Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 256: Unexpected situation

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She originally thought that the body should be burned badly, but the demon fire seemed to burn out only the human soul, and neither body had any scars. Evel mourned and closed their eyes, placed their hands on their chests and shook hands, then took the rest shroud from the bag and wrapped Tiah first.

"this is?"

"This is a magic prop. Wrapping up the body can prevent undead and corruption, etc. It is also said to be helpful when using resurrection magic."

"It turned out to be the case." Ma Yuan said, seeing Evel's hard work to wrap up the huge body of Ge Ge Lang, so he gave a helping hand. He lifted Geelang easily with unreasonable arm strength.

Faced with the remains covered by two giant white cloths, Evel mourned a simple silent prayer. Even if Rajus will bring them back to life, the dead must still be respected.

"thank you for your help."

"No, please don't care. Let's talk about what happened just now, could you please tell me what happened here?"

Evil promised sadly and began to describe what happened here. Having said that, she only knew the purpose of coming here, and halfway through their battle with the Zerg maid, Yadabava came.

"Uh, it should be because you want to kill the Zerg maid, so Yadabawo will take it seriously."

What he meant was: You stabbed unnecessary beards.

As an adventurer, you should avoid unnecessary fighting. Especially those who are in the highest class, if they do not understand this point, it will hurt the name of the steel grade, and then hurt the reputation of Ma Yuan. He should have wanted to say this. However, thinking about Yver's position, it also felt difficult to agree.

"Yadabavuo said that it is necessary to let part of the king capital fall into the sea of ​​hell. The maid serving that kind of person cannot be a good thing. I believe my companions are right to stand up against her."

Only at this point could she not give in. That maid is stronger than Gegran or Tiah. Even so, the two still provoke war, and they must have their reasons. She believes that the reason for the companions to make such a choice must be to uphold some justice.

Ivel couldn't help but refute with his usual attitude, Ma Yuan was silent. One is across the mask and the other is across the full helmet. Neither side can see each other's eyes, but Evel is sure that the two are now conflicting with strong eyes.

The first concession is Ma Yuan.

"Um, ah--yeah. You are right. I'm sorry."

Then he bowed his head slightly and apologized. That attitude caused Evel to panic. Although she almost argued with Ma Yuan because she couldn't make concessions, she couldn't let the life-saving benefactor apologize to herself.

"Please, please raise your head! How can you make a charming man like you--! Hey!"

Ivel realized that he almost said something, and made a weird noise, embarrassed.

Ma Yuan is indeed a charming man, but considering the context, it should not be used at this time the word "charming".

Evel screamed in her heart.

what--! What can I do? Because he is so handsome! Even if I have been out of touch for hundreds of years and have a young girl's feelings, what will happen? Who called him so powerful-yes, stronger than me, and such a charming warrior!

Evil mourned the attitude of a young girl and glanced at Ma Yuan. If the other party seems a little bit ashamed, there may be a silver lining; if it is other reactions, it can't be expected.

Evel's body stopped growing around twelve. Therefore, she hardly has anything men want, it is difficult to ignite men's desires, nor can they let men vent their desires. Of course, in the eyes of some extremely exceptional men, she may seem unstoppable, but that is the exception.

Yver sadly plucked up his courage and glanced at Ma Yuan. Before her, Ma Yuan and Andre looked up at the night sky together.

At first she couldn't figure out what the three people were doing, but she remembered the strange call she had just made, so she understood what the three people were doing.

The two mistakenly called Evel's cry for warning.


It was so sad that she wanted to cry.

"Should you be wrong? I didn't see anything anywhere."

Ma Yuan saw the whole night sky, and said so to her.

"Okay, it seems that I'm more concerned. I'm sorry."

"Oh, please don't care. Rather than being attacked by the enemy first, it's better to just work harder."

Ma Yuan kept the alert with a sword in one hand and answered easily.

His tenderness made Evel sad and speechless. At this time, the corner of the field of vision became brighter. The color of the light was not a white glow created by magic or other methods, but a vermilion red from the fire.

"Mr. Ma Yuan-please look over there."

Yver mourned what the light came from, and the two eyes under the mask stared at the boss.

"what is that?"

The crimson flame rushed into the sky as if to burn the sky. The flame height is less than 30 meters. The length is beyond imagination. I'm afraid not less than hundreds of meters.

The wall of fire rises like a swaying tulle and extends like a ribbon, it seems to completely surround one aspect of the king capital.

The first witness to the phenomenon shocked Yver. Her ear heard the man whisper:

"The Fire of Rocky Han?"

She turned her head to look at Ma Yuan as if she was electrocuted.

"You, the one you are talking about, what exactly do you mean? Does Ma Yuan know that huge fire wall?"

Ma Yuan's shoulder shook, and he answered with a weak attitude that was completely different from today:

"Huh? Ah... uh, no, I'm not too confident, so can I wait until I'm sure before answering?"

"When, of course..."

"Well, we have something to talk about. Could you please trouble us?"

"Huh? Can't you let me follow suit?"

"Ah, no, this is a small problem between our companions, so if you can, I hope you can avoid it..."

This is of course. Evela felt a little ashamed that he had asked such a natural question.

Human women are easily attracted by the strong. Since humans are constantly exposed to the threat of powerful foreign enemies, the conservation instinct of the species is stimulated, and it is hoped that they can combine with tough men to give birth to children and enter the refuge of men for protection. Of course, not all women use this to select men. Various factors such as personality and appearance can also cultivate love. Even so, the tendency to pursue the strong is still very obvious. ,, ..

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