Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 259: Arrow

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"Wait a minute! In this way... Are the guards fighting for us?"

The guard's combat ability is equal to zero. It should not be possible to replace the adventurers.

While Lana was about to answer questions, other adventurers spoke:

"This combat method has a fatal flaw. The front will stretch when you retreat, and the defense will become weak. Will it cause demons to flow into the king capital from the cracks of the front? Even low-level demons are stronger than ordinary people. Many people have sacrificed. Instead of this, it is safer to use "fly" to try to break through the enemy line in one breath."

"I also thought of many ways. But I heard that many monsters belonging to the demon race will fly, right?"

Many adventurers remembered the demons they had dealt with and nodded in agreement with Lana. Even low-level demons have many wings and can fly.

"The general use of "flying" will attract the attention of the enemy. So I thought that I can land an assault from a high altitude, or use a house to cover the enemy's field of vision to carry out a low-altitude assault... but there is a piece before that Things need to be done first. Some people say that stretching the front line means that the defense is thinner, but I think the same is true for the other side. So this time the battle was not a shield, but a bow."

Voices expressing a sudden realization come and go.

"Everybody is a bow, pulling the string backwards, shooting arrows that penetrate the enemy's position."

Just like the adventurers spread out, so do the enemies. This means that the enemy's defensive formation will also become thinner. Columns and columns. In head-on conflicts, it is easier for horizontal teams to be breached.

The frontline formation of the adventurers, in a nutshell, is to weaken the enemy's position and strike the West.

"And it was Lord Ma Yuan who served as the arrowhead. As long as the enemy's position became weaker, Lord Ma Yuan was asked to attack at low altitude immediately."

"What's wrong with Vermilion Ludi? Even a steel-level adventurer, I think it's impossible to break through two people. For security reasons, should we organize a security force so that they can definitely fight Yadababo?"

After listening to an adventurer's question, the people standing in front of him looked at each other, and finally the union head answered on behalf of everyone.

"They are now heading to the national border of the reviewing country to carry out official duties. We have used the "message" to convey the status to them, but it will take a long time for them to return. We think it is too dangerous to wait for them to come back, so this time we will not consider borrowing them. the power of."

"What about the members of Cang Qianwei? Will they walk with Mr. Ma Yuan?"

"We lost two of them, and our combat power has dropped significantly. Tina and I will participate in the battle that forms the front. Evelia's duties are different--"

"--I'm going to walk with Your Excellency Ma Yuan, so now I'm going to restore my magic.

"Then another question. I want to ask the warrior standing there, what happened to the private soldiers and warriors of the nobles? The members of Cang Qiang lost Ms. Geglan. As long as you walked with them as warriors on their behalf, Cang Qiang’s Can everyone open the way for Mr. Ma Yuan?"

"Let me answer."

Ge Jeff took a step forward.

"The noble's private soldiers want to protect the master's house, and the soldiers start to protect the royal city. The soldiers under my direct responsibility are to protect the royal family."

There was a lot of noise at the scene, and the same adventurer asked further: "Isn't Lord Storonov going to the front line?"

"Yes. I must stay in the royal city to protect the royal family."

The atmosphere changed. It was annoying. They understood rationally that what Ge Gefu said was helpless, but could not understand emotionally. The adventurer’s job is to bleed at the expense of money, and they have already realized that they can be killed on the battlefield. But when it comes to selling money, the nobles and royals should be the same. Since they want the people to pay taxes, they should not hide in the safe royal city, they should take the lead to save the people.

In particular, what does it mean to use the strongest power of the kingdom to protect yourself?

When the scene's dissatisfaction with the nobility, especially the royal family, gradually increased, Ge Jeff took a step back. Whatever he said now, it sounded like an excuse in the ears of adventurers. Because of this, another woman spoke for him. That man is La Qiusi.

"I understand everyone's dissatisfaction. But before that, I hope everyone just remembers this. The cost of convening everyone this time is not paid by the royal family, but the personal assets of Lana. And it is also thanks to the ability to bring His Mahara With the dedication of the nobleman Lei Wenhou, he did not send his own soldiers, just to prepare for the situation when the demon was scattered in the king capital. Yes, I think the nobles and the royal family are the same as everyone. But I also hope Everyone knows that not all nobles or royals abandon the people and ignore them."

La Qiusi's speech made the atmosphere a little calmer. Because every adventurer thinks, at least not to be uneasy in front of Lana.

"Speaking of which, I think of it. While shooting arrows, I still have a job to ask someone to handle. Clem!"


A powerful response came. The gaze focused on the teenager wearing a white body armor.

"I know this matter is dangerous, but I still have to ask you. Please enter the enemy's sphere of influence. If you find the survivors, take them out."

Among the gathered adventurers, voices such as "nonsense" and "chaos" came out. Entering the enemy's sphere of influence to save people is no longer called danger, but almost equal to ordering him to die. It is simply impossible to **** the weak citizens in enemy positions.

However, Clem immediately answered:

"Subordinates obey the orders! Even if this life is to be given, I will definitely complete the task!"

No wonder everyone is going to look at Clem with a lunatic eye.

"Miss Princess. It's too dangerous to let Brother Clem go alone. May I follow you too?"

"Okay, Master Brian Angelus?"

The name shakes the adventurers for a while. As long as it is a person who values ​​great strength, the name Brian Angelus must not be forgotten.

"Well, I don't care."

"You bothered to work. So can you ask the teams to send only the leader to the front?"

Looking at the adventurers who gathered in front, Ma Yuan was busy doing another job.

That is the greetings.

Many people who looked like deputy leaders greeted Ma Yuan one after another. They reported the name of the team, first praised two weapons and armor, and then said they hope to meet again next time, want to hear their adventure stories and so on. ,, ..

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