Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 260: See you again

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The significance of these actions is equivalent to exchange business cards. There is only one difference. That is to say that exchanging business cards will leave evidence of meeting you, while verbal greetings will only leave memories.

What matters is the name of the squad and the class of adventurers. Of course, memory and concentration can only be distributed to high-end people. Iron or bronze adventurers will also pay tribute, but because the world of life is different, he thinks it’s okay to forget. Just like the boss of a large company receives a business card from a small and medium business specialist, it is impossible to keep it carefully.

Even so, he didn't want people to think that Ma Yuan would look at the object and change his attitude, so he carefully paid attention to talking to everyone. He shook hands with the people who greeted him, patting his shoulders as if they were familiar, and also gave a cheerful laugh to the boring flattery, complimenting each other.

I have been wearing metal gloves, but the other party took off his handguards and other equipment to shake hands with him, probably because of the status order. Except for this, the positions are the same when paying tribute.

Ma Yuan's eyes followed the back of the person who had just talked about it.

What an exaggerated color...

The man's hair is pink.

Ma Yuan knew that adventurers would dye their equipment in eye-catching colors. But for the first time, he saw someone even dye his hair in that eye-catching color. Probably yeah, there is a difference in the number of adventurers between Lantier and King Capital.

Because Wang has more adventurers, in order to attract attention, he must be dressed up a little more eye-catching.

Everyone seems to have no sense of rejection or bad evaluation of hair dyeing...

After all, it is the social structure established by the crowd, probably some similarities.

Shaking hands shook until the hands hurt if it was a human. When the adventurer in front of Ma Yuan gradually decreased, Evel mourned to come and talk to him.

Even if some people line up and wait in line with Ma Yuan, these people have no complaints. At first glance, the lowest-level adventurers stood there. The highest order, high order, middle order, and low order have all greeted in order. Then there is only the rookie who is waiting to have the opportunity to pay tribute to the unattainable and when he was an adventurer.

In this way, they can't make any complaints against the highest-level adventurers of stainless steel.

"I think almost everything has been discussed. Can you please come here?"

Ma Yuan slightly moved his eyes and looked at Ge Jeff.

"Okay." He smiled and pushed Andre forward.

To be honest, the leader of the Black Dragon is clearly Andre, but he is as if he is also the leader. It is rare for Andre to complain at all, but he still has to be considerate of others.

As for Ge Gefu, it should just be...want to renew with him?

"Your Ma Mayuan, I haven't seen you for a long time." Ge Jiefu gave a big gift to Ma Yuan as soon as he met, but it surprised everyone.

"Your Ma Yuan and I have a life-saving grace." Ge Jeff just explained that those eyes suddenly brought more admiration.

"It's just luck." Ma Yuan waved his hand. He was still not used to too many eyes gathered on his body. "Do you have anything to tell me?"

"Ah, I just want to say hello to you. I will ask you more for this incident."

"I will do my best." Ma Yuan nodded.

"Then Ivel mourns. Let's go over there."


She answered very cheerfully. Although I don't know what touched her heartstrings, in short, the horse let Evel be pulled to the princess and others.

Watching a group of people—Lana and her subordinates, as well as two teams of steel-level adventurers, etc.—leave to other rooms, and the adventurers can't wait to start talking. Of course, Ma Yuan is the highest-ranking adventurer.

"I've only heard of the news from Ye Lantier before. I didn't expect that person to be so polite and can't imagine it being a steel grade."

"It's not just him. I also know the members of Zhu Hongludi, and treat people like him. It feels very noble and makes me realize that the steel grade is not just martial arts."

While two adventurers wearing Mithril medals were talking, a platinum adventurer interjected.

Like this mission, when the teams need mutual help, they should of course say hello first, and they can easily get support once they encounter an emergency. Because compared to strangers, anyone would want to help someone who has had a relationship. This is human nature. But the object that the steel-level adventurer will ask for help is at least the Mithril. It is safe to say that he does not need to communicate with newcomers and adventurers at all.

However, Ma Yuan did so. In other words, he did not want to seek support or other intentions, but really wanted to be a friend with everyone.

As if waiting for the other person to ask him, the man started talking about twice as fast as before:

"There is no better man than him. Standing in the highest class of stainless steel, he still respects other adventurers, even newcomers, as companions. Look at the expressions on those newcomers' faces."

"Ah-completely fascinated."

On the faces of the new people, the expression of young baseball fans shook hands with the top players of major leagues overseas.

"If I were to be amazed by him too. It would be fine if I were to hand over my ass."

"It is best. It means how could he be interested in your dirty ass."

At this time, the remaining leader of the Adventurer Union clapped his hands to make everyone pay attention to himself.

"Then we start moving next. The meeting time is one hour after walking out of the Wangcheng. Because of the tight time, please quickly pass on your companions who are not present. In short, please follow me outside the Wangcheng."

Fire month [September] 5th 01:12

The reason for gathering in another room is to make a final confirmation of the duties of "Arrow". Everyone mentioned how to deal with enemy positions if they were indestructible, and proposed possible dangers and countermeasures to discuss. As a result, due to lack of information, they still have to respond to changes.

"Right, can't you use the dark energy to deal with the enemy demons?"

"Dark energy?"

Looking at Rajuz with a puzzled look, Evel asked in distress:

"Yeah, I heard from Gegrand that if you liberate all the power of your magic sword Zilinilam, wouldn't it radiate the power that can swallow a kingdom?"

Rajuz opened his eyes wide.

"Then, let's talk about it next time! There are more important things to talk about now."

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