Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 257: Unexpected discussion

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Evel has always looked down on that kind of woman.

It’s foolish to want others to protect themselves because they are weak. As long as it becomes so strong that no one needs to be protected-I used to think so.

If you let go of this man, would you never be satisfied with a man in your life?

Because Evel is able to live forever, Ma Yuan will surely age faster and die earlier than himself. No matter how hard he tried, Evelée couldn't help Ma's children. Decades later, I inevitably have to be alone again. Even so, in my life, it should be good to be able to live once in a woman's way.

If you want a child, you can let him have another woman. As long as he loves me the most, I won't be nagging if I accept one or two concubines.

"Then please wait a moment. Sorry... Miss Eveluere?"

"Huh? Oh, sorry. I seem to be in deep thought. Some things can only be decided by the team. I'm waiting for you here."

Seriously, she didn't want to leave Ma Yuan's side for a second. She didn't want Ma Yuan to stay with her beauty who sighed at her. But she couldn't say that.

Annoying women will be hated. The more bound the man is, the more the man wants to escape.

She remembered what she had heard in the tavern. At that time she still had nothing to do with herself, she was just bored and left the room with a smile.

Why is it happening like that. In other words, is there no knowledge under the world that is useless? It would be nice if I listened carefully at that time... Is it too late to learn now? Do I still have time to learn about women?

Eyes chasing the two who walked away together, Evel thought deeply. She knew that it was not the time to think about this kind of thing, but even thinking about that fire wall would still turn around in the same place because of insufficient information. It's just that no matter what, after a few hours, they will join the battle where even Evil may die. It shouldn't be too much to relax a bit and consider boring things seriously.

Fait accompli?

Although I don't know how effective this body of a child can't be, it is worth considering.

"Alas. Win Yadabawo.....and start the future."

Yver mourned Yadabavo, who was probably behind the hot wall of fire, and declared war in his heart.

I am afraid that only Ma Yuan can win you. In this case, I will deal with the enemies around me. As long as the maid appears again, I will definitely solve her life. Anyway, I am also a cursed body known as a nation-extinction! Don't look down upon me, Yadababo!

"You shouldn't hear it here?"

"That being said, it's better to be careful."

Ma Yuan said that she cast shielded magic.

"What was that Yadabavo just now, and if you read it right, it was Dimiuguos?" Ankar asked.

"I didn't respond for a while. I have to ask Anz what's going on."

Ma Yuan got in touch with Andz.

After listening to what happened just now, Anz was also surprised: "Dim Ugos is not fighting with eight fingers? How can he get involved in the steel-level adventure team?"

"Don't worry about this now, I'm just worried if this will break your plan?"

Anz pondered for a while: "You act at the opportunity, I will go and ask Dimiuguos, if the plan is broken, it can be remedied as soon as possible."

"Oh, I see."

Fire month [September] 5th 00:47

In the corner of the Wangcheng, although it was lit at night, the room was not too spacious, and there were many men and women in the room. Everyone is wearing different arms.

They are all adventurers in the capital, and they are summoned by hundreds of thousands of people in a hurry. There are high-level adventurers such as mountain bronze or mythril, as well as the lowest-level adventurers such as iron or copper, which can be said to be mobilization.

High-level adventurers, since they were called into the inner city of Wangcheng where unknown persons could not step in, they knew that they were recruited in order to solve the problems that are currently happening in Wangdu.

And these adventurers, seeing the corners of the room maintaining a motionless posture, dressed in white-covered teenagers, guess who the client is. One of the few adventurers even vaguely felt that he was standing beside the teenager absently, exuding an atmosphere similar to himself, and who was the man holding the knife in his hand.

The door opened, and a group of women-none of them-appeared in front of the crowd, causing a burst of noise.

No one in the kingdom’s adventurers didn’t know them, they were all famous big names.

Standing at the forefront is the leader of the stainless steel adventurer squad "Cang Rose", La José Albein Thier Einjo. Then came Lana, known as the Golden Princess. Then there is the union chief of the Wangdu Adventurer Union. Evil mourning of the green rose and one of the twins. At the end is the strongest warrior in the kingdom, Geoff Storonov.

A group of people stood in front of everyone. The teenager in white armor spread out a large sheet of paper in his hand and posted it on the wall behind a pedestrian. A detailed map of Wangdu is drawn on it.

Although the first woman to speak out was a woman in her forties, but she had once worked as a Mithril adventurer, her eyes filled with energy.

"First of all, thank you all for joining us in an emergency."

After looking around the silent and serious-looking adventurers, she spoke again:

"The Adventurer's Union was not allowed to intervene in national issues." Her eyes moved to members of Cang Qiang for a moment, but she said nothing. Because a look is worth a thousand words. "However, this time is an exception. The Adventurer's Union believes that the kingdom should be fully supported and the problem resolved as soon as possible. The princess has something to tell you about the detailed combat content. Please listen quietly."

The princess slowly came forward, following the members of the green rose and the warrior of the kingdom Ge Gefu Storonov left and right.

"I'm Lana Tier, Sherton Ryle Van Seef. Thank you for gathering for this emergency."

She bowed. Seeing her so delicate appearance, several adventurers sighed in exasperation.

"I was supposed to say a few more words of thanks, but the time was very limited, and I immediately started to explain. In the early morning, part of the kingdom--" The princess pointed to a corner of the map of Wangdu Nei behind her back and used her finger in the northeast Draw a circle. "The flame barrier has been opened in this area. The height is more than thirty meters, like the flame of the wall, I think everyone here should also see it."

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