everyone turned their eyes to this uninvited guest as if they were electric. The same is true of Zhuo Luo and Brian, who even face a strong enemy who should not miss their eyes for a moment.

It was a handsome young man with dark hair, not equipped with chain mail or the like, but with a silver-white bone sword in one hand, the look on his face was like meeting a friend with ease.

"who are you?!"

"Master Ma Yuan!"

Two voices sounded simultaneously.

Zhiluo then froze: "Are you the one who fled?"

"Oh? Who said I ran away?" Ma Yuan Chunfeng looked at him gently, "It's just a matter of delaying time."

"Is Lord Sebass alright?" Clem was a little worried about Sebass who had just attracted their attention. "And there is Miss Qi Yalei here as a stand-in! It was made by Shaquironte using illusion. !You have to save her soon!"

"Oh, Sebass has solved all the people outside and went to find Qi Yalei."

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