Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 258: Nora's strategy

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Most adventurers nodded, and a few looked out of the window of the king city. The king city surrounded by the city wall cannot directly see the fire wall, but from here, the reflected light of the fire wall can also be seen, illuminating part of the sky red.

"This kind of flame is a bit of an illusion. It doesn't seem to be harmful even if it is touched. According to people who actually touched it, it is not hot to the touch, nor does it hinder the invasion of outsiders like a barrier. And it can also be inside the fire wall. As usual."

Hearing these words, some people, mainly low-level adventurers, made a reassuring voice.

"The mastermind who triggered the incident was Yadabavo. According to the information obtained, he is a very fierce and powerful demon. In fact, the Miss Cang Qiang has confirmed that there is a low-level demon in the fire wall, and Feel the law of following the actions of superiors from them."

Rajus nodded to show that Lana's words were true.

"Capturing the thief to capture the king first is a basic tactic, so is it enough to defeat Yadababo?"

Hearing the adventurer wearing a Mithril medal around his neck, Lana nodded.

"Extremely speaking, I hope that such an incident can be resolved. However, I have more important things to ask you, that is to prevent the enemy's devil's attempt. According to the information we have obtained, the other party's purpose is to **** and be brought into the king capital. Some special props."

The adventurers clamored. Because these people who take the capital as the center of the adventure, notice that there are facilities such as warehouses and chambers of commerce in the area surrounded by the fire wall, which can be called the economic heart of the capital.

"How was this information obtained?"

"It is said that Yadabavo said so."

"Isn't the authenticity of this information quite reasonable?"

"It can't be said that it is 100% reliable. This incident may also be a large-scale blitz in order to draw our attention. However, I think the credibility is quite high. Because after the enemy has created the wall of fire, there is no movement. . Furthermore, if what Yadabavo said is true, if we stand by and watch, we cannot guarantee that it will not cause the worst situation. Therefore, we must take a step."

"How strong is the demon Yadabavo that you have mentioned just now? I have never read the demon with this name in the books. If you know the estimated difficulty and the like, just give a rough idea. , Hope to tell us."

Rajuth stepped forward with a frown on his face.

"The strength of Yadabavo, my companion Evelia had seen it with his own eyes, but at present he can't decide the difficulty, and I will report to you later."

The so-called difficulty is the strong enemy degree of monsters encountered by adventurers. The higher the value, the stronger the monster, but the adventurers will believe that the difficulty will taste bitter. There is such a conclusion because each individual's strength gap is very large, at most can only be used as a reference.

Therefore, this value is rarely used, but on this occasion, the adventurer just thought that this value is the most suitable for letting everyone know the strength of the opponent, so I would ask that.

"Relatively, let me explain what happened. My companion knocked down the Zerg maid--probably the follower of Yadabawo, when Yadabawo appeared and was fighting him... .. my two companions, the warrior Geelang and the thief Tia, are not here. I think you should have guessed..." Rajus looked around the faces of the adventurers gathered in the room. "Slain by Yadababo."

"And it was just a blow."

Hearing Evela then said that there was a commotion in the scene.

Stainless steel adventurer. That is the highest class of adventurers, a living legend. It's unbelievable that such a strong man was actually killed by a blow.


"Don't panic!"

Yver screamed loudly with the momentum to disperse the heavy air.

"Yeah, Yadababo is very strong. I can stand up to him and defeated him. I can guarantee it. That is a monster that humans can't win. Even if everyone here challenges together, it will be killed. There is no one left. But! However, we have not really lost! I survived the confrontation with Yadabavo, is the best evidence. Don’t worry, we have evenly matched Yadabavo, even in it The characters on!"

The crowd was noisy, and part of the savvy adventurers looked at a certain position-to the adventurer there.

"Some of you should have heard of it. The third steel-level adventurer of the kingdom was born in Ye Lantier. That's right, it's him--" Yver mourned his hands to the two adventurers, letting everyone 'S eyes are almost in the same position. "The member of "Black Dragon", His Excellency Ma Yuan!"’

The dark-haired youth in black armor has long attracted the attention of many people. When everyone knew that he was in a position where he would be blamed even if he behaved rudely, the room was filled with groans.

"Come on, Your Excellency Ma Yuan. Come ahead!"

Ma Yiyuan waved his hands around in response to Yi Weier's rejoicing speech. Then he whispered something to Andrea who was standing beside him.

"Mr. Ma Yuan said that he did not need to spend more time for him. He thought that he should start to explain the plan to stop Yadababo.

"That's really regrettable. But, Ma Mayuan is right. So Miss Evel, I can continue to explain it?"

"Uh, uh sorry, Princess Lana, you go on."

Even though he was wearing a mask and could not see his expression, the depressed voice clearly explained Evel's sad state of mind.

"As Miss Evelia just said, we also have a strong man who can compete with the enemy’s leader, Yadabavo. I hope you all know that we are not going to join the deadly battle with no chance. Then let’s explain the details of the battle. "

Lana draws a line on the map like an outline.

"First of all, what I want everyone to do is become a bow."

"Bow?" Someone made a surprised voice. "Isn't it a shield?"

"You can't win with a shield. First, I want to invite adventurers to form a front. The back is the front of the guards. The last is the front of the support forces such as the temple and the magician union. First, everyone attacks and invades the enemy's position. This If the enemy doesn’t come out to meet, the frontline of the enemy’s headquarters will advance towards the center of the fire wall. If you encounter an attack, please confirm whether you can break through. If you can, move forward. If you can’t, please take the adventurers with you The enemy retreats. At the same time, the guards who are backing up are asked to move forward as much as possible, and then build a barrier. When adventurers retreat, please come to this line."

She refers to the support team formed by the Wizards’ Union and others.

"Please treat your wounds here, you may have to attack again depending on the situation."

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