Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 249: Absolute advantage

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"None, boring, and scared. The guys are not as good as me, but they are also the soldiers I have given to the six-armed name. How can they run here without any damage to them!"

"Whatever you think." Ma Yuan made a gesture of spreading her hands.

"I'll ask you again what happened to my men?!"

"It's dead." Ma Yuan's expression seemed to say that this was not something that made him fuss.

"No, impossible! How can I believe this!"

Zhiluo's roar made Ma Yuan smile. The un hostile smile makes people intuitively understand that what Ma Yuan said is true.

"Brian Angelus. I'll fight with you later. I want to let this little boy who knows nowhere, see the power of the six arms!"

"Oh well, since that's the case, I'll play with you for a while, and instant killing is too boring."

"Fart! Dare to talk nonsense to me, I want you to pay your life!"

Ma Yuan smiled slightly, and the smile made the man who pretended to be the strongest soldier unbearable.

Zhiluo's tattoos shimmered.

The head of the security department, the crown of six arms, "Ghost Fighting", is Luo.

Even the strong men such as Geoff Storonov or Brian Angelus will die instantly in empty combat, and men with weapons cannot predict the trend of victory or defeat.

Among the professions this man belongs to, there is a shaman tutor. This class has a special skill that allows the soul of an animal to be attached to itself, thereby exercising the animal's excellent physical fitness. Although it is used only a limited number of times a day, after use, human physical ability can reach the field of beasts.

Beasts with excellent physical fitness use human martial arts-it is not difficult to understand that there is nothing more terrible than this.

Zhiluo launched a special skill.

Before getting detailed information, he can only use his full strength to defeat Ma Yuan and fight with Brian Angelus in the future. He wants to let the audience around him see the overwhelming power as a threat and retreat for the time being.

He saw that this was the best way and began to prepare for the strongest moves.

Leopard on the foot, falcon on the back, rhinoceros on the arm, bison on the chest, lion on the head, all started. He felt explosive power overflowing from his body, as if the whole person was inflated, and even worried for a moment that he would explode like this.


He spit out the burning heat of his body from his mouth-step out.

The attack of the strongest fighter, Luo Luo. It was a punch from the front. Without any fake moves or tricks, it is just a pure punch. However, the power poured into the fist was beyond imagination. Not only the shaman mentor, but also special skills from a variety of monk professions, and then strengthened with a large number of magic props, the overwhelming speed and the destructive power of the fist.

Because the speed is too fast, even Zhiluo is difficult to control. It is precisely because this strike is stepping into the enemy’s arms from the front, specializing in full-strike assault, so it can barely become a move. Let the enemy see his strongest trick, and don't let Zhiluo hesitate. This trick is simple and invincible. He has absolute self-confidence, this is not a trick that can be cracked with small tricks.

Zhiluo produced a mood that left everything behind. His senses slowed down. With a feeling that he stretched back, he took one or two steps forward.


Someone called out.

That's too slow.

Zhiluo reached Ma Yuan in a blink of an eye, and his strength moved perfectly in the body. He had accumulated to the maximum, and he threw a powerful right punch.

Zhiluo smiled when he saw that Ma Yuan might be standing still because he was too fast. It seems to be saying: Go and regret that you should not be the enemy of the strongest six-armed soldier.


Fist hit Ma Yuan's unguarded abdomen. The punching method is perfect.

The explosive power is raging like a violent wind, and Ma Yuan's body is like a hollow puppet, flying far away in a strange light movement. The shell was dropped to the ground, but it was not enough to offset the power, and continued to roll violently on the floor.

He didn't move at all. Died on the spot.

No, this is a result of course. It is conceivable that all his internal organs were broken and turned into a messy liquid. Only the appearance is still humanoid.

This is Zhiluo's strongest move. Reflects the magic skills of one-hit kill.

-It should have been like this.

However, Ma Yuan didn't move at all.

Zhi Luo made his fist with all his strength, and he blocked it from the front with only his abdomen-only his own muscles.

No one can believe it. It can be said that this scene is no longer within the scope of common sense.

The physical difference between the two is clear at a glance. However, the result is just the opposite.

The most unbelievable of all the people present was of course Yunlu himself. My biggest blow. It's impossible for a creature to be hit by this attack if nothing happens. In fact, so far. Although he thought this way, the result is now in front of him.

"...What are you..."

Zhiluo whispered, Ma Yuan raised his mouth slightly.

Then, he gently extended his left hand and pushed Zhiluo to the ground with just one click.

"Get up," Ma Yuan said. "You are too weak to play too long."

"Well... How about we fight with you if you take out your weapon?" Ma Yuan crooked his head and seemed to be thinking about how it would be more beneficial to Zhengluo.

Zhiluo had a suffocated blood in his throat, neither swallowing nor vomiting.

"Well, it seems that you can't think about it anymore." Ma Yuan said, "Then I won't waste time, there is something to do."

Speaking without looking at Zheng Luo's reaction, he lifted the bone sword and spurted forward gently. Zhi Luo that had done countless strengthened armor and muscles, only heard a puff, blood spattered.

"Huh, it's dangerous. If the warning is late, I'm afraid I'm dead."

Absolutely deceptive! How can there be any warning!

The three people present—although they didn’t say it, they all screamed the same.

"You saved me, Clem."

"--What...ah, uh... yes."

Clem, who opened his mouth in an "ah" shape, accepted the gratitude of Ma Yuan in a jerky manner. He was too irritated because of his spirit, and he became ignorant of what to say.

"It seems that I am a little stronger than him."

Ma Yuan had a short distance between his two fingers. The distance between the fingers should refer to the gap between Ma Yuan and Zhen Luo, but naturally no one would agree.

Not a little bit.

Everyone present had the same ideas as before.

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